
The One-Two-Three Sucker Punch That Is Killing Digital Media [INSIGHT]

Two things caught my eye last week here on Mediapost. One article summarized an ANA study suggesting that a growing number of marketers are taking programmatic in-house because… fraud and transparency: ). The other article stated that, according to research by Technology Business Research, of every dollar spent on programmatic only 40 cents reaches actual consumers!

What Drives Creation Of User-Generated Content?

Brands want viewers to engage with their video content, whether that means liking, sharing, or commenting. A step beyond that is when branded content inspires viewers to create their own content in response. Since it requires much more effort on the part of the viewer, this kind of engagement is much rarer.

Branded Content Best Practices

Mode Media released survey results commissioned from research company Nielsen, which reveal a series of best practices and key takeaways for branded content creation. These findings — some of them unexpected — will benefit any marketer engaged in or considering branded content creation.

The race for relevance Total Retail 2016: United States [REPORT]

Changes in customer behavior are among the foremost concerns cited by the majority of retail and consumer CEOs in PwC’s 18th Annual Global CEO Survey. They are racing to stay relevant in a world where mercurial  shoppers are easily bored and yesterday’s new invention is already obsolete today; a world where smartphones  achieved the same level of market penetration in two years as television did in 13—with far-reaching implications for consumers and retailers alike.

Chief Marketing Officer average tenure drops to 44 Months

The average tenure for chief marketing officers of leading U.S. consumer brand companies dropped from 48 months to 44 months, according to the 12th annual CMO tenure study by executive search consulting firm Spencer Stuart. This represents the first decline of average tenure in 10 years (since 2006).

Increase in Programmatic Ad Buying Among Top Marketers

Programmatic ad buying has increased significantly over the past two years despite serious concerns among marketers about digital ad fraud and a perceived lack of transparency, according to a new survey.

Can Media Owners And Sellers Become Agencies, Before Agencies Become Media Owners And Sellers?

Companies that have historically bought media on behalf of marketers are realizing that to grow their businesses they now need to own core assets that would otherwise be described as media — while companies that have historically owned and sold media are realizing that to grow their businesses, they now need to deliver full marketing services, not just media.

It’s Time To Bring Disruption To Your Company

If your company is finding success today, chances are things are going to change in the future. With the rapid pace of today’s global marketplace, new products and services are emerging faster than ever before – creating more competition and higher consumer expectations of consumer packaged goods.

Marketers Shift 2016 Budgets, and Attention, to Marketing Technology

Marketing technology is getting greater attention from marketing professionals, but many in the industry are often uncertain about how to apply it to their business.

A Passion For Innovation [INSIGHT]

Healthcare is evolving. It’s shifting due to consumer need. This requires constant navigation and innovation to ensure that relevant solutions meet today’s consumer requirements. This is our passion. It’s the passion for innovation that we have for our work and the Point of Care. This drives us forward.

3 Tips For Effective Co-Branding

Co-branding has become increasingly popular as brands form alliances to attract new customers and maintain differentiation from the competition.

Will Advertising Be Dead by 2025? [INSIGHT]

It might sound extreme to suggest that advertising could die but if serious actions aren’t taken soon the advertising industry is going to turn off consumers for good. Receptivity to advertising is essential for marketers to build brands and encourage purchase.

Tech Trends 2016–Innovating in the digital era [REPORT]

The report discusses how these top trends are driving new products and services, upending long-standing business models, and rewiring rules of customer engagement.

A Primer On Rio: Global Event Strategy And Protecting Your Investment

After all, with the world’s eyes affixed on Rio again this summer, anything can happen. And in light of recent world events, it’s best to prepare for the eventuality that anything will.

Creating More Agile Operating Models In Consumer Goods [INSIGHT]

Consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies often operate on long held implicit orthodoxies—certain “truths” that dictate how they approach consumers, and how they make decisions. Now, in an increasingly volatile age, there are a number of new truths.

“Mobile is Everything” [INSIGHT]

“Mobile is Everything” – the tagline for this year’s Mobile World Congress is particularly apt given the conference, now in its 29th year, has swelled to a 100k+ attendee juggernaut that does actually cover “everything”.

The Simplicity Imperative [INSIGHT]

An industry association leader recently told me that the complexity of digital marketing was reaching the breaking point. Advertisers are questioning whether the added complexity is worth it, and asking for a fix. Is it really that complicated? If so, why?  

200ms: The Life of a Programmatic RTB Ad Impression

Ever wondered how Programatica Buying works?

Gen Z At The Movies: Re-imagining The Cinema Experience

But will the power of the Star Wars and other “event movies” continue to lure Gen Z?

Engagement in the Age of the Customer: Using Technology to Build Relationships [REPORT]

Price and product have become less important business differentiators, while quality and consistent experiences have become more important competitive differentiators. Consumers now hold the power and demand to be met on their own terms.

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