
Future Sounds: Music’s Evolving Role In Advertising

Of all the art forms, few have the power to stir strong emotions as music. And few have had such an easy and fruitful relationship with advertising.

Why Don’t Most Large Advertisers Treat Marketing As A Core Competency? [INSIGHT]

As Peter Drucker taught us, marketing is the distinguishing, unique function of a business. But how come so many advertisers don’t seem to make marketing a core competency?

100 years in the making, Copa America will touch U.S. Hispanic’s most valuable passion point: Soccer [INSIGHT & INFOGRAPHIC]

Way before the first World Cup in 1930 & UEFA Cup in 1960, there was the Copa America – the oldest international soccer tournament in the world, played for the first time in 1916. Now in 2016, the U.S. will host the first ever Copa America outside of Latin America’s borders.  The countdown is on for the U.S. to take center stage for the biggest soccer event of the century: Copa America Centenario. An unparalleled best-in-class event, after 1994 FIFA World Cup, the Copa America Centenario will become a milestone in America’s history for embracing diversity, sports and tradition.  By Vicente Navarro, VP of Business Development at AC&M Group

Top 10 Latino Creative Devices [INSIGHT]

As we were presenting work to a client a question came up: “Where is the Latino relevance in the execution?” Frequently, when presenting creative work for the Hispanic market, there is tension in trying to show something that is unique to Latinos in the work, and the question of whether or not you really need it.

Sourced traffic can spark Big Trouble for Marketers

Sourced traffic in the digital media ecosystem poses serious problems for advertisers, especially in the areas of transparency and ad fraud, according to a new study by the ANA (Association of National Advertisers).

Should CEOs Be Creative Directors?

Few people would answer “yes” to this question—yet that’s the current state of package design at many consumer products companies.

How Are Brands Meeting, and Exceeding, Customer Expectations?

The increasingly connected world we live in continues to drastically alter the relationship between brands and their customers. Arguably this change is most obvious in the growing expectation for always-on, real-time interactions across any device. More often, newer, disruptive entrants—not incumbent brands—are setting these new standards for customer expectations.

CMO One-to-One: Ensuring Brands’ Video Ads Are Seen Across Screens as TV, Digital Converge

Extreme Reach is an enterprise software company that helps clients leverage video assets across linear TV and digital video. eMarketer’s Patricia Orsini spoke with Melinda McLaughlin, CMO of Extreme Reach, about how the company helps clients make sense of and use technology to ensure their ads reach consumers in the most targeted and efficient way.

Millennials Will ‘Never Watch’ TV, So What Device Will They Watch While Multitasking?

What if I told you younger TV viewers would “never watch television” or “never going to get cable boxes”? You might ask: OK, what devices then– and how many?

4 Keys to Success in Translating Marketing Visions Into More Engaged Customers [REPORT]

Many executives have come to feel that rapidly evolving brand and agency roles and responsibilities are having a negative impact on business results, creating a series of challenges.

America’s Shrinking Middle Class: A Close Look at Changes Within Metropolitan Areas [REPORT]

The American middle class is losing ground in metropolitan areas across the country, affecting communities from Boston to Seattle and from Dallas to Milwaukee. From 2000 to 2014 the share of adults living in middle-income households fell in 203 of the 229 U.S. metropolitan areas examined in a new Pew Research Center analysis of government data.

Packaging Sells: Innovation Best Practices [Report]

Packaging remains one of the most underleveraged marketing tools—despite the fact that, when done right, it can generate a significant lift in forecasted sales revenue.

What Types of Marketing Messages Do Women Prefer?

Nearly three-quarters (73%) of US female internet users say they at least sometimes receive marketing messages directed specifically to women. But 74% of respondents said they prefer messages that are gender neutral.

3 Things Healthcare Marketers Can Learn From Retail Marketers [INSIGHT]

We’re in a new era of health consumerism. Patients are making informed decisions about their own health and demanding better access and communication from healthcare providers.

#TotalMarketTalk – Ana Flores & Roxanna Sarmiento, Latina Bloggers Connect

Welcome to the 8th episode of #TotalMarketTalk, a Digital series created by NGL Media and NGLC exclusively for HispanicAd.  In this installment, David Chitel, CEO of NGL Media and Founder of NGLC, speaks with Ana Flores, CEO & Founder and Roxanna Sarmiento, COO & VP Client Services of Latina Bloggers Connect.

One Part TV, One Part Digital: How Nielsen Jiggers Total Audience [INSIGHT]

As Nielsen pushes its “total audience” measurement system as the new currency for a hybrid TV and video advertising marketplace, some fundamental issues remain — especially the fact that Nielsen will effectively be adding many more sources of video viewing to the measured universe, and consequently, will fragment the TV/video advertising marketplace beyond anything Madison Avenue has experienced to date.

Why does efficiency win over marketing effectiveness? [INSIGHT]

Chapter 10 of my first book, The Global Brand, is titled ‘Balancing brand strength and business efficiency’ and explores the inherent tension between the two qualities. My proposition was that adopting a global, one-size-fits-all approach can undermine local effectiveness in favor of efficiency.  by Nigel Hollis

Internet of Things Has Potential to Transform the Consumer Products Industry

The internet of things (IoT) is already beginning to change how consumers shop and how consumer and packaged goods (CPG) companies do business.

Agile Innovation [REPORT]

Several path-breaking thinkers have come up with better ways to design new products. The problem is that anywhere from 70% to 90%1 of those new products continue to fail.   By Darrell K. Rigby, Steve Berez, Greg Caimi and Andrew Noble

Why is the teen birth rate falling?

The teen birth rate in the U.S. is at a record low, dropping below 25 births per 1,000 teen females for the first time since the government began collecting consistent data on births to teens ages 15-19, according to a new report from the National Center for Health Statistics.  By Eileen Patten and Gretchen Livingston

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