
Does Programmatic Work for Branding?

eMarketer estimates that US programmatic digital display ad spending will leap 48.9% this year to hit $14.88 billion, or 55.0% of total digital display ad spend. While the majority of those dollars will likely focus on direct-response efforts, April 2015 research by Econsultancy in association with Quantcast finds that programmatic branding adoption is relatively high, and spending will rise in the coming years.

Modelo Especial taps U.S. and Mexican Soccer Stars Miguel Layún as Brand Ambassador for Summer Marketing Campaign

Constellation Brands announced that internationally-renowned soccer player Miguel Layún will serve as brand ambassador for Modelo Especial. The brand has partnered with Layún as part of its summer marketing campaign, which centers around the sport of soccer.

The Oligopoly Response to Media Fragmentation

For all the talk of fragmentation in media, isn’t it funny how similar the digital media business is to the old TV business?  Take a second and think about it from the perspective of a mainstream advertiser.

What Life Sciences Marketers can learn from Hollywood about Buying Consulting and Agency Services

Recently, TheNew York Times published an article headlined, “What Hollywood Can Teach Us About the Future of Work.” In it, the author marvels at the “Hollywood model” of work: where ad hoc teams carry out large and complex projects, requiring diverse talents with complementary skills. Per the article: “A project is identified; a team [of contractors] is assembled; it works together for precisely as long as is needed to complete the task; then the team disbands.”

FIFA Corruption Case: How Will It Impact U.S. Networks, Marketers?

One of the world’s biggest sports marketing machines — FIFA, the worldwide organizing body for global soccer sports play — has been hit with a massive suit against its senior officials on 47 counts that include charges of bribery, fraud and money laundering.

Delve Behind the Data to Understand the Economic Power of US Hispanics

The rapid growth in the US Hispanic population has made the demographic increasingly important to retailers. Carlos Garcia, senior vice president of multicultural at GfK Media, spoke with eMarketer’s Lisa Barron about the importance of getting the message right and understanding the culture well enough to do so.  Carlos Garcia – Senior Vice President, Multicultural / GfK Media

Hispanics & Retirement Planning: A Marketing Perspective [INSIGHT]

Financial services companies in the United States have been lured by the promise of the growing Latino market. Many have tried to engage Hispanic consumers with different financial services offerings. Few have succeeded and it is likely that lack of historical and cultural knowledge have contributed to a patchy track record.  By Felipe Korzenny, Ph.D.

Do Marketers Need Agencies to Get ‘Ahead of the Curve’?

The agency-client relationship is in good standing, but recent research finds that the number of those relationships is falling. For agencies to continue to attract clients, they’ll need to prove their ability to drive improvement so customers can get ahead of the competition.

Consumer Engagement And Campaign Management In The Digital Marketplace

The evolution of digital channels has spurred new innovations and disruption in the CPG marketplace. As a result, CPG companies now face the unprecedented challenge of acquiring, converting and retaining today’s digital consumer. Regardless of the digital channel, CPG companies must develop enduring relationships with consumers throughout the digital journey — from awareness to evaluation, through to purchase or conversion.

“para chuparse los dedos” means “Finger Lickin’ Good” Is Back at KFC.

KFC has launched a new Hispanic marketing campaign that aligns with the timing of its exciting, new broad market initiative. The campaign, called “ para chuparse los dedos,” was created by the Louisville-based KFC Hispanic agency of record, Scoppechio, and announces the return of one of the most famous slogans in advertising history, “Finger Lickin’ Good™.”

Can Digital Ad Spend in the US Healthcare and Pharma Industry Catch Up?

Though the bulk of total US healthcare and pharmaceutical advertising investment still remains firmly rooted in TV and print, digital advertising is slowly but steadily becoming integral to the media mix and complementary to traditional media.

Incumbents as attackers: Brand-driven innovation [INSIGHT]

At a time of stagnating markets, technological disruption, and rapid changes in consumer behavior, where can big brands find growth? One popular path is through brand extension: stretching a brand into an adjacent market where its value proposition is still relevant to consumers. Classic cases include Colgate’s sideways move from toothpaste to toothbrushes, Nivea’s from body care to hair care, and Gillette’s from razor blades to shaving foam.

Content May Be King, But Data Is The ‘Hand’ [INSIGHT]

Content is, and always will be, what gets people to engage, but in many cases it’s become a figurehead.  You need content in the same way you need a king for your kingdom: to provide a figure of authority.  That figure of authority is a symbol, but in most cases the kingdom is run by a select few who understand the people and can provide the right combination of what’s necessary for them to rule (call them the council).  No single person truly makes all the decisions — and they never will.  

#TotalMarketTalk – Steven Benanav, VP Content Partnerships & GM, Flama

Welcome to the fourth episode of #TotalMarketTalk, a new Digital series created by NGL Media and NGLC exclusively for HispanicAd.  In this installment, David Chitel, CEO of NGL Media and Founder of NGLC, speaks with Steven Benanav, VP Content Partnerships & GM, Flama.  Hear all about Flama, Univision’s English-language Digital platform, and their strategies being utilized to reach and engage digitally-connected Latinos.  You’ll also get an inside look into Flama’s original series, and work they’ve done with Fortune 500 advertisers such as Coca-Cola.

Segmented Approaches May Go The Extra Mile For Wellness Opportunities in CPGs [INFOGRAPHIC]

“Healthier-outlook” consumers of different cultures differ in shopping preferences –their perceptions of “healthy” brands are so different that there are no commonalities among the top 5 breakfast Brands across segments. They also choose to shop in different retailers beyond Whole Foods & Trader Joe’s.  Segmenting by Wellness Segments & Scores based on healthy attitudes & good behaviors is a valuable growth planning tool, as Brands with higher Wellness Scores experience higher growth rates than brands with lower Wellness Scores.

Chief Digital Officers Continue Global Explosion

The chief digital officer (CDO) role emerged alongside the digital transformation, and companies are rapidly making room for the position. In a report released in May 2015, The CDO Club estimated that the number of CDOs worldwide would double between 2014 and 2015, from 1,000 to 2,000. This was more than four times that of the 488 registered in 2013, and almost 800% more than 2012’s 225.


Millennials have dominated the news agenda, not to mention popular discourse, for the past few years. But now a new, younger generation is poised to come of age–and they’re a different group altogether.

Total Market Research: What Is It and How to Do It Right {REPORT]

Changes to the American demographic landscape is absolutely changing the way corporations market to consumers, overall. This new demographic reality has profound implications on a number of business disciplines, especially market research. David Burgos, Senior Vice President at TNS recently published a paper titled, Total Market: Driving Strategy in a Multicultural Nation, in a Multicultural Marketing Special Issue in the Journal of Brand Strategy, published by Henry Stewart Publications. This Special Issue, in addition to The Journal in Cultural Marketing Strategy soon to be published in 2015, were conceived by Jake Beniflah.

Ascending to the C-suite [INSIGHT]

Nearly half of top executives say they weren’t effective at earning support for their new ideas when they moved into C-suite roles—and more than one-third say they have not successfully met their objectives during their tenures. But even successful transitions1 didn’t require new executives to have all the answers, and certainly not within their first 100 days in the job. These are among the key findings from a recent McKinsey Global Survey on executive transitions,2 which asked C-level respondents how they managed the business, culture, team, and self-management aspects of their new jobs.

Beginning of The End or End of The Beginning?

It seems that the recent hoopla with the end of “Sabado Gigante” has sent ripples across the grid with many alluding that this, in fact, is “the beginning of the end for Univision,” and while I agree that in a way it does symbolize the end of an era/format that is no longer reflective of today’s USH audience, I still don’t hear the fat lady singing. In fact, this is a day they knew would eventually arrive.  Univision Will Be Just Fine Says Alma’s Media Director, Jorge Mercado.

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