
What Do Nonprofits Want from Content Marketing?

More than 60% of nonprofit professionals in North America polled in August 2014 by Content Marketing Institute (CMI) and Blackbaud said their organizations used content marketing. And they’re not doing it to raise money.

Bilingual Advertising: The Next Thing Or Next Mistake? [ ¿INSIGHT? ]

The Story

Recently, a 30-second AT&T television ad, “Vivir Sin Compromisos,” caught my attention. It shows young, appealing, Latinos talking about themselves and reacting to the company’s cellular service.

What makes this ad stand out is that the actors speak in English, Spanish and mix of the two — Spanglish.

Because of that, we wanted to understand how the ad resonated with Spanish-Preferred Hispanics, English-Preferred Hispanics and Bicultural Hispanics, so we tested it.  By Mario Carrasco / partner, ThinkNow Research

The Ultimate Accountability For Marketing Is Sales [INSIGHT]

For a very long time, marketers developed strategies to achieve marketing objectives like awareness, perception and efficiency.  The pendulum shifted recently, with marketers now starting to take a more significant seat at the C-level table, realizing that marketing metrics are not necessarily as important as standard business metrics — though marketing measures do provide a bridge to meet standard ones. And now the ultimate accountability for marketing is revenue and sales. Today’s marketers understand addressability and accountability, and if they don’t then they’re destined to be replaced.

Internet Of Things: Ready For Prime Time In Consumer Packaged Goods

As with many seemingly overnight sensations, the Internet of Things (IoT) —  the digitization of everyday objects —  has been a long time coming. More than three decades ago, thirsty students at Carnegie Mellon University famously connected a Coke machine to the Internet, in order to see whether it had drinks in stock, making it one of the first popular examples of the IoT in action.

Enjoy your Holiday is proud to be the leading trade journal offering daily news, research and resources to the US Hispanic advertising,marketing and media executives.

As part of our daily commitment besides our publication, we are very proud of the work we do in marketing and creating content for our readers with our partnerships with Adam Jacobson,  Advertising Age and Broadcasting & Cable . Multichannel News.

To celebrate our partnerships we are promoting our work and you can download :

The Advertising Age 2014 Hispanic Fact Pack

The 2014 Hispanic Market Overview

The B&C / 2014 Hispanic Post Upfront Guide

The 2014 Hispanic CMO

Expect more from us in 2015

Are You Listening For Your Key Customer Signals?

As the holiday shopping season shifts into high gear, your customers are going to be sending you a veritable blizzard of signals as they interact with you via email, websites, social networks, mobile apps and customer support.

Sprint’s CEO Marcelo Claure speaks directly to Hispanic Consumer

Claure, the first foreign-born Latino CEO in the history of the U.S. to lead a telecommunications company, is very committed to engaging and connecting with the Hispanic consumer, and this is the focus of the brand’s next advertising campaign set to hit the air during the Latrin Grammys.

AHAA Leads Industry to Improve Hispanic ROI

An industry-wide initiative, led by the trade group AHAA: The Voice of Hispanic Marketing, seeks to get more granular into advertisers ROI measures of the Hispanic market.  A new study, Refining Hispanic ROI, released today by AHAA finds that the rapid shifts in the Hispanic market coupled with the emergence of the Total Market Approach, demand that sales data and television measurement methods evolve or new models emerge to give marketers an accurate read on their Hispanic ROI.

Is Multitasking with Mobile Helping Mothers?

Mothers are a highly digital cohort by multiple measures—internet penetration, smartphone ownership, social network usage, etc. It helps them accomplish the multitudinous tasks of motherhood while also giving them some escape from those demands. But all this digital usage (and the multitasking it often entails) can sometimes aggravate as well as reduce the pressures of their day, according to a new eMarketer report, “Mothers and Digital Media: Useful, Yes; a Panacea, No.”

Estrella TV partners with MetroPCS on “Tengo Talento”

Through Custom 360 Integrations, MetroPCS is a Brand Partner in Estrella TV’s Tengo Talento.   This season long partnership with Tengo Talento, Mucho Talento will be highlighted through three primary elements:  The MetroPCS Call Home Segment, MetroPCS Lounge and MetroPCS as Voting Partner.

Reflections of the 2014 ANA Multicultural Marketing & Diversity Conference [INSIGHT]

As I reflect on this year’s Association of National Advertisers (ANA) Multicultural Marketing conference, we have come a long ways over the last 30 years, while our industry continues its struggle to sort out the optimal way to go to market in an increasingly diverse nation. First, I want to congratulate the ANA and specifically Gilbert Davila for keeping the subject of race and diversity in the forefront of how we go to market in the 21st century; because, America has never been comfortable in discussing race and ethnicity. In fact, the election of an African American to President of the United States has moved our discussion forward in so many ways.  By Ernest Bromley is Chairman/CEO of Bromley Communications, LLC.

Are Social Media Marketers Losing Confidence?

Nearly nine in 10 US companies with at least 100 employees will use social media for marketing purposes this year, eMarketer estimates. And the professionals who do social media marketing believe it is important: 88% of them agreed with that statement when surveyed in October by Harris Poll for social media management platform Hootsuite.

Multi-Screen, Multitasking Consumer May Not Want Your Message

I always say that it is good to have science fiction and science facts. You need science fiction to dream about what might be possible — but ultimately, science facts rule and help to frame your understanding.

Why Most Marketers Are Not Ready to Go Total Market or “Cross-cultural” [INSIGHT]

Most marketers are behind when it comes to investing in the Hispanic market. Of the $171 billion spent on paid media in 2013 (according to eMarketer), Hispanic media spending totaled just $8.3 billion (according to Kantar and AdAge). Hispanic media spending represents less than 5 percent of total paid media spending, while Hispanics represent 17.1 percent of the U.S. population. While paid media doesn’t capture the entirety of marketing activity targeted to Hispanics, it provides a good barometer.  By Jose Villa /  Sensis

Hyundai’s Connectivity Push Includes Apple, Android Integrations

At Hyundai Motor America, driver connectivity comes in several guises. Michael Deitz, the automaker’s senior group manager of connected car and owner marketing, spoke to eMarketer’s Danielle Drolet about Hyundai’s connected car integrations.

Total Market: Where Do We Go From Here? [INSIGHT]

The presenters at the ANA Multicultural Conference were great. Gilbert Dávila’s moderation was brilliant. The food couldn’t be beat. The ads were among  the best I’ve seen. And finally, everyone is on the same page. Total Market is the way to go.

So what’s my beef?

By David R. Morse – President and CEO / New American Dimensions, LLC


How Many Agencies Does It Take To Screw In A Lightbulb? [INSIGHT]

While the demise of ad agencies due to digital disruption has long been prophesied, the evidence just doesn’t point to such an outcome. The actual outcome, to date, has been the proliferation of agencies. As digital democratized publishing has opened unlimited new channels, the marketing environment has, in turn, become much more complex, with CMOs hiring a broad phalanx of best of breed channel-specialist agencies. Indeed, “integrated marketing” — or the orchestration of this “stable of agencies” — has become the issue of greatest importance for CMOs, (according to a Forbes study), sadly surpassing even “effective advertising.”

ANA announces Winners of its 2014 Multicultural Excellence Awards

Procter & Gamble’s Duracell brand and its agency Saatchi and Saatchi received top honors, last night, winning the first ever, Best in Show award in the Multicultural Excellence Awards competition for “Trust Your Power”. The ad portrays the resilient story of Derrick Coleman, the first legally deaf player to be part of an NFL offense and a fullback with the Seattle Seahawks. The story line: Coleman, like Duracell, is driven by power.

Mr. Spock Goes to the ANA

Introducing Logic into the Quest for a Total Market Approach Definition

Cantinflas and Mr. Spock walk into a bar. That’s how I wanted to start this note, but it wasn’t working, Cantinflas is too distracting. So I’ll leave him for now and hang out with Mr. Spock of Star Trek fame, a staunch purveyor of unadulterated logic.  By Pedro de Cordoba / Eventus

Marketers Caught Between A Rock (TV) And A Hard Place (Digital)

If you think about it, marketers today simply can’t win when making a smart decision about where to place their ad budgets.

TV used to be the steady rock in the marketer’s relationship with advertising: sizeable, trusted and to a degree predictable. But the once-steady rock today has many real and a few perceived flaws chipping away at its role in the media mix. Enough with the rock metaphors; allow me to explain.

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