
Meet Generation Z [INSIGHT]

When you’re only 19 years old or younger, it can be easy to get overlooked. Marketers should not make that mistake. Generation Z is already the biggest generational group in the US, making up over a quarter of the population – yes, bigger than Millennials – and estimates put non-Caucasians at 46%. And of course, they are the most technologically savvy generation yet – thus the moniker, ‘digital natives’. Read on to discover how Gen Z is changing the world, and how your brand can be part of the revolution.

The Content Is Out, but Where’s the ROI?

What metrics are most common for evaluating content marketing success?

The Total Market approach definition would have made Cantinflas proud [INSIGHT]

By Pedro de Cordoba | Chief Strategy Officer – EVENTUS

It’s been bugging me for a while now. I just couldn’t let it go. When the brain trust of our Industry decided to unveil their collective definition of what a total market approach really means, I had to go back and re-read the press release on the ANA’s website more times than I care to admit. (AHAA Leads Marketing Coalition in Defining Total Market, September 2, 2014). I strained to understand it. Was it about a new way of doing things, or simply about the money?

The Connected Shopper [Report]

The Connected Shopper si based on research conducted in 12 countries across 4 continents, attempts to understand the role that digital plays at every point along what we call the shopper’s Purchase Decision Journey, and to identify both drivers and barriers to purchase that brand marketers and retailers can affect in order to increase sale.

Why Mobile Marketing is a Must, And We’re Not Talking Smartphones [INSIGHT]

Mobile marketing, as in marketing via smartphones, is one of the hottest topics in the U.S. marketing industry right now. We can all relate, I am sure. We Tweet, visit Facebook, enjoy music, watch videos, check the weather, watch TV shows, watch movies, and oh, yes, we even manage to make some phone calls with these ingenious and ever more sophisticated devices.  By Elisa Cogo / Director of National Sales and Marketing at Cardenas Marketing Network

Developing a global digital strategy [INSIGHT]

How does a global company take advantage of digital technology? Johnson & Johnson’s vice president of digital strategy, Gail Horwood, explains.

Lessons Learned from Hispanic Heritage Month 2014 [INSIGHT]

It’s no secret that Latinos are active online. The challenge for brands is how to connect with such a diverse group that represents three regions of the Americas in a relevant and impactful way. There is no magic formula, but there are guidelines – and pitfalls – that brands must keep in mind. Here we share some do’s and don’ts from Hispanic Heritage Month (HHM) 2014 for connecting with U.S. Hispanics online.

Social Marketing 2015: The Key to ROI Will Come from Within

Nearly nine in 10 US marketers are using social media marketing. It is clear they consider it a necessity for doing business.

The New ‘Sherpa’ of Content Marketing: The Content Strategist

Consumers are hungry for engaging content and marketers are creating more content than ever before. In response to this shift, we are seeing an increase in the number of positions dedicated to content creation within both client and agency marketing teams.  And one of the most important positions within these teams is the content strategist.

Audience Engagement Study on Millennial Moms [REPORT]

Exponential Interactive announced the results of its “Marketing to Millennial Mothers” study which identifies specific behaviors, interests and trends of modern moms ages 18-32 to help brands and advertisers engage with one of the largest growing audience segments.

Hispanics Hop on the Latest Beer Trends [INSIGHT]

Hispanics are trendsetters. This demographic is the largest self-identifying ethnic group in the U.S. and has more than $1 trillion in spending power. So where are they spending? When it comes to celebrating with family and friends or relaxing at the end of a long day, many of these consumers are reaching for cold and refreshing beers.  By Andrea Riberi, Senior Vice President, Alcoholic Beverages, and Eva Gonzalez, Executive Director, Diverse Consumer Insights and Multicultural Marketing

Making Measurement Work for Programmatic Ad Buying [INSIGHT]

The ad industry has always been consumed with the latest trends. This should be no surprise, given that marketers and their agencies spend the better part of their days trying to create them. But nothing in advertising has generated more buzz in recent months than programmatic buying. Buying ad inventory more efficiently by applying rules to technology-enabled, automated purchases has marketers salivating. And they’re putting their money where their mouths are, with some of the world’s largest advertisers reportedly planning to shift as much as 75% of their digital spend to programmatic buying over the next year.  By Chris Louie, VP Product Leadership

‘Healthier’ Brands Gain Buyers At A Faster Pace – Hispanic Consumers Propel Healthier Brands The Most [INSIGHT]

SSG’s new decision-guiding, data-rich tool has identified an unexpected factor which contributes to brand growth:  Higher brand growth rate is associated with the choices of higher wellness-minded consumers. The more health-minded consumers perceive your brand to be, the higher the growth rate your brand tends to attain.

SHIFTING STRATEGY IN 2015: A Closer Look At U.S. Hispanic Market Power [INSIGHT & WHITE PAPER]

Alma’s Isaac Mizrahi considers focusing on purchase-ready target to increase marketing efficiencies

As Q4 begins, marketing executives are likely to be combing through their budgets and strategies to increase growth for the upcoming year. As Managing Director of Alma, the Multicultural agency leading the growing field of U.S. Hispanic market research, Isaac Mizrahi presents “Shifting Strategy in 2015: A closer look at U.S. Hispanic market power”.

Consumer Goods Executives focused on transforming their Businesses

According to a similar KPMG survey, when asked where their companies are in the business transformation process, approximately 33 percent of consumer goods executives surveyed stated that they have started the implementation of a transformation initiative, 18 percent stated that they have completed at least one major transformation initiative, another 18 percent stated that they have completed several major transformation initiatives and 22 percent stated that they are planning a transformation initiative.

Gotay named Director of Multicultural Marketing at NASCAR

NASCAR announced that Edwin Gotay will join NASCAR as  Director of Multicultural Marketing, adding to the company’s roster of talented professionals focused on increasing NASCAR’s appeal with younger, more diverse audiences.  

Millennial Consumers: Experiences vs. Stuff Debate Rages On

With tight finances, millennial-led households spend less on average than total US households.

Ad Panel: ‘Total Market’ a Hard-to-Define Term #HispanicTV

With the continued melding of the Hispanic population with the U.S. culture at large, its led to a new buzzword for marketers to use when implementing their advertising strategies: ‘Total Market Approach.

Gadsby: Marketing Dollars Moving to Digital #HispanicTV

Programmatic technology and precise digital metrics will change the way multicultural marketing dollars are spent, expert says.

CPG and Programmatic: Big Data Is a Big Deal

Consumer packaged goods (CPG) brands have all but perfected the art of gathering consumer data.

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