
Traditional or Digital Ads? Millennials Show Mixed Feelings

Millennials are known as a digitally savvy group, but does that mean that they view traditional ads as less effective? According to polling by Adroit Digital, many millennials don’t. When the January 2014 study asked US millennial smartphone users about the effectiveness of digital vs. traditional advertising, 36% said that digital ads were more effective; however, the percentage of those who said they were equally effective was close behind, cited by 28% of 18- to 33-year-olds.

Hispanics Spend $22.8 Billion In the Independent Retail Grocery Channel [STUDY]

The National Grocers Association (NGA) and the Center for Multicultural Science (CMS) recently conducted the first study to estimate how much the Hispanic shopper spends in the independent retail grocery channel.   The study found that Hispanics spend an estimated $22.8 billion in retail grocery stores (or 17% of the total estimated annual sales of the independent retail grocery channel).

Best Retail Brands Report

The global Best Retail Brands report ranks the top 50 North American retail brands, the top 50 European retail brands, the top 30 Asia-Pacific retail brands and the top 20 Latin American retail brands—all by brand value. The report is produced in collaboration with Interbrand Design Forum, the retail experience group within Interbrand.

CPG Brands See Better Engagement, Reach with Digital Video

Even as consumer packaged goods (CPG) brand managers talk about the need to rein in marketing budgets, they are increasing spending on the digital video channel. Media buyers and agencies, too, are pointing to increased efforts by CPG brands to put more digital video online, according to a new eMarketer report, “CPG and Digital Video: Beyond Repurposing the Television Campaign.”

Ethnic Marketing and Merchandising: Opportunities in the Face of Adversity

A few years back, I and some colleagues were contracted by the Coca Cola Retailing Research Council of North America to help the council tackle what had become a critical issue among U.S. food retailers: How to successfully market and merchandise to ethnic consumers. The result was the actionable “Grow With America Best Practices in Ethnic Marketing and Merchandising” industry report.  By Terry J. Soto, Author and President & CEO, About Marketing Solutions, Inc.

America’s Demographic Transformation: An Interactive Essay

America is in the midst of two major changes to its population: We are becoming majority non-white at the same time a record share is going gray.  In 1960, the population of the United States was 85% white; by 2060, it will be only 43% white. Our intricate new racial tapestry is being woven by the more than 40 million immigrants who have arrived since 1965, about half of them Hispanics and nearly three-in-ten Asians.  Explore these shifts and examine America’s four generations through animated charts, graphics and videos in a new interactive essay by Paul Taylor that synthesizes findings from the new book, The Next America.  

Consumers may be In Control, but Marketers Are, Too

As more and more marketers seek to gain control over the technology at their disposal, there is a clear shift away from the black box solutions and one towards transparency in all areas. Viewability rules are quickly starting to govern over display advertising, DSP’s are being forced to provide transparency in their campaigns and DMP’s enable direct access to data providers and attributes available for targeting.  All of these changes signal a clear new direction where marketers are taking control of the tools and systems available to them in order to improve efficiency and performance and do so at scale.

Social, Mobile Ups Marketers’ Influence On Media Consumption

Marketers concentrate so much on consumer behavior, but what part does the behavior of brand marketers play when they attempt to connect with existing and potential customers?

Digital Roadblock: Marketers Struggle to Reinvent Themselves [INSIGHT & REPORT]

Underscoring the rapid transformation of the marketing profession, 64% of marketers expect their role to change in the next year and 81% believe their role will change in the next three years. But the path to reinvention remains a challenge. Respondents cited lack of training in new marketing skills (30%) and organizational inability to adapt (30%) among the top obstacles to becoming the marketers they aspire to be.

What’s Next: The Best of Both Worlds—Integrating Online Data Into Marketing Mix Models [INSIGHT & REPORT]

Marketing mix modeling has never been more valuable to chief marketing officers—and the need for effective models never greater—than today. Constant budget pressures and an exploding array of consumer touch points from the digital world have dramatically increased the difficulty and the competitive value of fine-tuning one’s marketing spend.


Some information I recently read in a very interesting article by Colin Ho made me take a new look at what we call “barriers” in connecting brands with consumers.  The article included information on how consumers tend to gravitate towards negative information in a stronger way than to positive. It explains that we are hardwired to pay attention to negative information and less so to positive information.   By: Enrique R. Turégano – alPunto Advertising Inc.

Addressable Screens Reshaping the Entertainment Landscape [REPORT]

Consumer viewing of TV programming and movies over the Internet is growing, according to a new survey released today by Accenture. The demand for more devices and more online content, as well as consumers’ willingness to pay for better access to content, is reshaping the media and entertainment landscape.

Marketers Must Place Greater Emphasis On Loyalty

One of the largest differences between Millennials and the generations that came before them is that they are much less loyal.

Shedding Light on Race Reporting Among Hispanics [INSIGHT & REPORT]

Over the last few decades, many Census Bureau studies have examined race reporting among Hispanics on the census questionnaire, but these studies did not specifically look at those who self-reported being of Hispanic origin.

Digital Omnivores craving more Content Across Devices [INFOGRAPHIC]

Digital omnivores – those consumers who own a trio of tablets, smartphones and laptops – continue to grow, driven by the proliferation of new platforms and increased device adoption.  Deloitte’s eighth edition of the “Digital Democracy Survey” (formerly the “State of the Media Democracy” survey) reveals that over one third (37 percent) of U.S. consumers are now digital omnivores, a 42 percent growth over the previous year. This growth is primarily driven by continued tablet adoption (33 percent increase) and, to a lesser extent, smartphone ownership (18 percent increase).  Moreover, women, who made up over one-third (35 percent) of omnivores two years ago, now account for 45 percent of this group.

mun2’S ‘REINAS DE REALTY’ integrates tips from Allstate Insurance Agents

mun2 has announced a collaboration with Allstate Insurance for the network’s new docu-reality series “Reinas de Realty.”  The 10-episode original series follows two Latina real estate moguls running their thriving, family-based Los Angeles house-flipping business and transforming Latino communities one flip at a time.

The Implications of Hybri-culturalism [INSIGHT]

My last publication dealt with the heavily talked about “total market approach” to advertising.   That total market approach is derived from today’s move in our society into becoming Hybri-cultural.   By Enrique Turégano, alPunto Advertising – Tustin, CA

Business Buying Behavior shifts based on Content Sharing Behavior and Role in Decision-Making Process

New content marketing research by the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council reveals insight-hungry business buyers are increasingly reliant on trusted third-party information to make more educated decisions. The study also found that buyers tend to be clustered in distinctly different content sharing circles based on how the purchasing process is being driven, as well as their levels of collaboration and decision-making responsibility.

Brands still Struggle to Measure ROI on Twitter [INFOGRAPGHIC]

Despite a successful IPO, brands using Twitter to boost marketing efforts are still uncertain as to Twitter’s true value. According to a recent survey conducted by Social Media Marketing University, 45.1% of brands reported that ‘measuring ROI and results’ is their greatest challenge when using the platform for marketing, followed by ‘building an audience’ (42.1 percent) and ‘engagement’ (36.8 percent).

CMO One-to-One: Kathy Savitt on Making Yahoo Mobile-First

For eMarketer’s CMO One-to-One series, Yahoo CMO Kathy Savitt discusses the company’s refocus on users’ daily habits as well as innovating the platform to accommodate ads as amenable to a mobile-first sensibility.

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