
Advertising Cultivates Brand Trust Leading to Purchase Intent [REPORT]

When brand trust increases by just one point, the average consumer purchase intent increases by 33%, with Reliability, Respect, Ethical Business Practices, Authenticity, and Relatability top drivers of brand trust.

Attention: Why It’s More Than Just Viewability 2.0

In a world full of advertisements, the burning question remains: How can we keep consumers truly engaged? As our industry evolves daily, advertisers are taking a deeper look, moving beyond conventional metrics like viewability, and embracing innovative measurement tools to gauge attention. However, as new measurement tools arise, so does the need for standardization as we navigate uncharted territory.

Fostering Digital Communities: The Role of Community Management in Modern Marketing

With the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, one thing remains constant – the power of community. As a Social Media Community Manager, you hold the key to unlocking this potential, bridging the gap between brands and their audiences with every post, comment and interaction. Join us as we explore the art and science of community management and discover how agencies like ours, CCOM, harness its power to drive meaningful engagement and foster brand loyalty.  By Stephanie Zambrana

FREEDOM by: Jackie Bird

Editor’s Note: The passing of Jackie Bird last week had an enormous impact in our industry.  As a tribute to the well-known advertising personality, invites you to read a piece she wrote in April 11, 2019.  I found among her posts from RedBean Society at the time.   It captures and conveys Jackie’s spirit, her ability to create, to re-invent herself, her love for advertising and marketing, and her contagious zest for life.  In no small part, it also shows her daringness to take risks.  I don’t think there is a better way to remember our dear Jackie Bird! —Gene Bryan, Publisher

The Upfront Is Dead, Long Live the Upfront

In an era where television was not merely entertainment but a cultural event, the inception of the TV upfronts marked a strategic revolution in advertising. In the 1960s, amid a backdrop in which today's digital sprawl was mere science fiction, upfront negotiations set the stage for an annual symbiotic dance between networks and advertisers. With only three major broadcasters holding the reins to America's visual diet, the competition for ad slots (particularly those in prime time) was fierce. Highly coveted inventory was scarce; securing it early was not just advantageous but imperative.

Jackie Bird, well-known industry leader, passes away in Miami. 

Jackie Bird, the well-known advertising and marketing executive who had a distinguished career in the U.S. Hispanic Market, has passed away in a Miami Hospital after her battle with cancer.   Bird was the head of RedBean Society, a strategy advisory firm she founded to serve companies intent on reaching Hispanic and diverse consumers.  She created the company in 2009 to serve her first assignment, a family-owned Puerto Rican line of products that needed re-branding.  Several well-known brands followed bridging their new U.S heritage in a culturally relevant way to connect with Hispanic in a multicultural America.

CMO, the impossible job?

Responding to the suggestion that the CMO had become an impossible job, all the CMOs we asked at WFA Global Marketer Week in Toronto last month disagreed.  They all agreed though that the role has evolved and become more complex. However, many pointed out that it is precisely this level of complexity and the multi-faceted nature of the role that made it such a special job. PepsiCo’s Jane Wakely reckoned the role is perhaps the most challenging but most rewarding career in the C-suite. Watch their reactions below:

4 Campaigns That Leverage Experiential Marketing

In today's world, endless scrolling not only saps attention, but also clutters the marketplace with information and products. For a brand, this situation can be a challenge when trying to differentiate in a crowded forum. Crafting experiences that bring people together and inspire fun, however, can be a game-changer. What better way for a brand to build community and create fond memories?

A Call: Principal Media Case Studies

The Association of National Advertisers (ANA) recently released a study ("The Acceleration of Principal Media") revealing that when it comes to buying media, ad agencies are increasingly acting as principals rather than agents. That means they actually acquire the media — therefore becoming the owner, or "principal," of that media — and resell the media to their clients.

Position Hispanics in the Creative Global Agenda

The Latino economy is thriving and deeply intertwined with our community's success. As the fastest-growing minority group in the US, Latinos are reshaping markets, politics, and culture. At this pivotal moment, investing in the Latino community is crucial to unlocking our potential and ensuring a prosperous future for all. Unity and decisive action today are essential.  Increasing Latino representation in Cannes is critical, particularly amid rising AI bias and anti-DE&I narratives. This year, we emphasize embracing new technologies to elevate Latino potential and dismantle stereotypes. Media and all companies must invest in US Latinos, recognizing them as a growing, profitable market.

Financial Services Industry Strives to Navigate U.S. Latino ‘Bothism’

Marketers often fall into the trap of binary thinking, hindering creativity and clashing with consumers seeking fluidity. While the industry has struggled to embrace bothism – the concept of merging seemingly opposing approaches for better results – multicultural consumers in the U.S., particularly bi-cultural Latinos, have fully adopted it. Many see themselves as American and Latino, not half and half, but 200%, wholly embracing their American and Latino identities.

HumanKind Study–Exposing Reality of Today’s Consumer Climate

Leo Burnett Chicago released the findings of the U.S. HumanKind Study, which draws on extensive primary market research to dive deep into the main issues shaping the nation. Developed in partnership with research company Maru/Blue, the study offers a panoramic view of the challenges facing Americans today and outlines opportunities for brands to address issues spanning mental health, finance, social media and other divisive topics.

BMO Financial Group partners with PACO Collective for Multicultural Strategy & Media Buying

PACO Collective will partner with BMO to strengthen its multicultural media strategy, planning, and buying in priority markets. This partnership underscores BMO’s commitment to engaging diverse audiences and expanding its reach across multicultural audiences.

It’s High Time for a CMO Rebrand to Drive Growth

Recent news that UPS and Etsy parted ways with their CMOs and weren't going to replace them caused eyebrows to raise across the industry. And when Professor Scott Galloway declared that "CMOs are dead in 18 months or less," our chins hit the floor! And all of this was before Starbucks recently dropped its CMO role.

Understanding the Cost of Exclusion: Why Having Women in Creative Leadership at Agencies Matters

Women control the vast majority of purchasing decisions but feel misrepresented by the very advertising intended to sway their choices. Here’s how 3% launched a revolution for women in the advertising world.

Marketing Budgets Have Dropped to 7.7% of Overall Company Revenue in 2024

The annual Gartner 2024 CMO Spend Survey was conducted in February through March 2024. Survey respondents were CMOs and marketing leaders in North America and Northern and Western Europe across 10 different industries, company sizes and revenue, with the vast majority of respondents reporting median annual revenue of over $5.3 billion.

Defending Your Brand: Expert Strategies for Handling Negative Press

The dating app Bumble recently launched what it thought would be an engaging new ad campaign promoting a brand redesign. One of the campaign's key messages argued, "You know full well a vow of celibacy is not the answer."  The ads turned out to be very engaging, but in a way, Bumble did not seemingly anticipate nor initially welcome the response they received. The ads triggered a flood of negative press that suggested the company had "sneered at celibacy as an alternative to dating." Media outlets also reported that brand sentiment for Bumble had plummeted "following outrage over anti-celibacy ads."

Boosting In-Housing ROI: Harnessing the Power of Creative Storytelling

As brands increasingly bring creative functions in-house, they gain greater control over their storytelling, boost efficiencies, costs, and accelerate their time-to-market. This approach provides a cohesive platform for developing creative concepts that can scale across channels, whether it's brand marketing, social media, or e-commerce.

The Acceleration of Principal Media [REPORT]

A “The Acceleration of Principal Media,” reveals a substantial knowledge gap among marketers regarding the use of principal media. The purpose of ANA’s report is to increase awareness and to help educate marketers on principal media, including its background, benefits, and challenges.  Principal-based media buying occurs when agencies buy inventory from media owners at bulk rates and then resell it to clients at a markup. Agencies become the owners or vendors of the media, rather than acting as independent agents for clients.

Heightened Consumer Demand for Gender Equality in Advertising Resulting in Up to 10X Increase in Sales  [REPORT]

Accurate gender representation in advertising is driving measurable business outcomes for brands—such as heightened consumer trust, loyalty and, most importantly, improved sales performance—according to SeeHer’s latest Gender Equality Measure (GEM) Lift research. SeeHer is a global movement, within the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), to accurately portray women and girls in marketing, advertising, media and entertainment. SeeHer spearheaded GEM, the global gold standard of measuring gender bias in advertising and content.

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