
Coca-Cola’s “Inseparable” for Mother’s Day

In time for Mother’s Day, Coca-Cola is launching a new Mother’s Day video “Inseparable,” an interactive video experience designed to tug at the heartstrings of both mother and child. It celebrates the remarkable, emotional journey of mothers and daughters, and ends with a simple message: “This Mother’s day give mom the gift she wants most. Call her.”

Predictions about the Death of Total Market Are Wrong [INSIGHT]


Some very bright people, whom I respect as colleagues, have expressed skepticism about a Total Market approach.  But they miss some key points in their understanding and its viability.

The article Requiem for Total Market quoting David Morse and Pedro de Cordoba does a good job describing Nielsen’s definition of the New Mainstream.  It is a fact that today America is more diverse and smart marketers will reflect that in their go-to-market calculations. There is no going back to the days of silos for clients or agencies.  Clients are changing and they expect their agencies to keep pace.  Will it be easy? No.  Will it work?  Yes.  And we have seen ample evidence of clients who are doing excellent campaigns that reflect smart thinking and collaborative efforts between their agencies and well as stand-alone programs. There is no one-size fits-all solution when it comes to a Total Market approach.

By Roberto Orci, President and CEO, Acento

Mind The Gap: Agencies Are From Venus, Clients Are From Mars

Following on from the gap we identified last week between brand marketing and the sales/trade/shopper marketing teams, the ANA has delivered a different gap analysis in a new report called “Enhancing Client/Agency Relations 2015.”  Before we continue, I want to make sure I follow the health and safety regulations here at MediaPost. We take them very seriously, so I want to make sure you are sitting down when you read the following quote, per “Just 27% of agencies reported that clients provide clear assignment briefs. Meanwhile, 58% of clients think they are doing a good job.”

What CPG Giants Can Learn From Burgeoning Start-up Brands

Over the past decade the CPG landscape has evolved from being dominated by a few leading power houses to being rich and varied, ripe with start-up brands that are increasingly gaining market share and becoming beloved household names. But even as smaller brands grow toward a more mass market, the way they behave continues to set them apart from the longstanding CPG power brands they come to eventually compete against, and it’s helping them win when it comes to consumer loyalty. So what is it that they do differently?

The Future of Grocery [REPORT]

Imagine a grocery store where you can receive personal recommendations and offers the moment you step in the store, where checkout takes seconds and you can pay for groceries without ever taking out your wallet. Sound far-fetched? It’s closer than you think.

Hispanic Targeted Ad Spend Increased by 63% since 2010 [REPORT]

The top 500 U.S. marketers are allocating about 8.4 percent of their overall ad spend to Hispanic dedicated efforts, this is up from 5.5 percent in 2010, according to a new report from AHAA: the voice of Hispanic marketing. Over the past five years, the top 500 advertisers boosted their spending in Hispanic targeted media by 63 percent or $2.7 billion from $4.3 billion in 2010 to $7.1 billion. The top 500 advertisers boosted their average spending from $9 million in Hispanic targeted media in 2010 to $14 million now.

3 Things CPG Brands Must Know About Cross Device Campaigns

CPG brands are famous for the “blanket everything” approach to advertising and marketing. When a new campaign launches, you know it. There’s not a taxi, billboard, TV screen, mobile device, or website that’s not wearing a piece of branded content or hosting clickable, interactive messaging. Marketers who work with smaller brands with smaller budgets, on the other hand, are more likely to roll the dice—and spend their budgets—on a handful of the most seemingly strategic channels. Either way can work if your content matches the channel or device.

Top 5 Ways to Talk to Women in 2015 [INSIGHT]

By thinking of themselves as unique individuals, women have liberated themselves from gender stereotypes, redefining and widening the codes of ‘femininity’. announces the 2015 Hispanic Account Planning ‘Excelencia” Awards Winner announced the 2015Hispanic Account Planning ‘Excelencia ‘ Awards (HAPE) winners during the 2015 USH Awards gala event during the 2015 AHAA conference in Miami, Fl.

The Feminine Plural [INSIGHT]

Marketers have of course cottoned onto the fact that today’s women have little in common with the figure of the typical under-fifty housewife who dominated the 80s; they are well aware that women’s roles in family and public life have undergone a radical transformation which shows little signs of stopping. Yet overall they seem to be struggling to adapt their discourse to these changes and translate this evolution into relevant and engaging communication that really speaks to women.

Strong Client/Agency Relationships [INSIGHT]

Clients and their agencies have strong relationships but there is significant dissatisfaction about the quality of the briefing process and compensation agreements according to the ANA’s (Association of National Advertisers) survey report “Enhancing Client/Agency Relations 2015.”

10 Questions Every Marketer Should Ask Before Buying Audience Data

Here you are, charged with exciting media buys, and you find that there are literally thousands of data providers who tell you that using their insights will allow you to find the perfect audience. But which choice will make you a winner?  By Adam Paulisick, SVP Marketing and Strategy, Nielsen Catalina Solutions

Do Marketers Act on Data Insights?

Few marketers have found a single customer view, and recent research finds they’re having trouble simply collecting and managing data needed to get there—and that’s a big problem.

The New Reality of Watching the Box

Our viewing patterns are shifting and can now watch where we want, when we want. The explosion of devices has given us more access to content and brands than ever before. While the television is still the screen of choice for viewing video content, device proliferation and social-media interaction is shifting the power from the provider to the people.  By Tony Boyte, Research Director

Digitization: Disrupting And Defining All At Once [INSIGHT]

The digitization of the global consumer packaged goods (CPG) business is posing huge challenges for marketers. The most obvious is the scope of the change that lies ahead. More than half of C-level executives globally, for example, believe that digital will bring about significant change or complete transformation of their businesses, according to a CEO study we conducted. This will impact CPG companies as much as it is hitting other sectors, too.

AHAA to Honor Toyota with the 2015 Marketer of the Year Award

AHAA: The Voice of Hispanic Marketing announced today that Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. was selected as the 2015 winner of the AHAA Marketer of the Year Award. It joins a prestigious short list of elite brands that have received the award, including Walmart and McDonald’s.

Critical Changes in Consumers’ TV Viewing Driven by Connected TV, Multiscreen Activities & ‘Better Ad Experience’ in Digital Video [REPORT]

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) released “The Changing TV Experience: Attitudes and Usage Across Multiple Screens,” an in-depth study that explores new ground in the ongoing dramatic shift in consumers’ television viewing habits, and offers marketers insights into reaching audiences as connected TV ownership and multiscreening become more prevalent.

Case Study: How a TV Campaign Helped Microsoft Boost Social Activity [REPORT]

In today’s connected world, consumers can use social media to share their experiences and opinions with friends and followers, in an instant. And when it comes to television, they’re sharing and commenting through social media not just about storylines and stars, but also about the surrounding ads, brand integrations and sponsorships. This behavior has introduced a new key objective for some advertisers: turning paid media into earned media.

From Saying to Doing [INSIGHT]

Marketing used to be a one-way street. Managed, controlled and structured. Today most brands know that they need to invite consumer participation in order to drive engagement and remain relevant. But it’s the few brands that go beyond this that are the most successful; that don’t just invite consumers in, but actually play a valued and impactful role in people’s lives – that are genuinely useful, meaningful, entertaining and immersive. In short, brands that actually do stuff for their audience.

Targeting Teens? Get on Instagram

There’s still plenty of room for Instagram adoption among companies.

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