
Semilla: Cultura. A sense of culture and openness

As we ring in an election year, we should allow for our (economic influence and) Cultura to serve as a catalyst to cultural understanding in the U.S. with an appreciation for where we come from and our collective desire to be an instrumental voice for Hispanic America.  By Gabriela Alcántara-Díaz – Founder and President of Semilla

Re-shaping the media industry in 2016 [INSIGHT]

In recent years we have witnessed seismic shifts in the way people consume content and the technology that’s available for buying, selling and measuring its impact. Kantar Media’s CEO, Andy Brown, gives his predictions as we look to the year ahead.  By Andy Brown – CEO / Kantar Media

What’s Important When Buying Programmatically? [INSIGHT]

When buying programmatically, there are many important factors that come into play. Being able to buy display, as well as inventory across channels via a single platform, are two of the top ones, according to US media practitioners.

Creeped out [INSIGHT]

Advertising endeavors to do many things: inspire, motivate, persuade. One thing that it almost certainly never attempts to do is “creep out” its intended audience. However, when consumers talk about targeting, one of the phrases they most frequently use is, in fact, “creeped out.”  By Joline McGoldrick – Research Director / Millward Brown Digital

10 reasons why we #Latinos are the original #Millennials

And one day you come to the realization: everything we’ve heard about those darned Millennials has been previously said about us Hispanics. Hopelessly spoiled? Check. Unruly? Check. Mentally scattered and unable to follow instructions? Check. Collaborative? Prone to self-employment and job hopping? Check. Hey, don’t take my word for it, y’all.  By Gonzalo López Martí /  LMMIAMI.COM

The Sociology of Being A Social Health Brand [INSIGHT]

Healthcare, as an industry, is uniquely positioned to create powerful social innovation by virtue of the connections between patients, as well as within the community of doctors. The fact that there are almost no good examples of social healthcare brands cannot be written off purely to FDA regulations (or the lack thereof) in this area. The root of the issue is a lack of understanding of how social and technological innovations really affect culture, and how marketing needs to reflect it. A presence of social platforms is a far cry from an understanding of what it is to be a social brand.

Category management in the food retail industry is stagnant [INSIGHT & REPORT]

Category management in the food retail industry is stagnant, according to a new study by Food Marketing Institute (FMI), Deloitte Consulting LLP, and Winston Weber, but a roadmap to a more insightful shopper-centric way of doing business is accessible in today’s market. The collaborative business planning study suggests that the biggest shortcomings of category management relate to being too product-focused and too narrow in approach.

Brands are Failing at Personalization [REPORT]

SAP Hybris announced the findings of an October 2015 commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of hybris titled “The Contextual Marketing Imperative: the evolution of personalization from push messaging to one-to-one personal customer experiences.”

“Content Marketing” voted ANA’s 2015 Marketing Word of the Year

This is the second consecutive year the ANA surveyed its members to identify the Marketing Word of the Year. Members chose from 13 words that also included ad blocking, customer journey, disruption, experiential, fraud, the Internet of Things, mediapalooza, sharing economy, and viewability.

How Retailers Are Marketing via Influencers

Most people don’t shop in isolation. They are inspired, informed and assured by others throughout the path to purchase.

2015 Hispanic Market Overview [REPORT] in association with Adam R Jacobson are proud to annouced the availability of the 2015 Hispanic Market Overview.  To download click on image or CLICK HERE.

Digital America: A tale of the haves and have-mores [REPORT]

Digital capabilities, adoption, and usage are evolving at a supercharged pace. While most users scramble just to keep up with the relentless rate of innovation, the sectors, companies, and individuals on the digital frontier continue to push the boundaries of technology use—and to capture disproportionate gains as a result.

Marketing To The Needs Of The IoT Consumer [INSIGHT]

The Internet of Things will open an entirely new dimension of consumer targeting.

The Art of Coffee: Appealing to a Cultured Consumer [INSIGHT]

No matter your brand, your client or your industry, everyone is looking to get noticed. In order to make this happen, it’s important to have a solid PR strategy in place. The world of PR is drastically changing, and in order to get in the spotlight you need to be innovative and forward-thinking. Companies and their PR agencies have become increasingly savvy in an attempt to stay relevant and to increase brand awareness. Catching the attention of the masses is not always as simple as just distributing a press release.  By Alejandra Londoño / Vice President of International Expansion at Juan Valdez

Identifying Consumer Signals in the Digital Noise [INSIGHT]

Big data is transforming the way marketers work, but with so much consumer data available today the real challenge is how to mine it. While new data sources like search and social media can enhance the understanding of consumer behavior, marketers need reliable and consistent metrics to make good decisions.  By Sarah Walker / Global Lead, Digital Behavior Analytics – Millward Brown

The Sustainability Imperative [REPORT]

It’s hard to ignore the siren call to protect the planet. Or to remain unmoved by those facing increasingly poor living conditions across the globe.  As a result, many consumers have adopted more sustainable behaviors. Others are working for or supporting organizations dedicated to social and environmental change.

Fixing The Broken RFP System For Better Cross-Channel Planning

Requests for Proposals have enjoyed a long tenure as one of the most important — if inefficient and cumbersome — aspects of communications planning. But as cross-channel initiatives become more complex, as they move increasingly toward harnessing behavioral nuances and orchestrating intricate experiences such as “micro-moments,” these antiquated systems of gathering and using critical information are increasingly inhibiting.

Year-end Data: Top 10 Sports Sponsorships

There are only 10 days left in 2015 and it feels like there really haven’t been that many Top 10 lists out there, so here’s a special Marketing:Sports version.

The consumer sector in 2030: Trends and questions to consider

In light of dramatic changes in the consumer landscape, how can retail and packaged-goods executives prepare for the future?  by Richard Benson-Armer, Steve Noble, and Alexander Thiel

How Does Global Digital Ad Spending Vary by Region and Industry?

There are few universal truths when examining industry advertising spending in 20 global markets.

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