
News Use Across Social Media Platforms 2016 [REPORT]

About 6-in-10 Americans get news from social media A majority of U.S. adults – 62% – get news on social media, and 18% do so often, according to a new survey by Pew Research Center, conducted in association with the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.

Why Marketers Need To Adopt A Programmatic Marketing, Vs. Programmatic Advertising, Mindset [REPORT]

A new white paper from The CMO Club in partnership with MediaMath makes the point that CMOs are increasingly adopting a programmatic marketing mindset vs. a programmatic advertising one.  What does that mean?

Cuba Opens to Outsiders, and Consumer Goods Companies Recognize an Opportunity

The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) analyzed the country’s market for consumer goods and found that it will present a growing opportunity over the next five to ten years.

No Fading Here

MediaPost recently published an article entitled, “Why Hispanic Agencies Are Fading,” talking about underpaid specialized talent, smaller budgets with big-impact expectations, and incorrect Total Market implementation as contributing factors. As the national trade organization for Hispanic marketers, AHAA: The Voice of Hispanic Marketing, we agree with many of the assessments but not the conclusion.  By Linda Lane Gonzalez, president of AHAA: The Voice of Hispanic Market

What Concerns Advertisers About Digital Media Buying?

Both brand marketers and media agencies have concerns when it comes to their digital media buying and planning. According to April 2016 research, click fraud and viewability are a significant worry for both.

Connecting Tactics and Metrics along the Customer Journey [REPORT]

Carusele announced the release of a new whitepaper entitled, “5 Ways to Effectively Measure Your Influencer Marketing Campaign.”  The white paper explains a unique customer journey attribution reporting method custom built for the industry.

CPG Advertisers to Spend Nearly $6 Billion on Digital Advertising This Year

US consumer packaged goods (CPG) and consumer products advertisers will spend $5.97 billion on digital advertising in 2016, an 18.2% gain from 2015 that will see this sector account for 8.7% of total US digital ad spending for the year, as explored in a new eMarketer report, “The US CPG and Consumer Products Industry 2016: Digital Ad Spending Forecast and Trends.”

Interactive Content Commands Content Marketing, Paid Social Channels

More than two-fifths of media and audiovisual executives in the US are creating interactive media content for content marketing, according to March 2016 polling. Nearly the same number are working on interactive content for paid social media campaigns.

Why Hispanic Agencies Are Fading [INSIGHT]

Hispanics represent the fastest growing population segment in the country, a huge and growing buying power, with an undeniable over-indexing of numbers in multiple categories. The power and magnitude of this group makes success in any field requiring consumer support virtually impossible if not engaged appropriately. Yet, while the need to market to Hispanics increases the appeal for Hispanic marketing agencies is declining.  By Luciana Gomez

Latina vs. Gringa – A Deeper Look At How She Thinks, Googles,Worries And Plans [REPORT]

The report takes a deeper look into the world of Moms. A different approach here. We looked through the lens of Latina women compared to the world of Gringas in the USA.

The End Of Millennials

TBQH, not a day goes by that the subject of Millennials and who they are and what they want and why the olds should give a hoot about them doesn’t come up during multiple conversations. Whether it’s idle (and not-so-idle) chit-chat with co-workers in the office or random conversations with friends and strangers, it seems the entire world is positively obsessed with Millennials.

Uncommon Sense: A Roadmap for Growing Established Brands

Unlike new products, which have a relatively predictable path to growth, established products have a wide array of development paths to choose among. Mature brands will find themselves in a broader range of situations than new ones. When it becomes clear that your established brand needs investment to grow your circle of buyers, how do you know which path will work best for you?

A thoughtful look at marketing to Millennials [REPORT]

Regular readers of this blog will know that I question the hype surrounding marketing to Millennials. Are they really snake people or not? Given my skepticism it was refreshing to read Ola Mobolade’s Warc Best Practice paper on how to market effectively to Millennials.  by Nigel Hollis

Cross Screen, Forked Tongue [INSIGHT]

The notion of cross-screen media is well-heeled by now. There are different names for it. “People-based” is good, since that would make it “consumer-centric.”  A “single view of the consumer” works, too. 

Why Entertainment Marketers Have An Advantage With Experience Marketing

Why? As Creative Guerrilla Marketing says, “In the end, the goal of experiential marketing is to form a memorable and emotional connection between the consumer and the brand so that it may generate customer loyalty and influence purchase decision.”

Podcasting? Why Now?

Remember what you thought of podcasting when it first launched on iTunes? Have you considered it as a medium for either extending your content or aligning your brand?

Understanding the Impact of Category Shopping Fundamentals

With convenience and preference driving behaviors and the paths consumers take to the register—whether virtual or traditional—it’s vital for brands and retailers to understand what’s actually influencing their choices.

When In Rome: Listen To Marketers, Explore Tech, Experiment [INSIGHT]

So what did we hear? Well, everything that you would think is on marketers’ minds. There are massive trust and transparency issues, there are questions about how to allocate budgets to “everything” when your budget can not possibly cover “everything,” there are concerns about measurement and challenges with agency ecosystems, and many more.

Millennial Men Don’t Subscribe to a Traditional Male Identity

Millennial men tend to be far removed from the traditional gender roles that males in previous generations took on. eMarketer’s Alison McCarthy spoke with Romy Nehme, vice president of insights and strategy at VaynerMedia, about what makes this generation of men unique, how they use digital and how brands can effectively engage with them.

Spanglish ? [Video]

The Real Academia Española launches a campaign against “Spanglish”.

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