
Hispanic CMO – Thought Leadership [AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD] is proud to announce the publication of our Thought Leadership platform, Hispanic CMO.  

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Why English AND Spanish are the Official Languages of the Internet for Hispanics

The debate rages on. As marketers think about how to execute Total Market digitally, they often ask themselves what language is best to reach online Hispanics. Some have argued that “English is the official language of the Web, even for Spanish-dominant Hispanics.”  By Captura Group

The Value For CPG Brands As Cultural Entertainers

In a largely commoditized category, producing the best product is not enough to differentiate from the competition. Brands need to look at what they can authentically contribute to culture and how they can inspire their audience to build affinity. Few CPG brands are doing this well or being bold enough to do it.

The Arrival of Hispanic-American Homeowners [REPORT]

The country’s fastest-growing ethnic segment also may be its most misunderstood, particularly by design and construction brands. “The Arrival of Hispanic-American Homeowners” white paper details buying power and purchasing habits of this emergent demographic for home and building product manufacturers.

The Loud Noise Scaring Away CMOs From The Hispanic Market [Really????]

The Hispanic market reminds me of the stock market. Both are filled with loud noise from its participants that make it very hard to understand clearly how to best capitalize on it.  By Arturo Nava, founder, Logra Tu Dream

The Problem With Your Brand Value and What You Should Do About It

The problem with brand value is really simple: no one agrees on it.  By Randall Beard, Global Head, Advertiser SolutionsNielsen

Where’s the Mobile Ad Money Coming From Next Year?

But where will those dollars come from over the next year? Print, television and digital display are the chosen ones.

The Three Pillars Of Programmatic

I recently had a conversation with Mike Welch, who heads AT&T’s advertising business, and we very quickly found ourselves doubling back on our discussion to define the term “programmatic TV.” Impressed by the clarity of Mike’s take on the subject, and assuming that this “definition conversation” is happening in boardrooms and across lunch tables throughout the industry, I am herewith offering up a definition of programmatic advertising — particularly programmatic TV — in the public interest.

FTC says AT&T Has Misled Millions of Consumers with ‘Unlimited’ Data Promises

The Federal Trade Commission filed a federal court complaint against AT&T Mobility, LLC, charging that the company has misled millions of its smartphone customers by charging them for “unlimited” data plans while reducing their data speeds, in some cases by nearly 90 percent.

Digital Disruption: Rethinking The Marketing Model And Routes To Consumer Engagement

Marketing leaders at consumer packaged goods (CPG) firms are facing fundamental shifts in the global commercial environment. To meet these challenges, they have an opportunity to accelerate their adoption of digital—and rethink both their marketing models and their routes to consumer engagement.

Next Up for Marketing Technology: Measuring Its ROI

Marketing technology adoption will continue to grow next year, and thanks to the massive amount of data marketers now have, tools focused on making sense of all the figures are of particular interest.

CPG Brand Success Demands A Move To The Digital Aisle

Remember when e-commerce was exclusively reserved for purchasing electronics? Well, thanks to mobile phones and tablets, consumers have quickly come to rely on the internet for everything from apparel to jewelry to personalized gifts.

Five Marketing Blind Spots [INSIGHT]

Disruptive forces are changing the business landscape in the forms of complexity, content demands, and customer expectations, challenging marketing organizations to undergo significant transformations rather than incremental change. And while marketing leaders have a good idea of where they need to go, they don’t have a clear vision of how to get there, according to a new survey by the ANA (Association of National Advertisers): “Marketing’s Moment: Leading the Disruption.”

How Come So Many Marketers Have Mobile-First Strategies, But So Few Are Hispanic-First?

Protecting the “general market” bundle. If you make Hispanic marketing central, you need to break up the general market bundle. That forces companies to reevaluate everything they do. It’s much easier to operate on an assumption that Hispanic populations are all “acculturating” and are (or will) be consuming the same media as the general market, so there’s no need to treat them separately.

Mind The Gap: Why Marketing To Millennials Is A Mistake [INSIGHT]

Today, as the CEO of an advertising agency, I understand the obsession with Millennial consumers but I am baffled by the marketing world’s tendency to look at this entire generation of people as one group with similar traits and tastes. Millennials, also known as Generation Y, were born between the early 1980s and the early 2000s. Most agree that people born between 1992 and 2001 make up the key part of this group. This means that a Millennial may be 18 years old or 33 years old.

Real-Time Marketing Requires Patience and Listening [INSIGHT]

The definition of real-time marketing continues to evolve, leaving marketers unsure just how swiftly they should be hooking into major cultural moments. Joe McCaffrey, planning director and head of social for digital agency Huge, spoke with eMarketer’s Danielle Drolet about keeping up with real-time events in an authentic way, and more.

De Quinto namedChief Marketing Officer at Coca Cola

The Coca-Cola Company announced that after more than seven years of distinguished leadership and service as the Company’s Chief Marketing and Commercial Officer, Joe Tripodi will retire from the Company at the end of February 2015.

Big Data Primer report identifies Opportunities and Challenges for Advertising and Media Executives

The Council for Research Excellence (CRE) announced it has published the marketing and advertising industry’s first in-depth primer on Big Data. Titled “Big Data: A Primer for Defining and Implementing Big Data in the Marketing and Advertising Industry,” the report is intended to help orient advertising and media executives to the related opportunities and challenges that will arise as the industry goes from megabytes of data on PCs to petabytes of data in the cloud.

Why Marketing Tech Investments Will Change in 2015

The importance of marketing technology will only get bigger in 2015, based on an August 2014 study by Econsultancy in association with Teradata. The research noted that the demand for technology was growing thanks to marketers’ continuing prioritization of personalization and customer centricity.

Well-Integrated Marketing Technologies Impact Business Performance and Increase Marketing Effectiveness [INSIGHT]

Chief marketers are fast becoming expert urban planners fighting enterprise data sprawl in their digital marketing technology portfolios. They are being challenged to bring disciplined development and cross-functional harmonization to what is an ever more crowded, data-producing landscape.

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