
Strong brands leverage the power of a shared idea

I have to thank those nice people at Mediacom for sharing ‘Two minutes with Simon Peel, Global Media Director at adidas’. In the video, Peel shares his thoughts on the power of a shared idea, and while he might be thinking that a shared idea of what makes things cool encourages people to buy a pair of sneakers, I think it applies to all strong brands.  by Nigel Hollis

Why You Must Take the Product Out of the Lab Before Launch

Product innovators and marketers spend an exorbitant amount of time and effort perfecting their products before they bring them to market. So, after they spend all this time behind the scenes developing the packaging, positioning the marketing materials and finalizing the product itself, how do they know when the innovation is ready for launch?

Hidden Costs of Digital and Social Media

The great hope for digital/social media was addressable advertising, with its lower creation and production costs coupled with higher advertising effectiveness. How could one argue with this formula, particularly while the consuming public was retreating from broadcast advertising? Unrecognized by digital/social enthusiasts, though, are the hidden costs of complexity, which today threaten to erode the marketing effectiveness of advertisers and agencies alike.

Change for the sake of change undermines brand growth

I always used to say that the people that created a great TV ad got fed up with seeing it long before its intended audience did. After all marketers and agency team see the content on a regular basis, normal people do not. But, on reflection, this problem applies all aspects of marketing activity. Maybe all marketers should remember the adage, ‘If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it’.  by Nigel Hollis

Why visual impressions matter

Given all the hoopla about virtual assistants it seems so yesterday to be talking about the importance of visual impressions in marketing, but not everyone has a virtual assistant, and even fewer use them to make purchases on a regular basis. Most purchases are still made in a physical environment and marketers still need to make sure people recognize and respond to their brand in that context.  by Nigel Hollis

Left to Your Own Devices: Understanding Consumption in Today’s Connected World [REPORT]

In VAB’s latest quarterly report surveying the video landscape it updated the media consumption habits of major demographic segments based on Q2 ’19 data. It also updated its comprehensive segmentation analysis highlighting the who, what, where, when, and how by device in order to continue exploring the nuances that exist within the video ecosystem.

Engineering trust: The 4A’s reports on the Consumer Electronics Show [REPORT]

2020 feels very much like a year of recalibration for the tech-driven future. The news is everywhere about public attitudes towards the commercial use of personal data, the manipulation of information, and the real dangers of network and data breaches.

The Attraction of Cultural Magnetism

Brands have never been more important than they are today. Consequently, brands are under more pressure than ever before. Age, religion, and geography are boundaries that no longer hold a monopoly over defining communities — brands have risen into that echelon to play the role of uniter.

The Fight Over Fraud

Do brands care enough about fraud?  Ask most brand managers and their agencies and digital publishing partners that question, and the answer will be a qualified yes.

The Minority-Majority Shift. Two Decades That Will Change America. For Sports Marketing, It’s Game On.

2020 is the year when the majority of all Americans under seventeen years old will be from a minority background, a process that will culminate with a so-called “minority-majority” population by the mid-2040s. These demographic changes will bring about a significant transformation to Corporate America. During the next few months, I will discuss some of these consequences in each article targeting one specific area of our business environment.  By Isaac Mizrahi- Co-President of ALMA

The 2020 State of Influencer Equality [REPORT]

IZEA Worldwide, Inc. released the examination of earnings equality among social influencers. The report provides analysis of influencer earnings observed in IZEA’s online marketplace spanning 2014 to 2019. Data is comprised of negotiated rates between marketers and creators spanning the spectrum of micro-influencers to celebrities.

TV ads must make an impression with people not ready to buy today

As a long-time cord cutter much of my real-time TV exposure happens in a hotel room, and, OMG, most ads these days seem to expect an immense amount of interest and attention from the audience. What are their creators thinking?  by Nigel Hollis

CMO Collaborators Fill the Gap in the C-Suite to Drive Business Growth [REPORT]

New global research released by Accenture and conducted by Forrester Consulting reveals an opportunity for chief marketing officers (CMOs) to expand their remit by assuming the role of CMO Collaborator. By ushering in new levels of collaboration across the C-suite, technology ecosystem and agency partners, CMOs can drive customer experience (CX), a proven source of growth in modern organizations today.

Meet the 2020 consumers driving change [REPORT]

Throughout history, “shopping” has involved taking a trip, planned in advance, to a favorite store that a consumer made time for. The ecommerce revolution upended that predictable relationship and activity, and today consumers’ brains have again been rewired as it pertains to shopping, thanks to mobile technology and social media. That may usher in one of the industry’s biggest shifts in consumer behavior: The “always-on” consumer comes highly informed with specific demands around price, ingredients, delivery options, production methods and much more.

Solving Content Marketing Challenges by Putting Customers Front and Center

CMOs hoping to transform their brands through a customer-centric approach face many challenges across data insights, channel optimization, and performance analytics. But the biggest challenge is creating and managing all the content needed to deliver authentic and relevant customer experiences, as marketers often struggle to produce content with the volume, variety, and velocity required to ensure the content resonates with customers and prospects.

Connecting the buy and why with data intelligence

In a recent post, Nigel shared a buyer classification focused on what I like to call the buy and the why, more specifically consumer behavior and predisposition. The concept is straightforward but it begs the question of how can we build a system of insights and analytics to bring this growth matrix to life.  by Bill Pink – Head of Global Analytic Leads / Kantar

Consumer View Winter 2020 [REPORT]

Consumers’ choices in terms of where, how and why they buy are redefining retail and creating a new playbook for the industry. NRF’s Consumer View is a recurring look at the consumer forces that are shaping retail.

Opportunity for Marketers to Align ROI Perception with Reality [REPORT]

Nielsen released its Annual Marketing Report: The Age of Dissonance. The report sheds new light on how marketers perceive the effectiveness of digital and traditional channels, if their perception is driven by measurement data they can trust, and what ultimately influences budget decisions.

NGL Collective to sell Sports Partnerships for Fox Deportes

NGL Collective announced an exclusive strategic partnership with Fox Deportes to offer U.S. Latinx advertisers digital content and connection built around FOX Deportes signature sports properties and original network program properties. NGL Collective will leverage its leading Latinx digital video platform to build additional reach around FOX Deportes’ top sport properties including NFL, MLB, Liga MX, Crixus MMA, PBC Boxing, Golf and Nascar. 

Why successful brand marketers are like a great conductor

In today’s fragmented world, the successful marketer needs to align all their resources to achieve a specific objective. This requires coordination within and without the company to ensure all activities work together in harmony. But the comparison with the role of the conductor goes far beyond the need for harmony.  by Nigel Hollis

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