
Discover: Hispanics

The term ‘Hispanic’ broadly refers to the culture, peoples or nations with a historical link to Spain. Commonly in the United States ‘Hispanics’ or ‘Latinos’ are referred to as being people who trace their origin or descent to Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Central & South America and of course Spain and other Spanish cultures.  by Stephen Palacios / Added Value

Empowering Women One Brand at a Time

Why so much activity stirring around the boundaries of gender and why now?

Native Advertising Shakes Up Agency And Brand Ecosystem

While the definition of native advertising continues to evolve over the next few years, the role of the CNO will not only satisfy marketers’ needs for engaging content, but also ensure their clients’ paid and earned media strategies have a cohesive theme and voice.

How Are Marketers Using Data?

Data is changing the world. According to October 2014 research by the Economist Intelligence Unit, the greater availability and use of data in business can create a “virtuous circle,” with nearly two-thirds of executives worldwide reporting that information and knowledge were being shared more quickly and freely in their companies. Even though firms still report struggles and obstacles in dealing with large quantities of data, it’s improving their businesses across a range of operational and strategic functions.

Staging A Comeback: What Can McDonald’s Learn From Other Brands?

It’s no secret that McDonald’s(MCD) has been struggling to keep up with competitors like Wendy’s (WEN) and Burger King. But on that day I understood why, most likely, McDonald’s reported a 4% drop in domestic same-store sales for February, far worse result than analysts expected. And it’s telling, too, that the percentage of people, aged 19 to 21, who visit McDonald’s monthly has tumbled 12.9 percentage points since early 2011, reports Technomic.

Five New Rules for Entertainment Marketers

Marketing in today’s connected world is a challenge no matter what type of audience your brand is trying to reach. But for entertainment marketers, who are working to reach today’s Millennial audiences, this challenge is exceptionally difficult given the ever-changing ways they connect and share what they know and love.

CIO and CMO hold keys to business success [INSIGHT]

The roles of the CMO and CIO are changing, and those organizations with the most mature collaborations tend to be the most successful in driving the performance of their teams and the growth of customer-focused initiatives, according to Deloitte Digital’s “CMO Quarterly Study: The CMO-CIO Relationship.”

The Nuance of Women’s Empowerment [INSIGHT]

Women are everywhere. No surprise right? They do, after all, make up 50% of the world’s population. Yet everywhere we look, women are a topic of conversation. Michelle Obama’s outfit choices on a recent tour of Japan are proclaimed to break down female stereotypes. Sweaty, jiggling and fabulous women exercising on our screens chant ‘This girl can’ . A woman’s mob killing in Afghanistan sparks a global #JusticeForFarkhunda movement. The banning of India’s daughter, a documentary about the gang rape in Delhi, raises hackles across the globe while Ellen Pao sheds light on sexism in Silicon Valley.

Are Hispanics the Last Line of Defense for Struggling Brands

HispanicThe prevailing wisdom is that investment in the Hispanic market is a growth move by marketers looking to increase their revenue and market share. However I have quietly noticed a trend during the last few years that leads me to question the motives behind these investments. Has increased Hispanic market investment been a defensive move?  By Jose Villa / Sensis

Missed Opportunities: Assessing Latino Turnout in 2014

Across the board voter turnout was down in 2014. In 2010 about 91 million votes were cast and turnout among the voting eligible population was 41.8 percent. Four years later only 81 million peopled voted for a turnout rate of 35.9 percent according to data collected by Professor Michael McDonald. Looking at Democratic losses in states such as Colorado, Florida and Illinois, some observers questioned whether Latino turnout in particular was even lower. While not all 50 states have data available on official validated vote in 2014 yet, most states have now reported vote history and we can assess what happened in the 2014 midterms.  By Matt Barreto

The Good, Bad & Ugly Of IAB’s Definition of Native

Banner ads failed to meet the needs of the sophisticated marketer.  So when native advertising came along — a technology that brought the prospect of higher engagement without resorting to shenanigans — marketers jumped at the opportunity.

#TotalMarketTalk – Luis Miguel Messianu, Pres. & Chief Creative Officer, ALMA

Welcome to the third installment of #TotalMarketTalk, a new Digital series created by NGL Media and NGLC exclusively for HispanicAd.  In this installment, David Chitel, CEO of NGL Media and Founder of NGLC, speaks with Luis Miguel Messianu, President & Chief Creative Officer of ALMA.  Hear Luis Miguel’s take on everything from “Total Market” to what the multicultural “Agency Of The Future” looks like.  You’ll also get an inside look into ALMA’s best-in-class work servicing clients such as McDonald’s and AARP.

Digital Advertisers Focus on Holistic Customer Experience

The much-anticipated shift toward mobile will occur this year in the two largest digital advertising categories: search and display. For the first time, US advertisers will spend more in these areas to reach consumers on mobile devices than desktop computers, according to a new eMarketer report, “The State of US Digital Advertising 2015: Mobile Trumps Desktop, People Trump Devices.”

Failing to Align the Emotions of Your Ads with TV Programs may Turn Off Consumers

A sad TV drama comes to conclusion, fading to black as music swells, and leaving the audience emotionally torn about the future of the main characters.  Suddenly, the TV cuts to a peppy commercial and viewers are faced with the relentless cheer of an insurance spokesperson pitching their latest money saving product. This is a common occurrence in today’s prime time-driven entertainment culture, but new research from Columbia Business School shows that this juxtaposition of emotions can leave TV viewers puzzled at the swing in content and emotion, so much so that these potential consumers may ignore the ad altogether and will be unlikely to recall the advertiser.

The Sports Marketer’s Guide to Monetizing and Protecting Athletic Imagery

Nothing tells or sells the story of the blood, sweat and tears of athletes better than imagery — but the rules regarding displaying, distributing, and selling images of athletes can be confusing. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when considering the use of athletic images for your organization.

Millennial Branding [INSIGHT]

Are Millennials elusive consumers for established brands? While some long-standing brands do well with Millennials, others struggle.

Cracking Cross-Device Key to Attribution Success

As the senior vice president of global strategy at cross-device services firm Tapad, Nick Jordan oversees product decisions and works with advertisers and publishers on broader initiatives. Jordan spoke with eMarketer’s Lauren Fisher about the close relationship between cross-device attribution and device identification and about the future of advanced attribution practices.

Retail Banks Invest In the Cross-Channel Consumer

Improving customer segmentation across various channels was also a key focus area, at 39% of respondents. And as banks invest more in following the digital consumer across channels, they’ll likely adopt data-gathering tools that can help them better categorize customers. Indeed, 25% said that a better overview of the customer was an area where technology could have the biggest impact—the top response.

A Look at Hispanic Spending on Consumer Packaged Goods [REPORT]

With the buying power of the U.S. Hispanic market now eclipsing $1 trillion annually, marketers are more focused than ever on attracting this lucrative segment to their brands. But understanding the “how” in consumer spending is just as important as the “how much.” As the number of payment options available increases, the connection between purchase and payment has far-reaching implications: from how marketing should be planned, to how products are distributed, and even how sales are forecasted and measured.

Large Companies cede further share in U.S. Consumer Packaged Goods Market

As growth picked up moderately in the U.S. consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry in 2014, small- and medium-size companies continued clawing away market share from their larger competitors, a trend that has been at work for the last several years, according to a new study by The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Information Resources, Inc. (IRI).

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