
Brand planning in the time of COVID-19

No one knows what the next few months will bring. Right now, much of what we once took for granted seems uncertain. But whatever happens in the months ahead, there will come a time of improved stability and recovery to a new normal. And because brands are built over the long-term, marketers will need to plan for when people can once again travel, shop and congregate without fear.  by Nigel Hollis

Multicultural Consumers Are Streaming Content More Than Ever as Social Distancing Continues

Believe it or not, consumers are streaming even more content. The “Rona”—as the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has been deemed by Black Twitter—has forced many of us indoors for extended periods of time. And that means more time with our TVs and connected devices, particularly with streaming services.

Effects of the Coronavirus on Marketing May Be Incalculable

As the pandemic spreads, so do the economic implications. Here’s what’s happening

CMO Dilemma: How to Talk to Your CFO as Cost Cuts Loom

The coronavirus has officially changed how we live, work and interact with each other and with the companies that provide our goods and services. As companies focus first and foremost on caring for their employees and customers, a second priority will be learning how to navigate the uncertainty that surrounds this pandemic.

COVID-19: Key questions all marketers should be asking

Staying put is what’s best for reducing the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), but home-bound consumers are having an immediate impact on brands. The pull-back on advertising spend will cut expenses in the short term but will affect a brand’s resilience. How can businesses support their brands and make money in such uncharted waters?

How Marketing Can Overcome Covid-19 and Stay on Course

As the health and economic effects of the coronavirus spread, corporate marketing leaders must grapple with new or intensified challenges each day among their customers, employees and partner firms.

Tracking the Unprecedented Impact of COVID-19 on U.S. CPG Shopping Behavior

As the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to disrupt industries and businesses around the world, the consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry is operating in uncharted territory. Amid widespread health concerns, federal travel restrictions and local movement limitations, the industry is facing the greatest, and fastest change in shopping behavior ever.

COVID-19 hasn’t changed consumer attitudes to advertising

As the number of global coronavirus cases increases and stricter social distancing and lockdown regulations are put into place, brands continue to ask whether they should continue to advertise. Previously, we said that for most brands, spending behind the right creative will put the brand in a stronger position post-crisis than brands that don’t spend. New research adds the voice of the people: they don’t expect brands to stop advertising and are responding to ads in a very similar way to before the crisis.  by Daren Poole- Global Head of Creative / Kantar

Radio is ‘Comfort Food’ As Media Consumption Rises Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

As more Americans opt to stay home amid growing concerns about the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), media consumption is, unsurprisingly, peaking. Yet amid the various media options consumers have to choose from, including streaming platforms and connected TVs, a recent Nielsen survey found that 83% of consumers say they’re listening to as much or more radio as they were before the pandemic.

ANA forms Coronavirus Coalition

The ANA announced it has formed a new working community of top CMOs dedicated to helping the marketing community manage the ongoing global crisis posed by the coronavirus pandemic.

The Next Big Thing in Media & Advertising: Simplification

It has been 16 years since Facebook’s founding and Google’s IPO in 2004. Marketing, media, and creative players rushed in to master the new digital and social innovations across all viewing platforms. Complexity replaced simplicity and has grown without bounds. Excess complexity is a disaster. It’s time to eliminate it.

Beyond the outbreak: how Covid-19 will affect the global advertising market [REPORT]

Many industry sectors may decrease marketing and advertising spending this year as a result of slower sales and profits. MAGNA expects the impact on revenues to be severe for the Travel and Restaurant industries, moderate for Retail and Automotive, mild for Consumer PackagedGoods (CPG/FMCG) and potentially positive for Ecommerce and Home Entertainment (SVOD).

Marketers struggle to make informed decision during chaos

New CMO Council Research Finds Marketers Lacking On-demand Data Insights to Adapt, Adjust and Make Tactical and Strategic Marketing Recovery Moves

Comscore Reports Surging Levels of In-Home Data Usage

New research from Comscore shows how in-home data usage has jumped as millions more people work from home and at least 70 percent of American schools have shut down amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

New Urgency for Defining the Enterprise Brand

It’s incumbent upon corporations to clarify the identity behind their brands — and marketers and communicators together must play a vital role

Communication Breakdown

While solutions exist, myriad problems continue to erode the trust between clients and their agencies

Marketing do’s and don’ts during the COVID-19 crisis

IThe current crisis is a far cry from the Great Recession but there are things we have learned that are applicable when trying to figure out how to protect brands, businesses and livelihoods. In this post I have listed a few things that brands should do during the crisis and which will help preserve the brand’s standing for the longer-term..  by Nigel Hollis

Marketing Down 8.7% Advertising Up 7.9% What’s Wrong With This 2025 Forecast?

Total marketing communications and advertising investments will decline more than $50 billion annually between 2019 and 2025, from $589.8 billion to $538.3 billion, according to The Myers Report’s new Marketing & Media Economic Data and Forecast 2000–2025. Yet advertising’s share will grow a projected 7.9%, from $214.5 billion in 2019 to $231.4 billion in 2025.

When A Recession Comes, Don’t Stop Advertising

In recent weeks, there has been some talk about an economic recession. When it comes is still anybody’s guess, but another business slowdown is inevitable. It would be the first since the “great recession” ended more than ten years ago. Often times when a recession happens, businesses, fearful of declining revenue, begin to cut back in various areas, including their ad spending.  By Brad Adgate

Will the demise of TV force advertisers to measure effectiveness?

For the vast majority of brands growing market share requires growing penetration which, in turn, requires reaching and influencing a wider audience. Until now, TV has been the primary reach medium, but with the advent of online video and ad-free streaming from the likes of Netflix, Amazon and Disney the supremacy of TV is weakening.  by Nigel Hollis

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