
The Chemistry Conundrum: Learning Enough About Your Agencies to Make Meaningful Decisions

I’ve always found the term ‘Chemistry Session’ to be a complete misnomer. I use the term because it’s entered into pitching vernacular. And because the concept of ‘human chemistry’ exists. And because I can’t think of anything better myself that’s going to stick. But really – Chemistry? I understand the premise. But chemistry is a very precise science. What happens in a chemistry session is anything but scientific.

LIONS State of Creativity Study 2023 [REPORT]

LIONS' global, annual study reveals the industry's priorities, opportunities and challenges.  The third edition of the State of Creativity Study draws on insights, data and case studies from over 2,400 creatives and marketers from across the industry, to help you rise above the challenges facing brands in 2023.

10 personality types agencies may encounter in a new business pitch

One of the important factors in any pitch decision is how aligned the agency is to the advertiser’s culture. And while there can be some misunderstandings, it is important to make sure you know who you are pitching to, the culture of the business and the people employed there before you go to pitch.

Ramping Up College Recruitment Efforts – How L’Oréal and other brands bolster their efforts to recruit new talent from universities and colleges

As director of university relations and partnerships at the cosmetics giant and ANA member L'Oréal, Brittany Ramsey is responsible for identifying and attracting the marketing talent the company needs to thrive in the future. But in the past few years, the skills and education of the students L'Oréal wants to recruit has changed significantly.

Reaching Across the Aisles: The Biggest Challenges Between Procurement and Marketing, and How to Address Them

  The concept of procurement and marketing teams working together in pitching or renegotiation of agency services carries, in my experience, a veneer of PC speak that often obscures the truth. Some common examples I generally hear repeated at the start of a project:  ‘Oh, we’re not like other organizations, our marketing and procurement teams work hand in glove’.

The Future of Consumer Ownership

When it comes to technology and data, and how it's used, companies have historically controlled the levers. However, with all the recent and upcoming industry changes, there are cultural shifts afoot. Many industry leaders believe consumers will be in more powerful positions than in the past, having more control over their data and their purchases.

 Key Brand Lift drivers for emerging media channels [REPORT]

Nielsen, a global leader in audience measurement, data and analytics, has identified for the first time the drivers of brand lift on emerging media, illuminating common factors that drive campaign performance.

HMC announces Shortlist for the 2023 HMC Strategic Excellence Aawards

After a record number of entries, 16 US-based agencies representing 27 campaigns in seven categories have made the shortlist of finalists for the Hispanic Marketing Council (HMC) Strategic Excellence Awards, the only award competition of its kind recognizing strategic excellence in Hispanic marketing and advertising and cultural fluency*. Winners will be announced at the HMC 2023 Annual Summit in New York City on April 27.

What is Gen Z?

Generation Z comprises people born between 1996 and 2010. This generation’s identity has been shaped by the digital age, climate anxiety, a shifting financial landscape, and COVID-19.

The Hispanic Growth Engine Post Pandemic

A key responsibility of marketers is to identify growth opportunities. It would be easy to overlook the strength of the U.S. Hispanic market if you were not aware of their impressive economic performance before and during the pandemic. The Latino Donor Collaborative published their latest annual report that paints a powerful picture of resilience. It confirms the dominance of Latinos in the growth of the new mainstream economy.  By Roberto Orci


Vincent Létang, EVP, Global Market Research at MAGNA, and author of the report, said: “In a similar economic climate, ten or twenty years ago, the U.S. advertising market would almost certainly fall off a cliff. Things are different in 2023 because of media innovation fueling marketing demand. The organic drivers that boosted the ad market in 2021 and the first half of 2022 are still around and mitigating the impact of stressful economic signals. Such organic drivers include the rise of retail media networks which are redirecting billions of marketing budgets dollars into advertising formats.

The War on “Woke” and the Future of Multicultural Marketing

In June 2020, The ANA and its diversity initiative, the Alliance for Inclusive & Multicultural Marketing (AIMM), acknowledged the limited progress made in all aspects of DEI. In a letter to its board of directors and members, the organization pledged to do everything it could “to end systemic racism and achieve equality and justice” in the marketing and advertising industries.  By David Morse - New American Dimensions

How to Make Retail Brand Campaigns Work Harder in a Tight Market

According to Harvard Business Review, and a lot of anecdotal evidence that we can all point to, companies cut marketing budgets in a recession. Not only that, retail brand budgets can be the first to get slashed as they are the hardest to connect to sales numbers. For the brand budgets that are left, advertisers worry how they can drive any meaningful value if they can't get the reach or impact that they might feel they need.

Ad-Filtering Users, How They Accept Some Advertising and Reward Those Advertisers with Better Recall, Positive Brand Associations [REPORT]

If two assumptions can be made about advertising, consumers are attempting to filter out intrusive ads, while advertisers are striving to capture their attention. These opposing behaviors actually create a better environment for advertisers and media agencies, with notable improvements in recall and positive brand associations, according to new research by MAGNA’s Media Trials unit and the ad-filtering technology company, eyeo, titled, Reaching & Influencing Ad-Filtering Users.

Although Inflation is Moderating, Food Costs Remain High, and Consumers Continue to Shift At- and Away-from-Home Eating and Spending Behaviors as a Result

Last year, food inflation at retail and foodservice exceeded levels reached during the Great Recession. Even with inflation currently moderating, higher food prices will continue influencing consumers’ spending and eating behaviors this year, reports Circana, formerly IRI and The NPD Group.

Everyone’s Obsessed with AI… But Don’t Forget the Humans

AI is taking over the internet, and what feels like the world lately. While generative AI tools like ChatGPT and DALL-E continue to grasp consumers' attention, AI has been used for many business applications in digital media and marketing. With 83 percent of companies claiming that AI is a top priority in their business plans, business leaders must not forget the most important part to integrating training and enhancing the output of AI tools: the human element. If business leaders fail to recognize its significance, they run the risk of losing consumer interest.

Unexplainably Low Incidences? How Tropicalization Increases Participation Rates

In the market research industry, incidence refers to the proportion of people in a population who meet the requirements to participate in a specific study. For example, if a study seeks people who have purchased a particular product in the last six months, incidence would be the percentage of people in the total population who meet this criterion.

Successful Marketing Spend Management: It Takes a Village

More than one hundred years have passed since Mr. Wanamaker shared this perspective on his firm's advertising investment and his words are as true today as they were when he uttered them in 1919. One could rightly argue that the accelerating rate of change, the dizzying array of message delivery choices, advances in technology, the growth in ad fraud, and an increase in regulatory oversight have only further complicated the challenge of optimizing marketing and advertising spend.

In the Race to Standardize TV Measurement, Data Is the Only Safe Harbor

The advertising industry is under a microscope. With the economic uncertainty facing the industry, every ad dollar counts. Marketers are facing the challenge of having to prove that each dollar spent is getting a return and that campaigns are performing to their maximum potential.

Media 100 revealed – the world’s most awarded campaigns and companies for media excellence

Compiled by WARC, the international marketing insights company, the annual Media 100 Ranking is produced by combining the results of the industry’s most important global and regional media award shows of 2022. The awards tracked are determined by a global industry panel survey and consultation with the WARC Rankings Advisory Board.

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