
Content Marketing imperative grows in face of Industry & Customer event cancellations

With major trade shows, industry gatherings and customer events cancelled around the world, digital marketing content must play an even bigger role in demand generation. Yet, many marketing organizations lack the necessary capabilities and processes to keep pace with a growing content marketing imperative, according to new strategic report from the CMO Council.

What You Need to Know About Generation Alpha

Members of generation Alpha (people born in 2010 until the mid-2020s as ending birth years) are used to getting information fast and easily — which can be challenging for companies to keep up. Most of this is done through AI-powered technology, such as Alexa or other voice marketing technologies.

Completing a transformation in the consumer-goods industry

In a dynamic environment, every organization must realign its operating model. Consumer-packaged-goods players are no exception. But what’s the secret to a successful transformation? Here are six ideas.

How brands can survive the COVID-19 crisis

The good news about working remotely is that you can still do so while self-isolated after a skiing trip in the Italian Dolomites. However, unlike humans, brands cannot isolate themselves so easily. With the full effects of the COVID-19 outbreak still to be realised what can management and marketers do to ensure the continued health of their brands?  by Nigel Hollis

Payment Terms: Current Practices for Marketing Services [REPORT]

Given member interest resulting from coverage in the advertising/marketing trade press regarding changes in payment terms being implemented by a handful of companies to some suppliers, ANA initiated research to determine if such changes were isolated examples or reflective of a broader trend. The answer is clear: payment term changes, notably extended terms, are reflective of a broader trend. The services noted most for extended payment terms are agency fees, research, and production. The majority of respondents who have extended their payment terms have done so to derive better cash flow.

Quality and Efficacy May Beat Out Price Sensitivities Amid Coronavirus Concerns

Type the phrase “Can I get Coronavirus from… ” into a search engine and the window will auto-complete your question with an array of options ranging from the straightforward to the seemingly ridiculous. In the current environment, where facts can be fluid and there is an expanding list of information sources that consumers turn to, there’s bound to be uncertainty and uncertain behavior associated with this global health emergency.

Where We’ve Gone Wrong: An Illustrated History

Advertising has never been a particularly admired profession. Indeed, some would say it isn’t a profession at all. We’re not doctors or teachers; we’re not even lawyers or accountants. We don’t make or do anything of any great practical use to humanity. We help people sell stuff.

Modern marketing: What it is, what it isn’t, and how to do it

What does “modern marketing” mean to you? We can all probably think of a clever digital campaign, an innovative app, or some inspired creative work shared across multiple channels.

The recipe for improved online ad effectiveness? Better ads

I am constantly amazed by the way people make assumptions based on data. In response to learning that people only watch online ads for an average of a few seconds what is the typical response? Make shorter ads. Maybe instead advertisers ought to invest more time and effort into creating better ads?  by Nigel Hollis

Marketing’s moment is now: The C-suite partnership to deliver on growth

Marketing’s big opportunity is here. CEOs are turning to marketing to drive their company’s growth agenda, and they’re giving CMOs the runway and support to do so.

Thanks for the reminders, Mr. Mayor!

Last week, we witnessed many wild twists and turns in the democratic primary race, resulting in what was seen as victories to some and disappointments to others. A lead theme heading into Super Tuesday was the public’s reaction to Mike Bloomberg and his alleged attempt to buy his way into the presidential election, where everyone focused on the $500+ million spent to pitch his candidacy to the nation. His opponents grabbed onto that point to remind the world of his billionaire status and effectively position him as a Republican in Democrat’s clothing. His lackluster debate performances did little, if anything, to build his case, let alone refute his opponents’ accusations and attacks, but he did remind the world of something very critical: when done well, advertising works! He went from not being in the game to polling as the #2 candidate behind Bernie leading up to the Nevada debate and primary, doing so in just 13 weeks!   By Louis Maldonado

Understanding the future consumer [PODCAST]

The consumer is constantly changing, and companies need to adapt and change quickly in order to keep up — or, even better, retailers can be proactive and get ahead of the curve.

Analytics Disconnect between Marketing Industry and Academia [REPORT]

Marketers must work much more closely with academia to develop the kind of data and analytics talent that will be needed to fuel business growth and meet the challenges of a future, data-intense industry.

Customer experience can be as simple as a coffee cup

On a recent flight with British Airways, my attention was drawn to the sensation of touch. Running my fingers over the vertical waves on the side of my coffee cup brought me back to myself from the zombie-like soporific state that long distance flying induces. This is a designed experience that puts the customer in the centre.  by Graham Staplehurst – Global Strategy Director, BrandZ / Kantar

HispanicAd announces Judges for 2020 Culture Account Planning Excelencia (CAPE) Awards Competition

HispanicAd in partnership with The Culture Marketing Council: The Voice of Hispanic Marketing has announced the jury for the 2020 Culture Account Planning Excelencia (CAPE) awards, the only award of its kind that honors multicultural account planning, the strategic bedrock of any successful marketing campaign. Winners will showcase their campaigns during a special CAPE session at the CMC Annual Summit on Tuesday, April 28, 2020 at The Westin New York at Times Square in New York City, NY.

Penetration or loyalty, what makes sense for your brand?

A couple of weeks ago I asked if there was a flaw in Burger King’s promotion strategy. Neil Hopkins replied and then queried the statement that I had made about “growth comes from increasing penetration”, citing evidence from GFK that challenges that assertion. So, is penetration gain the only way to grow your brand?  by Nigel Hollis

CMC Honors Nestlé with the 2020 Marketer of the Year Award

The Culture Marketing Council: The Voice of Hispanic Market (CMC) announced today that Nestlé USA is the winner of the 2020 CMC Marketer of the Year Award. Nestlé joins a prestigious short list of elite brands that have received the award, including AARP, Ford, McDonald’s, Sprint, State Farm, Toyota and Walmart. Alicia Enciso, CMO, Nestlé USA will accept the award and will discuss Nestlé’s efforts and commitment to their multicultural audience at CMC’s 2020 Annual Summit. The session will take place on Wednesday, April 29 at the Westin Times Square in New York City.

Brand Disruption Study 2020: Direct Brands Go Mainstream [REPORT]

Why is this happening?  Because the new direct-to-consumer business model is based on the concept that its entire supply chain is increasingly available “as a service.”  Every aspect can be rented/leased. The result? Greater brand agility, more innovation by publishers, and more engaging, personalized consumer experiences—online and off—with “emerging tech” elevating the digital shopping experiences.  In fact, digital data output will triple from 2019 – 2025, powering demand for and availability of personalized services, products, content, and marketing.

The Top 5 Pitfalls of Transcreation – and How to Avoid Them: Craft Worldwide

It’s one of advertising’s most delicate balancing acts: to create a global campaign while retaining maximum local impact.

Exploring the Impact of Individualistic and Collectivist Cultures on Consumer Marketing [PODCAST]

This podcast delves into the significance of Latin X, underserved yet influential consumers within the Hispanic market who drive significant revenue and advocacy for brands. We explore key differences in individualistic and collectivist cultures, how Hispanic immigrants adapt to the American ethos, and what it all means to marketers trying to touch today’s new mainstream: multicultural consumers.

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