
Marketers Will Seize the Customer Experience by 2020

A study of nearly 500 chief marketing officers (CMOs) and senior marketing executives from around the world conducted by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) on behalf of Marketo, Inc., reveals that 86 percent of marketers say they will own the end-to-end customer experience by 2020.

Is Your Funny Ad Worth the Risk?

Humor is one of the riskiest bets in advertising.

More Than Two-Thirds of US Digital Display Ad Spending Is Bought Programmatically

Programmatic advertising continues to become more sophisticated, and spending via the media buying technique is growing, albeit at a decreasing pace. In our latest US programmatic forecast, eMarketer predicts that this year, more than two-thirds of all digital display advertising will be purchased programmatically.

Whatever Happened To Frequency Capping? [INSIGHT]

Sometimes in marketing and advertising you have to put out a question and admit that you’re not the best-placed person to answer it, but it’s worth asking all the same. As Samsung is crowned the most advertised brand on British television for March with 2486 ad minutes across 3,535 spots, is it only me wondering, is that a good thing? Or put it another way, the question I routinely drive my family mad with — what on earth has happened to frequency capping?

5 Must-Have Skills Of The Modern CPG Insights Professional

Similar to the way online advertisers measure and optimize their ads on-the-fly, CPG marketers can now measure and improve their retail and product performance with an unprecedented level of accuracy.

The Power Of Tribes In Sports

Tribes were best explained in author Seth Godin’s 2008 book of the same name, when he described them plainly as “any group of people, large or small, who are connected to one another, a leader, or an idea.” By this definition, everyone you know is a participant in countless tribes.

The Demise Of Brand-Building [INSIGHT]

And one of the challenges of change is to filter what is happening now from what is important. This is a challenge we face in our everyday lives (I want to check “Clash of Clans” now, but getting my weekly MediaPost contribution written is important!). It is a challenge we —  people in the marketing ecosystem — face all the time.

NBCUniversal Hispanic Group launches “Movimiento” social movement to expose the next generation of multicultural storytellers

NBCUniversal Hispanic Group announced, “Movimiento” a social-first movement based on CultureFirst™– a first-of-its-kind report on U.S. Latinos from NBCUniversal’s consumer insights practice, The Curve Report, in collaboration with Telemundo – research findings exposing the next generation of multicultural storytellers, artists, filmmakers, social media stars and more.

How Advertising Works Today

The Advertising Research Foundation (ARF) announced the findings from its How Advertising Works research, based on over 5000 campaigns, 12 years of data, and $375B in advertising spend in 41 countries across over 100 categories.  

Marketing that connects

Fast-moving digital technology has driven almost continuous change in attitudes, behavior and habits, and this has been hugely disruptive for marketing. However the technologies that set the parameters for connected consumer behavior are no longer new.

What Marketers Should Know About Today’s Ever-Expanding Technology Landscape

Now that more marketers are taking technology into their own hands, it’s crucial that they stay up to date on the ever-expanding space. eMarketer’s Bryan Yeager spoke with Scott Brinker, co-founder and chief technology officer at interactive content software provider ion interactive and editor of the Chief Marketing Technologist blog, to get his latest take on what’s new and what’s changing in marketing technology.

Urban world: The global consumers to watch

Dramatic demographic shifts are transforming the world’s consumer landscape. Our new research finds just three groups of consumers are set to generate half of global urban consumption growth from 2015 to 2030.

2016 U.S. Cross-Platform Future in Focus [REPORT]

The report provides a retrospective view of the major shifts in cross-platform consumer behavior occurring in sectors such as TV, digital media, mobile, social media, advertising, search and e-commerce, with an eye toward what these trends mean for the year ahead.

Non-Celebrity Influencers 10X More Likely to Drive In-Store Purchases

Collective Bias published results of a large-scale national survey investigating how U.S. consumers’ online behaviors impact in-store purchase decisions.

Opportunities And Challenges Of Talent & Rights As TV Ads Move Online

Extreme Reach has created an infographic that shines a light on the talent behind TV ads and the challenges that arise when those commercials are used online.

3 Ways Smart CPG Brands Are Building Stronger Relationships With Customers

CPG products and brand-consumer relationships are fundamentally different than any other category. CPG products are used intimately, actually going on and being ingested into customers’ bodies, arguably building and requiring a much closer connection with customers.

It’s Dangerous To Ignore The Impact Of Hispanic Millennials

The “millennial experts” of today have replaced the “social media experts” of the previous decade. This new cottage industry is driven by demand from large organizations and brands that are still trying to figure out how to make the millennial market work for them   By Jose Villa / Sensis

Programmatic Fee Transparency Calculator for Media Buyers & Publishers

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) released the IAB Programmatic Fee Transparency Calculator, a first-of-its-kind tool that advertisers, agencies, and publishers can use to analyze the costs of ad technologies and services that are commonly applied within programmatic executions. Better understanding of the fees each party incurs, should allow for greater pricing transparency across the supply chain.

How To Make Believers Out Of Clients [VIDEO]

Former Katz Executive Bob McCurdy is now running his own company called On Wednesday, at the Radio Ink Hispanic Radio Conference, McCurdy presented new data on the power of radio.

Hispanic Media Spending Down 6.6% in 2015; Up 7.9% in 2016 [REPORT]

Marketers invested $5.7 billion in Hispanic media in 2015, down 6.6% from 2014 according to the new Jack Myers TomorrowToday Hispanic Media 2016 Data and Long-Term Forecast.  The MyersBizNet Hispanic media report projects marketers will increase spending 7.9% in 2016, with average annual growth of 1.3% through 2020.

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