
The Future 100: 2022 [REPORT]

"The Future 100: Trends and Change to Watch in 2022," our essential trend almanac offering a snapshot of the year ahead and the most compelling trends to keep on the radar.

Though On-Screen Diversity is Improving, Latinx Viewers Demand Better Representation

Two-thirds (64%) of Latinx consumers surveyed feel the media plays a big role in helping change stereotypes and negative opinions different groups have of each other.

Performance media and marketing: An expanding playground for brands [REPORT]

While performance media will be unlikely to influence a major purchase decision on its own, it works incredibly well for short-term impulse purchases – and brands can leverage these moments to build long-term brand value.

Biggest and Smallest Wealth Gaps by Race/Ethnicity

Some key factors driving the racial wealth gap include unequal access to higher education and employment for minorities, as well as residential segregation that still persists.

Direct Mail Still Leads in ROI by a Wide Margin

When it comes to direct marketing media strategies, email remains king among advertisers while social media is gaining ground and running a close second, according to a new ANA study.

How Americans Watch TV [REPORT]

In this new report, we share our latest insights about how Americans watch TV, including some of the key reasons that cord cutters gave for abandoning traditional TV service, how much they spend each month on cable and/or streaming subscriptions, and more.

Micro Cultural Insights Yield Hyper Engaged Audiences, Higher Conversion Rates [PODCAST]

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Marissa Nance, Founder and CEO of Native Tongue Communications, discusses how micro-cultural insights can help marketers use empathy to improve marketing performance.

Embrace the “Netaverse”

While I love, embrace, and can even say I’m an “early adopter” of new technologies, I’m a bit at odds with the overwhelming overload of Metaverse, NFT’s, bitcoin, crypto and all the advances of our society. Each of these come to us as sharp contrast to what the pandemic opened our eyes to: the importance of humanity, the resilience of humankind, the rearrangement of our priorities: health, family, home, kindness, transparency, and harmony.  by Luis Miguel Messianu, Founder, Creative Chairman and CEO, Alma

2022 Trust Barometer [REPORT]

The 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer reveals that business holds onto its position as the most trusted institution, with even greater expectations due to government’s failure to lead during the pandemic. By an average of five-to-one margin, respondents in the 28 countries surveyed want business to play a larger role on climate change, economic inequality, workforce reskilling and addressing racial injustice.

2022 media planning: why brands need to understand consumer sentiment

As we look toward a third year of living with COVID-19, savvy marketers know that meaningful, personal connections will be the key to long-term brand health. For that, they’ll need to focus on building and maintaining trust with their audiences—as well as which channels to leverage in those efforts.

Video streaming: a complex and ever-evolving market [REPORT]

As the video streaming market grows more complex and dynamic, the greater the value of audience measurement.

What Marketers Don’t Know About People With Disabilities

People with disabilities don’t want to be defined by the stigma of being differently abled. By celebrating people for who they are and adapting experiences through their lens, we get the privilege of seeing how they shine.

Inflation Worries Hurt Consumer Confidence Among Hispanics [REPORT]

U.S. Hispanics are displaying less consumer confidence heading into 2022 as inflation not seen in decades continues to erode their purchasing power.

64% of Consumers Try to Keep Work and Personal Lives Separate During Pandemic

Sixty-four percent of consumers have identified trying to keep their work-self and personal-self separate, according to Gartner, Inc. A Gartner survey of 1,752 consumers during October 2021 identified the top consumer and cultural trends for marketers in 2022.

U.S. Retail Sales Top $5,570 Billion

Retail sales (NAICS 44-45) for the nation increased 3.1% from $5,402.3 billion in 2019 to $5,570.4 billion in 2020, according to new estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2020 Annual Retail Trade Survey (ARTS).

If we’re all so busy, why isn’t anything getting done?

With endless meetings, incessant emails, and casts of thousands, companies have mastered the art of unnecessary interactions. Winning in the next normal requires much more focus on true collaboration.

Consumer Demand For Private Brands [REPORT]

Historically, consumers have navigated to store brands, also referred to as private brand or private label products, during challenging economic times. Current inflation and economic uncertainty would indicate that growth of private brands should be outpacing that of name brand products, but that’s not the case.

Nation’s Teachers More Diverse but Still Lag Racial, Ethnic Makeup of Students

The racial and ethnic diversity of the nation’s 6.6 million teachers has increased since 1990 but has not caught up with the diversity of their students, according to a U.S. Census Bureau analysis of employment and population data.

Latinas Exiting the Workforce: How the Pandemic Revealed Historic Disadvantages and Heightened Economic Hardship [REPORT]

As baby boomers retire in record numbers, Latinas are poised to transform the U.S. labor force and catalyze economic growth. However, the pandemic has made clear that without considerable changes in job protection and safety-net programs, the economic potential of Latinas will be limited.

Trust in America: Do Americans trust the news media? [ViDEO]

The news media industry has gone through a lot of changes in the past 10 to 20 years that have impacted the way news is both produced and consumed. Our researchers discuss the effects of these changes on how Americans trust the news media and assess news and information, including the role of partisanship, misinformation and representation.

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