
Population Bracketology [TRY YOUR KNOWLEDGE AT THIS GAME]

Test your knowledge of the relative populations of different geographic areas by participating in the U.S. Census Bureau’s version of “March Madness.” The Census Bureau’s Population Bracketology is an interactive data visualization allowing you to fill out your own bracket based on comparisons of state and metro area population. The objective is to pick the larger population between two metro areas or states and see how close you can come to a perfect score of 63. At the end, visitors can mouse over the choices to see the actual population numbers or view the data table.

This Logo Moves Me

New research by U-M Ross Professor Aradhna Krishna and her post-doctoral student Luca Cian shows static logos can create a sense of motion and enhance a customer’s evaluation of the brand. The research, backed by studies that tracked eye movements and surveyed engagement, is one of the first to how perceived motion from static images affects consumers.

Marketers Recognize that Big Data Is a Big Deal

How important is harnessing big data for your marketing efforts?

Use Emotion To Strike A Chord

Wouldn’t a brand be delighted to receive this kind of response to their product?

“I saw it and I just had to have it.”
“My family would be so much happier with it in our home!”
“I felt much safer after we bought one.”

Rupert Murdoch Confirmed to Deliver Opening Address at AHAA’s 2014 “Thinking Under the Influence” Conference

AHAA: The Voice of Hispanic Marketing announced a jaw-dropping addition to its already stellar 2014 conference lineup: Rupert Murdoch, Chairman and CEO of 21st Century Fox, the world’s premier portfolio of cable, broadcast, film, pay TV and satellite assets spanning six continents across the globe, and Executive Chairman of News Corp, the largest news and information services provider in the English-speaking world. During the opening session of the conference (Monday, April 28 at 1pm ET), Mr. Murdoch will share his insights on the changing landscape of news media in the next five years and the significant business opportunity in the Hispanic market.

How Many Online Identities Do Your Consumers Have?

I’ve accumulated perhaps dozens of identities across various social platforms over the years.

Public Relations Is A Powerful Tool To Educate, Engage Patients

As pharmaceutical and biotech companies compete for the hearts and minds of prospective patients, they are re-discovering public relations as a powerful way of doing so. PR, with its unique ability to educate and inform, is a highly effective tool to communicate complex and often challenging information.

CMOs Fusing Internal and External Data to Drive Financial Success [INSIGHT & INFOGRAPHIC]

The study, entitled “Stepping up to the challenge: How CMOs can start to close the aspirational gap,” is based on findings from face-to-face conversations with more than 500 CMOs from 56 countries and 19 industries worldwide. Conducted by IBM’s Institute for Business Value (IBV), the study reveals that 94 percent of CMOs believe advanced analytics will play a significant role in helping them reach their goals. However, an increased number of CMOs say their organizations are underprepared to capitalize on the data explosion – 82 percent compared to 71 percent three years before.

ACA’s “Last Call” Micro-Targets Hispanics with Segment-Specific Tactics [INSIGHT]

With less than 4 four weeks left, President Obama, in a Latino Town Hall address, led an “all-out” campaign targeted to Hispanics and addressing their specific issues and barriers that have kept them from enrolling in ACA. The communications push brought together celebrities, national & local leaders, community groups, and “real” people, on the three largest Spanish-language media outlets, Univision, Telemundo and impreMedia, live webcast and social media. The question remains whether this late campaign adjustment comes with enough time to incite Hispanics to action.  By Santiago Solutions Group

U.S. Census looking at big changes in how it asks about race and ethnicity

The Census Bureau has embarked on a years-long research project intended to improve the accuracy and reliability of its race and ethnicity data. A problem is that a growing percentage of Americans don’t select a race category provided on the form: As many as 6.2% of census respondents selected only “some other race” in the 2010 census, the vast majority of whom were Hispanic.


By Gustavo de Mello SVP Global Strategy Director of DDB Chicago, explains the role of planning in Soccer terms.

As the biggest sports event in the world approaches – The 2014 Soccer World Cup – and as a good Brazilian, I’ll summarize my thoughts using a soccer analogy:

Planners don’t score the goal

Better Measurement, Metrics Needed for Engagement

Consumers have come to expect brands to interact with them—not simply talk at them. However, November 2013 polling by Google Think Insights and Advertising Age found that marketers were struggling to actually manage online engagement.

“Collaborative Buying”: Hispanics & Millennials Share Decision-Making & Shopping [INSIGHT]

In recent months, books and research are being released focusing on a “new” trend in “collaborative buying” and “sharing shopping.” While it may be newly noted for Millennials, it is an established pillar of the collective-oriented Hispanic culture based on their familial structure which has migrated to their vast social network communities.  By Santiago Solution Group

Let’s Hear It For The Brand

Over the last couple of years, I’ve become increasingly convinced that one common phrase deserving to be retired is, “The power of the purse.” Is it because women no longer wield buying power in their households? Absolutely not, of course they do; but the reason is not because the purse isn’t powerful, it’s because the wallet is now carrying equal weight in married households. The power of the purse connotes that men don’t have a say or, more importantly, don’t care about the brands they and members of their households bring into the home. It turns out they do, and there’s research proving it.

CMO One-to-One: LivingSocial Evolves from Deals Site to Deals Marketplace

For eMarketer’s CMO One-to-One series, Barry Judge, CMO of LivingSocial, spoke with eMarketer about the importance of personalization and relevancy in a deals marketplace.

Advertisers Blend Digital and TV for Well-Rounded Campaigns

TV ad spending will grow at a fairly steady single-digit pace over the next several years. The growth rates are not exciting, but they are impressive given the sheer size of the market, according to a new eMarketer report, “US TV Ad Spending: Factors Shaping Today’s Television Market.”

Marketers use Influencer Marketing to launch Products, Share Content

Influencer marketing, considered by some to be a buzzword, is proving to be a beneficial relationship for both the marketers doing it and the influencers who participate, according to a January 2014 study by Augure—which defined an influencer as someone who is able to mobilize opinions, creates reactions when talking about a specific topic, has a large audience or base of followers and has a high degree of participation in a conversation on a given subject.

Jersey Burgers

By Carlos E. Cortés –  Univision INsights

My wife spotted it before I did.  “Look, sweetheart, they’re serving menudo at Jersey Burgers.”

There it was.  A mailer from Jersey Burgers advertising burgers, fries, omelettes, waffles . . . and “Menudo Saturday & Sunday.”

Views from the front lines of the data-analytics revolution [INSIGHT]

This past October, eight executives from companies that are leaders in data analytics got together to share perspectives on their biggest challenges. All were the most senior executives with data-analytics responsibility in their companies, which included AIG, American Express, Samsung Mobile, Siemens Healthcare, TD Bank, and Wal-Mart Stores. Their backgrounds varied, with chief information officers, a chief data officer, a chief marketing officer, a chief risk officer, and a chief science officer all represented. We had seeded the discussion by asking each of them in advance about the burning issues they were facing.

Marketers Should Keep It Short In 2014

We all know that Millennials have the ability to interpret a message within a few seconds due to what has been characterized as a decreasing attention span. However, a recent study released by MIT is almost mind-boggling. According to the report, consumers can decipher what an ad or logo is saying in about 13 milliseconds, roughly 10 times faster than the one-tenth of a second the researchers had initially projected.

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