
The Cuban Evolution: Caribbean Marketers Need To Get Ready [INSIGHT]

When President Obama recently announced steps to significantly thaw the relationship between the United States and Cuba, it served as the latest and loudest wake-up call that tourism in the Caribbean region could soon be having a dramatic shift.

The Value of Efficient Reach: Maximizing Campaign Audiences [INSIGHT]

With the current state of audience fragmentation and the proliferation of viewing platforms, Reach is a critical goal for advertisers seeking to engage with their desired audiences. In Nielsen Online Campaign Ratings, Reach measures how many unique individuals are exposed to an ad.

Time To Refocus On CPG Marketing Analytics [INSIGHT]

Compared to organizations in the retail, communications and financial services sectors that are gaining noteworthy value from advanced analytics, it is arguable whether consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies have yet to achieve the same results. Often they are still using outdated approaches to sales and marketing, and many are also not using social and mobile data to their full potential.

Five Issues Facing Madison Avenue in 2015

The advertising industry can remember 2014 as the year of Madison Avenue’s biggest non-merger–and continued speculation as to what might happen to the sector’s smaller players–a market that was weak for television but booming for digital media and a reminder that technology is upending every aspect of the business.  Courtesy of Wall Street Journal

“Does ‘Total Market’ Make Any Sense After Ferguson?” [INSIGHT]

While a total approach to marketing might seem admirable, and offers the fantasy of economies of scale, in a country divided by so much, an integrated approach, rather than one grounded in cultural differences, hardly seems to fulfill the dream of better connecting with consumers.  Yes, a brand’s essence, its personality and messaging, should be unified and consistent.  But it is also likely to signify different things to different people.  By  David R. Morse – President and CEO / New American Dimensions, LLC

With fewer new arrivals, Census lowers Hispanic population projections

The Hispanic population is expected to reach about 106 million in 2050, about double what it is today, according to new U.S. Census Bureau population projections. But the new Hispanic population projection for 2050 is lower — by nearly 30 million — than earlier population projections published by the bureau.

Can Marketers Overcome Cross-Device Targeting Barriers?

Cross-device targeting is still in its early days, even as growing numbers of advertisers, publishers and ad platforms participate in the practice.

Shifting Media Business From Outputs To Outcomes Will Break A Lot Of Eggs

I’ve written before about why I believe the media industry’s future with most brand advertisers will be all about delivering specific business outcomes (leads, sales, etc.), in a predictable, provable and scalable way, not just about delivering a promised basket of media outputs (impressions, GRPs, etc.). The more folks in the business I talk to about this issue, the more certain I am that it will happen.

The Future of Privacy [REPORT]

The terms of citizenship and social life are rapidly changing in the digital age. No issue highlights this any better than privacy, always a fluid and context-situated concept and more so now as the boundary between being private and being public is shifting.

2015 is set to be the year of enrichment [INSIGHT]

People will seek to get the very best from themselves, and the very most from their lives.

55% of US Hispanics Consider Themselves Bicultural [REPORT]

More and more US Hispanics are describing themselves as Bilingual, and they are adopting some US behaviors and attitudes – even while still holding on to key Hispanic values.

Is Gen X The Dark Horse In 50+ Marketing?

There’s no doubt Baby Boomers have changed how endemic categories (e.g., health and finance) view and speak to older consumers, which has resulted in more authentic and youthful ad campaigns that resonate on a deeper level. And, it’s also true that Boomers’ unrivaled spending power has caused mainstream brands to at least question the wisdom of ignoring consumers once they turn 50. Despite this progress, however, the question of how to convince more mainstream brands to target consumers 50+ with any regularity persists.

8 Trends That Will Dominate Consumer Behavior Over the Next 12-24 Months [INSIGHT]

Prosumer, city-sumer, sellsumers, JOMO and FOMO. Marketers and brand managers are constantly bombarded with fancy terms and buzzwords hailing the next big consumer trend. This can be overwhelming and brands often find it challenging to tap into every trend out there. The trick lies in knowing which ones are most relevant to their business.

The Men, the Myths, the Legends: Why Millennial “Dudes” Might Be More Receptive to Marketing than We Thought [INSIGHT]

Millennial males are, in theory, elusive creatures. They’re commonly thought of as cord cutters who can’t be—and don’t want to be—reached. But many marketers remain eager to connect with this young, digitally-savvy group.

Re-examining Trade And Consumer Marketing In A Consumer-Controlled World [INSIGHT]

Consumers are voting at an accelerated rate for brands that enable customization.

The Axis Of Marketing: Data + Content

Marketing today is radically different from the way it was just 10 years ago, because marketers today depend on two things that were never so important before: data and content.

How U.S. CPGs can get their groove back [REPORT]

Once the most straightforward of markets, the United States has become a frustrating puzzle for executives of consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies. Changes in consumer behavior, the emergence of smaller competitors, and the proliferation of retail formats — the grocery channel has lost share to club, dollar, and convenience stores — have created a much more complex environment. Adding to the challenge is the fact that U.S. population growth — a core element of CPG companies’ past success in the country — is expected to remain low for at least the next decade.

Technology Vision 2014 for Consumer Packaged Goods [REPORT]

Taking advantage of digital trends can give consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies the edge they need to appeal to consumers’ desires to have relevant, real-time and one-on-one interactions with your brands.

What’s Hindering Digital Growth?

Advertising budgets are shifting to a multi-screen campaign approach as consumers move across more screens. As a result digital brand advertising growth is accelerating. However, the lack of relevant digital metrics threatens to halt its continued growth. Screen-agnostic metrics are critical for marketers to evaluate and optimize their campaigns for success.

Coca-Cola engages Hispanic consumers through a powerful marketing tool: Acts of kindness [INSIGHT]

Coca-Cola’s Hispanic holiday campaign “Haz a Alguien Feliz” aims to tug at heartstrings and create a chain of acts of kindness. The nationwide campaign, launched on Dec. 4, encourages the Hispanic community to do a small act of kindness for someone in their life.  The acts are meant to be small, yet meaningful: helping a neighbor carry their groceries, bringing galleticas to the office, or watching mom’s favorite novela with her. The campaign encourages participants to post pictures of their small acts of kindness to Twitter, Instagram and Facebook using the hashtag #HazAlguienFeliz to create awareness and motivate others to participate.  By Alba Adamo, Group Director of Hispanic Marketing Coca-Cola

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