
Diverse Faces Are Not The Same As Diverse Voices

By Rishad Tobaccowala

All leaders face many challenges today, including organizational designs built for the past vs. the present, hierarchical command-and-control management styles that do not resonate with a new generation and employees who question their intent.  By Rishad Tobaccowala

Why I love marketing procurement

It may not be the most well-known route into a C-suite role but Alice Tomlinson, who started working for the WFA last year, outlines why marketing procurement is proving to be an attractive career.

The great American demographic shift

Positive trends in immigration and fertility mean Black, Latino, and other minority groups are on track to collectively account for more than 50 percent of the country’s population.

Hispanics feel Invisible & Stereotyped in TV & Movies

This National Hispanic Heritage Month AIMM shines the spotlight on the importance of authentic cultural representation in the entertainment industry

Six tips and best practices to drive better ROI outcomes

The fragmented media landscape and sheer volume of new platforms, channels and services has made tracking ROI increasingly complex for marketers. And, while technology to engage, measure, optimize and prove ROI has never been more plentiful, only 54% of global marketers say they are confident in their ability to measure full-funnel ROI.

How to build a resilient marketing strategy and make the case to keep your budget

During times of economic unease, there can be a knee-jerk reaction to tighten the belt and slash the budgets—especially in the marketing and advertising departments.

CMO Compensation Surges To New High [REPORT]

The report, which outlines CMO compensation and hiring trends amongst businesses with up to 500 employees, reveals that the pandemic pressured organizations to source marketing leadership, and, coupled with a candidate-short talent pool, has stoked an already competitive landscape for hiring.

Expedia launches first ad campaign targeting US Hispanic Travelers

This week Expedia unveiled its new ad, "Maracuyá," featuring the voice of acclaimed Mexican actress and producer Salma Hayek Pinault. The :30 spot highlights moments in the lives of Latino travelers with the "maracuyá," or passion fruit, serving as the connecting element between different places and experiences, while Hayek Pinault's voiceover reminds travelers of the unique benefits of traveling with Expedia.

In the search for growth, what’s a media seller to do?

The importance of brand awareness and new customer acquisition elevated this year among the marketers surveyed for Nielsen’s 2022 Annual Marketing Report, but there isn’t a marketer on the planet who’s not laser focused on growing their return on investment (ROI). For media sellers, increasing competition—both within specific channels and in adjacent channels—has never been higher, which adds new layers of nuance on the road to finding new growth.

The shape of consumer spending

Splurge or save? In recent months, consumers worldwide likely feel caught between two minds. As global anxiety around the pandemic wanes, many are eager to spend on sorely missed experiences like travel, restaurants, and entertainment. But built-up pandemic demand is hitting hurdles in the form of spiking inflation and persistent headlines warning of a potential global recession.

Why smarter brands benefit from branching out

Diversification can make sense for behemoth and boutique brands alike – provided they don’t lose sight of their core values.

Labor Day Reading – HispanicAd publications available for FREE

HispanicAd in association with the Hispanic Marketing Council and Adam R. Jacobson plan and publish key supplemental reading through out the year to cover the most important topics for our industry besides our daily coverage.

No, you are not ‘over-indexing on Black’ [Here we go again a so called “DEI Expert” does not even mention US Hispanics]

PR Daily published an article by By Amira Barger the EVP of Health DEI at Edelman. Even though I agree with the premise, it astonished me that a so called "DEI Expert" cannot herself be more inclusive in her presentation of her point in the article. Excluding the importance is US Hispanics! What, DEI is only promoting Blacks or African American? Edelman as a company knows better that this. Have you lost your compass?

Best-In-Class: Pop-Tarts Día de Muertos Impact and Innovation

Captura Group and Kellogg share insights and learnings behind award-winning multicultural campaign during HMC’s Strategic Excellence Award webinar

The 2022 ROI Report [REPORT]

If driving media ROI is your job, this report helps you do it better. We reveal what drives returns, how to measure them and how to improve on the metrics you already have.

How the power of consumer connection drives success

For consumers, 2022 may well be another year of instability. Pandemic recovery has given way to soaring inflation, leaving retailers and customers rushing to cut costs. Even during these turbulent times, however, many of the world’s best-known companies have continued to see success. Analysis from our global BrandZ report reveal that, despite ongoing economic pain, the world’s 100 most valuable brands have seen their worth skyrocket over the past 12 months. During 2021, the worth of those brands grew from $7.1tn to $8.7tn, equivalent to some 9 per cent of world GDP.

Kellogg Company Recognizes Captura Group for Diverse Partner Investment and Support

Captura Group was recently recognized by Kellogg Company as the 2021 recipient of the Sojourner Truth Award, acknowledging the agency as their certified diverse partner with the highest spend with other diverse companies in 2021.

Global ad spend to rise 8.3% this year but growth will slow significantly in 2023

Global advertising spend is on course to rise by 8.3% – or $67.3bn – to $880.9bn this year, finds WARC, lifted by a positive first half for holding companies and a boost from cyclical events in the second, most notably the US midterm elections and the men’s FIFA World Cup in Qatar this November. Market growth is then set to ease significantly – to 2.6% – in 2023, as investment is inhibited by cooling economic conditions and third-party cookie blocking online.

Media Halo: What advertisers communicate through their choice of media brands

For maximum impact, advertisers need to select the media partners that match their brand personality and campaign objectives. But which media partners align best with your brand?

A Sure Bet In Case of a Recession: The U.S. Latino Market

Experts cannot all agree on the future of our economy. While GDP is contracting, we also know that unemployment remains low, corporate cash balances are healthy and revenue and profit margins are expanding.  But, as the possibility of a new recession looms, there is a lesson we learned from the 2008-09 Great Recession, and that is that Hispanics helped drive us out of the last big economic downturn, and we can expect a repeat of that today. By  Roberto Orci

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