

What a great webinar if your are a student of the US Hispanic advertising, creative, marketing, Media and public relations industry. Key players giving highlights of the history of the Creative Discipline. This is one of a series of webinars to be produced by The Círculo Creativo. BRAVO !!!!!!!!

HumanKind Study–Exposing Reality of Today’s Consumer Climate

Leo Burnett Chicago released the findings of the U.S. HumanKind Study, which draws on extensive primary market research to dive deep into the main issues shaping the nation. Developed in partnership with research company Maru/Blue, the study offers a panoramic view of the challenges facing Americans today and outlines opportunities for brands to address issues spanning mental health, finance, social media and other divisive topics.

New Estimates Show Population Recovered for Large Cities and Grew in Small Places on Outskirts of Urban Areas in 2023

While the nation’s fastest-growing cities continue to be in Sun Belt states, new population estimates show that some of the top gainers are now on the outskirts of metropolitan areas or in rural areas.

Falling Population of Foreign-Born in Puerto Rico Mirrors Island’s Drop in Total Population

Puerto Rico’s foreign-born population slipped below 100,000 in 2018-2022 from a decade earlier, according to the most recent American Community Survey (ACS) five-year estimates. The island’s foreign-born population declined by roughly 15,000, from 104,497 in 2008-2012 to 89,461 a decade later.

Brands as Beacons: The Power of Positive Content in Digital Advertising

Today's online experiences have been built on the backs of advertising dollars, and those experiences have become increasingly unpleasant and detrimental to the human condition. Interestingly, this current state of affairs presents an interesting opportunity for leading brands.

A look at how CTV reach and viewership trends shift across generations

Advanced audiences, also referred to as audience segments, is industry shorthand for groups of people that marketers put together for ad targeting purposes, using demographics, interests, media habits, shopping behavior and many other attributes curated from internal and external records.

Understanding the Cost of Exclusion: Why Having Women in Creative Leadership at Agencies Matters

Women control the vast majority of purchasing decisions but feel misrepresented by the very advertising intended to sway their choices. Here’s how 3% launched a revolution for women in the advertising world.

A Majority of Latinas Feel Pressure To Support Their Families or To Succeed at Work [REPORT]

More than half of Latinas say they often feel pressure to provide for their loved ones at home or succeed in their jobs, mirroring the life stressors experienced by women across the United States today.

Half of Latinas Say Hispanic Women’s Situation Has Improved in the Past Decade and Expect More Gains [REPORT]

Half of Latinas say the situation of Hispanic women in the United States is better now than it was 10 years ago, and a similar share say the situation will improve in the next 10 years.

Teens and Video Games Today [REPORT]

There are long-standing debates about the impact of video games on youth. Some credit them for helping young people form friendships and teaching them about teamwork and problem-solving. Others say video games expose teenagers to violent content, negatively impact their sleep and can even lead to addiction.

The Importance of Hispanic Market Research: Hispanic Voices Matter

The Hispanic market is no longer a niche—it's a cultural and economic powerhouse. Forget the outdated stereotypes—today's Hispanic consumers are a diverse and influential group shaping trends and driving economic growth. Projected to reach a staggering 132 million individuals by 2050, Hispanics will be the nation’s largest demographic, wielding immense buying power that already surpasses 25% of the total Market Spent in USA.

Heightened Consumer Demand for Gender Equality in Advertising Resulting in Up to 10X Increase in Sales  [REPORT]

Accurate gender representation in advertising is driving measurable business outcomes for brands—such as heightened consumer trust, loyalty and, most importantly, improved sales performance—according to SeeHer’s latest Gender Equality Measure (GEM) Lift research. SeeHer is a global movement, within the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), to accurately portray women and girls in marketing, advertising, media and entertainment. SeeHer spearheaded GEM, the global gold standard of measuring gender bias in advertising and content.

The circle of joy: how Hispanic families are shaping the future food & beverage landscape [REPORT]

Hispanic Americans are closer, more social, younger, and live longer than non-Hispanics, creating one of the highest-value growth cohorts in food & beverage today and tomorrow. All of these factors have one thing in common - familismo, a way of life and a set of values that fuel the Circle of Joy that’s always been the beating heart of food & beverage.

2023 State of Latino Entrepreneurship [REPORT]

This report sheds light on the intricacies of Latino/a-owned businesses by examining three prominent subgroups: women, immigrants and tech-centric firms. In doing so, our research acknowledges and addresses the multifaceted experiences of Latino/a entrepreneurs. This perspective helps unveil systemic challenges and provides a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of the Latino/a entrepreneurial ecosystem.

2024 State of the Media [REPORT]

The findings reveal actionable insight into what PR professionals can say and do to win favor with journalists, secure more earned media coverage, and build long-lasting, mutually beneficial relationships with media professionals.

‘Data driven’ is no longer enough for your ROI strategy

This is not the first time in history that marketers have been pressed to prove the impact of their work, far from it. The increase in the amount of data, growing number of sources of data, rise in synthetic data, and expectations around your ability to show the business relevance of data have skyrocketed.

Unveiling the Influence of Hispanic Women: Why They’re the Key to Advertising Success

Let’s talk about a powerhouse demographic that’s shaking up the advertising game: Hispanic women. They’re not just making waves; they’re practically running the show when it comes to consumer behavior and cultural trends. So, buckle up as we explore why targeting Hispanic women should be at the top of your advertising agenda.

Radio’s true impact for performance campaigns [REPORT]

Named ‘Radio: The Performance Multiplier’, the new study also reveals how on average, radio generates additional web sessions twice as cost-efficiently as other demand generation media combined.

Digital Out of Home advertising drives favorability and action among consumers

The Out of Home Advertising Association (OAAA) released compelling findings from a survey conducted by The Harris Poll on the efficacy of digital out of home (DOOH) advertising, showcasing its unparalleled ability to engage consumers. The study found a staggering 73% of consumers view DOOH ads favorably. Most notably, consumers ranked DOOH as the medium that would most drive them to take action, as 76% of recent DOOH ad viewers noted they had taken action because of a DOOH ad.

Americans’ Views of Technology Companies [REPORT]

Our survey asked Americans about three key areas: Social media’s impact on politics and the country | Political censorship and bias in Big Tech| Government regulation of technology companies

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