
Yahoo! Telemundo present Conexión Cultural on March 28th, 2007.

Yahoo! Telemundo has partnered with Simmons Research to gather research and insights on how U.S. Hispanics consume media. Conexión Cultural/Connected Culture.

Al Gore to be keynote PODER-NAA Green Forum.

Former Vice President Al Gore will deliver the keynote address at the PODER-New America Alliance Green Forum Friday, April 20, 2007, PODER magazine. Gore will speak during the fourth edition of the annual gathering of hemispheric business, academic, political and cultural leaders.

New Data Repaints Demographic Picture of U.S. Hispanics At the ANA.

U.S. marketers are not effectively reaching the burgeoning population of U.S. Hispanics because, according to Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies.

In many ways, Hispanic behavior and perceptions are significantly different from those of Anglos, AAHA Chairman Carl Kravetz told the ANA Multicultural conference. | ALSO: Comment on this article in the “Your Opinion” box below.
More ANA Conference Items:

Chairman Carl Kravetz, most marketers “are not speaking” that demographic’s language — but he made clear he was not talking about Spanish.

By Laurel Wentz
Courtesy of Advertising Age

Godfathers of Hispanic marketing share their thoughts …………….

Al Aguilar, CEO of Creative Civilization; Ernest Bromley, CEO of Bromley Communications; and Lionel Sosa, CEO of and will share the stage for the first time in almost a decade to provide insight on the rapidly changing and expanding environment of the Hispanic Market.

The co-founders of the original Sosa, Bromley, Aguilar & Associates, which is now Bromley Communications, the largest Hispanic market advertising agency in the country, currently advise and consult with corporate giants, company presidents, and aspiring Hispanic marketers throughout the county.

Radio Ink Hispanic Radio Conference.

Hispanic radio is a market within a market. Radio will see Hispanic formats for all demographics in most markets, as it offers radio’s biggest growth potential. It is being implemented or considered by all radio broadcasters, not just those already in the format.

As an industry within an industry, Hispanic radio broadcasters have an opportunity to shape the future for both. To avoid competitive fighting, Radio Ink is calling for unity among Hispanic radio broadcasters to seek ways to build this industry together and grow radio’s overall share of revenue. The two-day event will be held May 22-23, 2007, in San Antonio, Texas, at the Sheraton Gunther Hotel.

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