
CEOs To Step Up Customer Focus In Next Three Years [Report]

CEOs cite interacting and connecting more with customers as their top priority; Concerns that products and services will quickly lose relevancy.
In a recent study by KPMG LLP, the U.S. audit, tax and advisory firm, chief executives indicated their companies will be significantly more customer-focused over the next three years to more effectively deliver value and advance their brands.

Apple’s New Marketing Hire – Costa Rican, Female Marketer Previously at GAP

This is historical on so many levels for Latin American and US-based Hispanic agencies alike.  It reaffirms the benefit of being a little fish in a big pond, driving global depth through cultural empathy.    By Gabriela Alcantara-Diaz, Founder, President of G ADMarketing Communication, Inc.

Marketers Struggle to find Single Source of Customer Truth [REPORT]

Marketers believe that their organizations are customer-centric and that their customers would agree. Unfortunately, marketers also reveal that this might be wishful thinking as lackluster ratings in organizations’ ability to listen, respond and effectively engage with customers in an agile, personalized manner fall well below average.

Majority of Marketers Say ‘More’ to Brand Awareness Efforts

An outright majority of marketing professionals worldwide plan to increase their spending on brand awareness in the next 12 months, according to research conducted for eMarketer in August 2014 by InsightExpress—compared with just over four in 10 who said they would be spending more on demand generation.

Marketing: The Next Generation [INSIGHT]

Marketing itself hasn’t changed, but the world around it has. Great marketing will always be great marketing because it is borne of an insight, has a strong idea inside it, a clear sense of who it’s for and a pathway to creating demand and commercializing it effectively.

How to Reach US Female Millennials—It’s Not Easy

US millennial women make up a huge group that is almost impossible to characterize. For one thing, the age range covers those still in high school all the way through women approaching their mid-30s. And they are a more ethnically diverse generation than any that has come before, according to a new eMarketer report, “Millennial Women: How Their Social Network Usage, Shopping Habits and Personal Finances Add Up.”

Once Again, Digital Is Not A Department — And Marketing Should Be Everywhere [INSIGHT]

I recently wrote about how silly it is to embed a team of digitally focused folks in your marketing department, call it a team and expect results.  The response was overwhelming to that article, which shocked me because I thought that idea was taken for granted.  Apparently I was overstating the understanding of that concept.

Companies are Satisfied with Business Outcomes from Big Data

Ninety-two percent of executives from companies that are applying big data to their businesses said they are satisfied with the results, according to new research by Accenture.

Multi-ethnic models in advertising: universal appeal without alienation? [INSIGHT]

Is America truly ready for total marketing? Or is the formula just too simple, resting on a flawed narrative that a racial divide no longer exists?  By David Morse, CEO, New American Dimensions LLC

Brand Loyalty cannot be Predicted by Age or Income

The real recipe for cultivating brand loyalty comes down to context.

New Ideas, Insights and Innovations is Biggest Reason to Partner [INSIGHT & REPORT]

New ideas and innovation are the lifeblood of 21st century businesses.

Meet the New Family [REPORT]

The notion of family is rapidly evolving, but many brands aren’t yet portraying the new reality of today’s families or fully speaking to their needs.

Cross-Channel Marketing: Hot, but Not Happening

As consumers bounce from device to device throughout the day, marketers are trying to figure out how to track them across platforms.

A Next Generation Approach to Brand Equity Tracking [INSIGHT]

Measuring and monitoring brand equity has become a required discipline for any global marketer. Brands are important and valuable assets to corporations, and there’s a business imperative to understand their position in the market and whether a brand is developing in line with the brand’s objectives.

Hispanic Agencies Leading Total Market Work [INSIGHT]

Total Market is defined as: “A marketing approach followed by corporations with their trusted internal and external partners which proactively integrates diverse segment considerations. This is done from inception through the entire strategic process and execution, with the goal of enhancing value and growth effectiveness. In marketing communi­cations, this could lead to either one fully integrated cross-cultural approach, individual segment approaches, or both in many cases, but always aligned under one overarching strategy.”  By Bill Duggan, Group EVP, ANA

AHAA leads Marketing Coalition in Defining Total Market

Multicultural populations are driving 84 percent of the population growth, fueling 81 percent of U.S. job growth and accounting for 43 percent of buying power in top 10 markets – with statistics like these, marketing practices are evolving and, until now, have been lumped into the umbrella term “Total Market.[1]” For the last year, AHAA: The Voice of Hispanic Marketing, in collaboration with the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), and the Asian American Advertising Federation (3AF) assembled a broad coalition of clients, agencies and associations to define an integrated strategy for driving growth.

Tapping Into the Healthy Movement Through A Total Market Insights Approach [INSIGHT]

With a goal toward accessing Total Market strategies through the growing healthy-driven movement, SGG has launched SSG Wellness Spectrum™ powered by GfK MRI, an advanced analytics tool designed to incorporate wellness propensities & consumption insights to ground Total Market strategies across segments.

“Healthy-minded Shoppers Across Cultural Segments Disagree on Healthy Brands Choices” [INSIGHT]

Despite commonly accepted notions of “healthy” among consumers, SSG’s recent analysis of “Healthy Breakfast Brands” revealed that there were no common brands among the top 2 “Healthiest Breakfast Brands” among various multicultural segments: Hispanics, Millennials, African Americans and White Non-Hispanics.  

Ramírez named Managing Partner at About Marketing Solutions, Inc.

Bessie Ramírez has joined Terry Soto at About Marketing Solutions, Inc. as Managing Partner.

Media Fragmentation Means Ad World’s Future Based On Audience, Not Content

Content may be king, but the future of media buying in a digital world will be based on audience, not content.

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