
A User’s Guide to Cross-Channel Concepting [INSIGHT]

Our industry trades on ideas. Oftentimes, we compete to win or lose based on the quality of those ideas. Creative ideas. Media ideas. Social ideas. But the typical path to get to big ideas has been to perfect something for one channel, then think of the extensions that amplify it in the store, on the web and everywhere in between.

Ambassadors, Transparency And Wi-Fi: Digital Engagement Strategies To Grab Millennial Market Share [INSIGHT]

Although stereotyped frequently as an irrationally optimistic, self-centered and monolithic market segment, millennials are, rather, a highly-educated, technology-embracing, well-diversified set of pragmatics that demand personalized engagement.

Both Head and Heart [REPORT]

“Both Head and Heart” looks at marketing strategies designed to broadly connect with diverse audiences and the subsequent emergence of “Total Market.”

Hey, What About Metrics For Brand Marketers?

For decades, brand marketers have relied on survey-based methodologies to measure the effectiveness of their campaigns.  Survey-based measurement can certainly be executed correctly within a margin of error, but the results are heavily dependent upon sampling methods that pose a number of challenges:

Meeting Liquid Expectations: Marketing’s Varied And Growing Role In The Digital Path To Purchase [INSIGHT]

CPG companies are improving their understanding – and adoption – of digital disruption.

Where’s The Big Idea?

A few lucky brands and agencies own a place in popular culture forever because of their ability to find that one big idea. But that era is gone and the effort to get it back creates frustration between clients and agencies.

Too Latino or Not Latino Enough? [INSIGHT]

Being Mexican American is tough. Anglos jump all over you if you don’t speak English perfectly. Mexicans jump all over you if you don’t speak Spanish perfectly.  BY David R. Morse – President & CEO / New American Dimensions

Selfie Portrait: Instagram and Family Brands

Ad campaigns on Instagram can generate significant lift in ad recall and direct response engagement. With 80 million photos posted a day, the popular app attracts many audiences. One key audience on the platform is Millennials, which includes many subgroups such as young, maturing, multicultural affinities, parents, and others.

Is market research still necessary in the age of social media? Part 1

By Gonzalo López Martí / LMMIAMI.COM

  • Once upon a time, strategic planners were market research experts with deep knowledge of consumer behavior, motivations and insights.
  • No wonder clients loved them.
  • They still love’em hard.
  • Sometimes more so than they do us creatives.
  • Kudos.
  • Well deserved.
  • Strategic planners managed to add credibility to creativity.
  • Of course, an awful lot of strategic planners are just psychobabbling creative wannabes.

How advancing women’s equality can add $12 trillion to global growth [REPORT]

Gender inequality is not only a pressing moral and social issue but also a critical economic challenge. If women—who account for half the world’s working-age population—do not achieve their full economic potential, the global economy will suffer.

Reports of the Death of Broadcast Have Been Greatly Exaggerated [INSIGHT]

While Hispanic Millennials do skew towards English, it’s important to note that more than half of them consume some or all of their Television content in Spanish. The reason for this appears to be that broadcast is still where a lot of the content they want to see is aired. Additionally, there’s evidence that suggests that Spanish language advertising is better at connecting with bilingual Hispanics so it may also be the better option for advertisers looking to reach Hispanic Millennials.

How Your Reptile Brain Responds to Marketing

As the co-founder of SalesBrain, a neuromarketing agency, Patrick Renvoise has spent years helping global companies like Boeing, BMW and even NASA sell more and do more, by understanding the science of attention. We caught up with him in advance of his keynote at eMarketer Attention! 2015.

2015 Top 50 Latin American Brands [REPORTS]

Millward Brown and WPP released  the 4th annual BrandZ Top 50 Most Valuable Latin American Brands report and ranking on Wednesday, September 23. The report identifies the key forces driving brand growth in six markets in the Latin American region (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru).

Four Tips For Marketing Cars To Millennials

Coming of age in the Great Recession and burdened with unprecedented amounts of student loan debt, Millennials are known for delaying adulthood.

Media2020: Five Marketing (Pipe)Dreams

It is fair to say that many of their 2020 wishes sound more like the stuff of dreams. It’s hard to see how, given current realities, any of the following will
become a reality.

When it Comes to Connecting With Content, the Time of Day Means a Lot [REPORT]

The report found that, as consumers’ media palate ebbs and flows throughout the day, so too does the share of consumers’ time on these different devices.

How Has Social Media Changed Loyalty Programs For CPG Brands?

In 2006, Coca-Cola launched the My Coke Rewards loyalty program, which was both bold and innovative at the time. Almost 10 years later, CPG brands much smaller than Coke are acknowledging the value of building a customer loyalty program, desiring both the incremental revenue and an increased lifetime value loyalty programs promise to deliver.

How carmakers can compete for the connected consumer [REPORT]

Connectivity and automation are more and more a part of today’s cars, from vehicles that offer dashboard interfaces for accessing email to those that parallel park all on their own. And as customers’ expectations for these features grow—along with their willingness to pay—so will the value pool that’s being created. The big question? Exactly which players along the automotive value chain will reap the rewards.  by Hans-Werner Kaas, Andreas Tschiesner, Dominik Wee, and Matthias Kässer

Hispanic Gen Y and Gen Z Food Culture of Heritage collide with Generational Macro Food Trends [INSIGHT]

Organic, locally sourced, natural, sustainable, Non-GMO, fresh, and socially responsible are all macro food trends that resonate loudly with consumers under 35, and Hispanics are no exception.   By Terry Soto is President and CEO of About Marketing Solutions, Inc.


‘Transformer in chief’: The new chief digital officer [INSIGHT]

In the alphabet soup that is today’s crowded C-suite, few roles attract as much attention as that of the chief digital officer, or CDO. While the position isn’t exactly new, what’s required of the average CDO is.  By Tuck Rickards, Kate Smaje, and Vik Sohoni

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