
Cross-Device and Measurement are Top of Mind for Media Buyers [REPORT]

Seventy percent of media professionals are interested in learning more about cross-device advertising, according to a research study released by Conversant, the leader in personalized digital marketing. The study, which was conducted by independent research company Bovitz, Inc., solicited insight into the planning and buying processes for digital media.

Creative Fundamentals that Generate Results

From all that’s been written about the importance of radio creative lately, it’s clear that many recognize that poor creative continues to suck the ROI out of radio advertising. What’s not as readily apparent is that poor creative negatively impacts radio’s performance in econometric/Media Mix Modeling modeling, which so often plays a critical role in media selection.

Cross-Screen Study Reveals 70 Percent of Digital Users Access Internet Across Multiple Devices

Millennial Media released Cross-Screen Consumer Behavior Decoded, a report that explores how demographics, content, and time of day influence cross-screen consumer behavior.  The acceleration of multiple device ownership with faster network access around the globe has fueled the ability to reach consumers as they move from screen to screen. 

The ANA and BAA join forces to elevate Brand Building

The ANA (Association of National Advertisers) and the Brand Activation Association (BAA) announced that their boards of directors unanimously approved plans for the ANA to acquire the BAA as of July 1, 2014.

Tomorrow’s CMO: Chief Magic or Logic Officer? [REPORT]

Digital has become a key driver of business decisions across industries, with a significant number of those choices falling under the marketing function. Digital and its possibilities continue to impact the role of the CMO, but is there a danger that by placing so much emphasis on analytical skills, marketing leaders may be overlooking other vital skills? What skills will the CMO of the not-so-distant future need to be successful? To help answer these questions, Spencer Stuart surveyed more than 160 senior marketing leaders in advance of our annual CMO Summit, spanning the consumer, financial services, technology, life sciences, industrial, media and advertising, and nonprofit sectors.  By Arthur S. Brown, Grant Duncan, Thomas Seclow, Greg Welch

Branding-Focused Ads Remain No. 1 for US CPG Industry

The US consumer packaged goods (CPG) and consumer products industry’s advertising spending on digital media will hit $4.20 billion in 2014 and steadily increase to $7.04 billion by 2018, according to a new eMarketer report, “The US CPG and Consumer Products Industry 2014: Digital Ad Spending Forecast and Trends,” part of our new report series, “2014 Digital Ad Spending Benchmarks by Industry.”

Lifestyle Brands: How to Grow in a Post-Growth Era [INSIGHT]

Culture is moving at an ever increasing rate. Consumers are cynical, tired of being sold to. The marketplace isn’t getting bigger yet competitors continue to flood the market. Meaningful differentiation and true innovation is increasingly hard to unlock.

Are Large Upfront Agency Commitments Replacing Strategic Thinking?

Agencies are searching for a way to remain relevant in the data age of marketing. As a result of this quest, many are announcing “big strategic deals” with publishers like Facebook and Twitter.  These deals are intended to guarantee publisher revenue in exchange for preferred levels of service, but isn’t that what agencies are supposed to provide on their own?  Why do agencies have to be “all-in” in order to achieve efficiency?  Don’t these kinds of deals infringe on the agency’s ability to be nimble, strategic and flexible enough to find the right way to spend their client’s money?

Direct-Response Tactics Take Majority of US Marketers’ Budgets

US advertisers will collectively spend upward of $50 billion on digital advertising in 2014, according to new figures from eMarketer. This represents the fifth year in a row of torrid growth, reflecting broad economic and advertising industry trends that have driven nonstop, double-digit gains across virtually all industries since the trough of the Great Recession in 2009.

When Old Marketing Terms hurt New Marketing Strategies

A while ago, I wrote about terminology I wanted to rid the industry of, with immediate effect. It was (to date) one of my best-read and most responded-to columns on MediaPost. But it is not just the over-usage of industry lingo that is bad for the industry. Even worse is that the industry is still holding on to marketing terminologies and definitions of yesteryear.

Personal Care Brands have Best Reputation among Mothers

Many brands may be “mother-approved,” but which ones score the highest marks? Based on research by YouGov, personal care brands were the best perceived by mothers, with Dove and Johnson & Johnson taking the top two spots, respectively.

CPG Ad Spending 2014: L’Oréal Looking to Invest More in Direct Response

While ecommerce remains a small part of sales in consumer packaged goods (CPG) overall, the health and beauty category is a bright spot digitally, having seen much success in its direct-response efforts. Roxanne Barretto, assistant vice president of US digital for L’Oréal, spoke with eMarketer’s Danielle Drolet about CPG digital ad spend trends for the year ahead, as well as predictions on direct response (DR) and mobile.

A Brand Roadmap For Optimizing Relationships

Just a few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to address a gathering of marketers from the New York financial services community, about optimizing ROI through sports. While my remarks centered largely on best practices in assessing sponsorship impact, I prefaced those perspectives with a brief look at the potential rewards that can be derived from a well-planned and thought-out sports marketing partnership.

Things To Consider For Marketing Communications Development Under The Affordable Care Act

Beyond messaging, how do segments vary in their usage of communication channels and devices? Does channel access vary across age or income “segments”? With respect to health care insurance, do concerns over the exchange of personal information affect communication channel preferences?

What we can learn from the failures of NBC Latino & CNN Latino [INSIGHT]

  By Lee Vann / Captura Group

Earlier this year we saw the closure of two major efforts by the mainstream media to connect with Hispanics in the U.S.

CNN launched “CNN Latino” last year. The goal of the cable news network was to build an audience around syndicated news and entertainment shows in Spanish. Broadcast TV stations in several markets with large Hispanic populations – including WDFL in Miami and KBEH in Los Angeles – carried the programming.

Cross-Device Advertising a Hot Topic in 2014

As consumers switch between multiple devices daily, advertisers are looking to cross-device advertising to track and target users across channels. According to data released in February 2014 by Conversant, 59% of US senior-level marketers and agency decision-makers cited cross-device advertising as a digital channel they planned to use this year. This trailed second-place video by just 2 percentage points.

Improved relationships between Marketing and Procurement

The relationship between marketing and procurement has improved substantially and is driving measurable results according to Optimizing the Procurement & Marketing Relationship – an ANA Survey due out later this month.


The U.S. economy hinges on the 10 leading TM states where Multicultural purchase power makes up about a third of the base and also a major contributor to the incremental Buying Power. In fact, over 4 in 10 new consumer purchasing dollars are generated by Multicultural segments in the Top 10 TM states as opposed to 1 in 5 in the other 40 states.  By Santiago Solutions Group

World Cup Viewers Plan to Keep Up by Multiscreening

The 2014 FIFA World Cup soccer tournament may not kick off in Brazil until next month, but viewers are already planning on how they’re going to watch the matches. And based on polling conducted by for YuMe, digital devices are reshaping game viewing.

Changing Channels: Americans view Just 17 Channels despite Record Number to Choose From

Americans have no shortage of options in every aspect of their lives. The proliferation of devices for consuming content has enabled more choices than most can count. But the “problem” of having too many options—including a growing expanse of content—doesn’t seem to be having an impact on our TV viewing preferences.

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