
Hispanic Ad Dollars are On the Rise, But Holdouts Remain [INSIGHT]

The outlook for advertising revenue among Spanish-language television networks this year looks quite solid. MyersBizNet predicts a 3.7 percent increase from 2015, crossing the $2.5 billion annual revenue threshold for the first time.

In Today’s Advertising Environment, Cleverness Can Backfire

One theory of advertising holds that display ads need a degree of nuance or visual complexity in order to capture the viewer’s attention. But that fails to take into account the increasingly cluttered and hectic context in which ads are viewed today, according to Michel Wedel, distinguished university professor and Chair in Consumer Science at the Smith School.

ARF reveals new findings on how advertising works [INSIGHT]

Over the past year, the Advertising Research Foundation and its industry partners have conducted an investigation of how advertising works today, combining meta-analysis and projects designed to investigate specific aspects of the topic. Today we got to hear the results of analysis focused on the effectiveness of multi-channel campaigns.

Global Marketers Seek a New Model for Insights [REPORT]

New research from the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) highlights the need for a step change in the relationship between marketers and their internal insights teams.

ROI Remains a Tough Metric for CMOs [REPORT]

The “2016 Planning Report – Evolving Strategic and Financial Plans for the Always-On Consumer” illustrates a surprising drop in accountability for marketing budgets. When marketers were asked to what degree their budgets must produce measurable ROI, only one in ten said 75 percent or more of their budget is accountable.

How Marketers Are Dealing with the Growth of Tech

CEOs today are anxious to harness the power of digital platforms and the data they generate to stay competitive and drive future growth.

How Hispanic Gen Z Will Change Everything

Marketers have focused on millennials for nearly a decade, making them among the most-studied group of young adults. But as the tail end of millennials turn 21 and graduate from college, it’s time to turn our attention to next major consumer group – those under 21.  By Jose Villa / Sensis

Building better brand experiences in the Touchpoint Revolution [INSIGHT]

It’s increasingly said that today’s brands are the sum of consumer experiences – and that marketers are in the business of selling customer journeys rather than simply stand-alone products. The problem they face, though, is that very few people are interested in buying complete, off-the-shelf, pre-defined customer journeys. In an era of personalisation, they want to assemble their own: using the touchpoints of their choosing for the purposes of their choosing and at the moments of their choosing.

Programmatic Transparency is a Two-Way Street Part 2 [INSIGHT]

How do we build more accountability and transparency  between marketers, media agencies, technology vendors and publishers for the long-term success of the media industry?

Enculturation, Assimilation and Acculturation

Regardless of the country of precedence, all immigrants to the United States go through a process of acculturation and assimilation. Changes generated in the process of acculturation are important in order to understand the profound differences in the subgroups that make up the Hispanic population. While many aspects of culture are subject to changes as part of the acculturation process, the deep structure of a culture is much more resistant to change.  By Maria Fernanda Bayona Arevalo / Florida State University

Value of a Digital Ad [REPORT]

The report discusses the challenge of using traditional reach and frequency measures in advertising campaigns, and how the application of validated impressions can provide a richer, more accurate view of these measures to drive advertising effectiveness.

Case Study: Local Broadcast Campaign Drives Auto Engagement [REPORT]

The Utah Broadcasters Association, in collaboration with Salt Lake City TV and radio broadcasters, worked to showcase the power of local advertising. In a very competitive auto market, the Ken Garff Auto Group needed to engage buyers across the entire sales funnel and select an ad strategy that would most effectively reach its consumer segment.

AHAA brings Billion-Dollar Filmmaker to 2016 Annual Conference

One of the most influential Latino filmmakers is joining a powerful roster of CMOs, authors, entertainers, media executives and researchers who are at the forefront of change and innovation in their industries. AHAA: The Voice of Hispanic Marketing is excited to announce its latest keynote speaker at its Annual Conference at the Nobu Eden Roc in Miami: Roberto Orci, the billion-dollar filmmaker behind some of the decade’s biggest films including Mission: Impossible III, Eagle Eye, Transformers, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Cowboys and Aliens and the Star Trek films.

Reined in by family, Hispanic teens look to digital to help define themselves

Last month Tamara Barber from Simmons Research led an insightful webinar on Hispanic Teens in conjunction with AHAA.  The webinar highlighted some key differences between Hispanic and non-Hispanic teens and provided insights that give marketers important clues for connecting with the up and coming Hispanic teen segment.  By Captura Group

Marketers need to get their hands dirty [INSIGHT]

CMOs traditionally have focused on the big picture. They understand powerful consumer insights and seek to harness their agency partners to turn them into effective communications. There’s expectation and trust in this process. They sign off on the purchase of a box of 20 pralines but all too often what they get are three coffee creams.

Perspectives on Media Transparency from All Sides, Part 1 [INSIGHT]

Perspectives on Media Transparency from All SidesIn the past two decades, inventions and innovations have shifted how we consume media. From print to television to desktops to mobile, we’re now connected to publishers, advertisers and one another in an instant, from any place in the world. Just in the past four years, digital engagement by consumers has more than doubled, led primarily by the massive growth in mobile.

Linking the customer experience to value [INSIGHT]

Many customer-experience transformations stall because leaders can’t show how these efforts create value. Patiently building a business case can fund them, secure buy-in, and build momentum.

Is The Sharing Economy Getting Its Share Of Multicultural Consumers?

The sharing economy is booming. Some of the most highly valued tech companies in the past decade have been spawned from this new economic model, tapping into the collective for services rather than a single entity. With sky rocketing valuations comes tremendous pressure to consistently increase revenue for investors in order to set themselves up for an eventual IPO.

Not all publicity is good publicity [WHITEPAPER]

A paper titled ’Positive Effects of Negative Publicity: When Negative Reviews Increase Sales’ by Jonah Berger, Alan T. Sorensen, Scott J. Rasmussen and published in Marketing Science finds that bad publicity can have positive effects, but only when the subject of the publicity is little-known.

Hispanic Marketing Success Starts With Corporate Leadership [INSIGHT]

Every time I speak with someone about Hispanic marketing, it is clear there is a huge disconnect between understanding the importance of reaching Hispanics and actually doing so. Marketers see the huge potential of this consumer group, so where is the disconnect?  By Holly Pavlika, SVP of strategy, Collective Bias

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