
For Success in Marketing, “Curiosity Is More Productive Than Certainty”

The need for certainty is a gravitational pull shared by all marketers. From project to project, our clients ask us (and we ask each other), "Are you sure this is going to work? Is it going to sell the product?" This would seem both natural, and rational. Selling the product is what we do for a living. It's what makes our world go 'round.

The Power of Embracing Your Big, Ugly, Monstrous Ideas

As a creative professional or innovator, I totally get it—you've probably cooked up your fair share of Big, Ugly, Monstrous Ideas that you secretly hope will never see the light of day. It happens to the best of us! These are ideas that you might be embarrassed to voice or present, but I hope this article helps you recognize that these Big Ugly Monstrous Ideas hold a transformative power and should not be underestimated or overlooked.  By Noel Artiles - Creative Director / Creative Leader

‘The rest of the ad industry is playing a loser’s game’

Author and consultant Michael Farmer talks about ad agency decline, why selling creativity is a cop out, and why introducing AI to advertising is like pouring gasoline on a fire

Connecting with Consumers in an Age of Change

Consumers have never had more control over what they watch — how can marketers balance their TV media mix?

The Collapse of the Purchase Funnel [REPORT]

In a volatile world rife with pressures on consumers, from health and the economy to challenges to rights and freedoms and an eroding sense of community, consumers are demanding more from brands.

Ahhh, the missteps I took…

Work is like any relationship and sometimes we pursue what we feel is right, and find out later that it was a mistake. Like marriage, there are ups and downs, but when we look at current jobs and how the holding companies are so vertical, we can see how joining an organization that is too vertical, too segmented, that is a mistake.  By Xavier Mantilla - Media Strategy, Creative and tactical execution across multiple markets including US Multicultural. Agency Partnerships and coordination. 

Can In-House Agencies Do It All?

A new ANA study finds in-house agencies are picking up a growing list of duties

The Rise of Propensity Modeling and Value Based Marketing in 2023

As the cookie continues to crumble, marketers have turned their attention to first-party data, grabbing up as much as possible from analytics tools, site logins, CRM systems, and more. First-party data can be sophisticated with useful information about potential or current customers, even helping to gauge the value of these customers.

ANA/4A’s Cost of the Pitch [REPORT]

Historically, it has been understood that agencies devote significant resources to the defense of an existing account when put into review and to the pursuit of new business. Until now, however, there has been little if any data on the cost of any agency review to the client.

Sustainability-themed Advertising is Here to Stay

Sustainability-themed advertising has become a prominent and enduring trend, according to a recent study by Nielsen. The report, which uses statistics from Nielsen’s Ad Intel, a comprehensive source of global advertising data, highlights the growing significance of sustainability in advertising, as companies across various sectors prioritize the ecological sustainability of their products and manufacturing processes.

An Open Letter to Good Brands

Is your agency failing you by keeping your ads away from the general news?  You may want to ask. Many ad agencies say they need to keep brands off news sites for two reasons, both false

Using Radio to Drive Growth in Local Markets

Supporting and connecting with local communities can pay dividends for brands, studies show

The Ultimate Guide to Trigger Marketing

In today's highly competitive business landscape, marketers are constantly seeking innovative strategies to captivate their target audience and drive meaningful engagement. One approach that has gained significant traction is trigger marketing.

Retail reset: A new playbook for retail leaders

It now sounds like a cliché, but that doesn’t make it any less true: the retail sector has experienced as much disruption in the past five years as it has in the previous 25. Consider this: perhaps never before in the history of the industry has every single one of retail’s primary stakeholder groups—customers, suppliers, employees, and investors—dramatically changed their behavior and expectations, all at the same time.

Cannes Wrap-Up [REPORT]

At this year's Cannes Lions Festival, companies around the world helped set the benchmark the future of creativity. The Cannes Lions Official Wrap-Up Report will help you get a head start with the industry's biggest learnings and trends.

The Brands Fighting for Inclusivity

Brands wield tremendous power and influence; thus, a brand has the power to promote inclusivity and create change in positive ways. This feat can be accomplished through creative content, messaging, and partnerships. It only takes one voice to provide support, relief, and connection.

The Most Intimate Brand Family Rankings [REPORT]

See which conglomerates are best at establishing emotional connections and how they leverage their brands to build bonds with consumers. Read our new article and watch our Brand Family rankings video highlights.

The State of DEI 2023: What marketers need to do to close inclusion gaps

Cannes Lions 2023 winners demonstrated that creativity can help make brands more inclusive. Discover how learnings from the winners can help you close the inclusion gap in your advertising.

Awareness of Sustainability Issues Shapes Advertising Industry: 4As’ Marla Kaplowitz [VIDEO]

The advertising industry’s carbon footprint was a major topic at this year’s Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, with plenty of discussion about how marketing professionals can include sustainability issues in their decision making.

Exploring New Media Channels for Your Brand

Many brands who invest in paid social media use Meta channels, Facebook and Instagram, as their go-to channels. These platforms reach billions of users, and they are mature in the sense that they have reliable data and tools for advertisers. That said, depending on your business goals and the audience you're trying to reach, it's worth exploring other channels to convert users to customers.

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