
U.S. Advertising And Marketing Executives Reveal Hiring Plans Through Year-End

Thirteen percent of advertising and marketing executives surveyed plan to expand their teams in the second half of 2016, according to new research from staffing firm The Creative Group. This is up from 11 percent in the first half of the y

Sprint featuring… oh you know, just DAVID BECKHAM [VIDEO]

“Whistle” launches tonight with a fully integrated effort for both the General and Hispanic markets, including an epic :90 online version just in time to kick off the Copa America tournament. Or – as we soccer aficionados call it – “let’s use all our personal days month.”

CPG Advertisers to Spend Nearly $6 Billion on Digital Advertising This Year

US consumer packaged goods (CPG) and consumer products advertisers will spend $5.97 billion on digital advertising in 2016, an 18.2% gain from 2015 that will see this sector account for 8.7% of total US digital ad spending for the year, as explored in a new eMarketer report, “The US CPG and Consumer Products Industry 2016: Digital Ad Spending Forecast and Trends.”

Cani named SVP – Executive Creative Director at LAPIZ

LAPIZ appointed Luciana Cani as its new senior vice president, executive creative director overseeing the agency’s creative team.

Spanglish ? [Video]

The Real Academia Española launches a campaign against “Spanglish”.

Future Sounds: Music’s Evolving Role In Advertising

Of all the art forms, few have the power to stir strong emotions as music. And few have had such an easy and fruitful relationship with advertising.

Top 10 Latino Creative Devices [INSIGHT]

As we were presenting work to a client a question came up: “Where is the Latino relevance in the execution?” Frequently, when presenting creative work for the Hispanic market, there is tension in trying to show something that is unique to Latinos in the work, and the question of whether or not you really need it.

Should CEOs Be Creative Directors?

Few people would answer “yes” to this question—yet that’s the current state of package design at many consumer products companies.

Univision launches Story House Univision

Univision Communications Inc. (UCI) announced the launch of Univision Story House, a new content development and production venture that will produce original content for UCI’s portfolio of owned networks as well as third party networks and platforms

Corinthians fans sing brand jingles to help their team

Corinthians fan base is the largest, most passionate, and most influential in Brazilian soccer, with more than 30 million supporters.  During games for the Sao Paulo Championship, supporters participated in a challenge: instead of the famous cheering to encourage players, the fans were invited to sing jingles for brands that support the project.

A Word About The Importance Of Words [INSIGHT]

It was the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death this weekend.  It’s quite an achievement to be remembered for what you wrote over 400 years later. The British bard was obviously an enormously gifted wordsmith.  I was reminded of the importance of wordsmithing as I was working with a client on process, architecture and organizational structure.  We jointly creating a new approach to allocating budgets, defining target audiences and creating integrated marketing plans. But we soon realized that language stood in the way of clarity.

The Creative Process Has Lots of Room for Improvement

Nearly half of US creative professionals say the creative process could be better, according to February 2016 research. Just 2% of respondents said it was already perfect.

Shorter Mobile Video Ads Resonate More Among Millennials, While Longer Ads Break Through with Consumers Age 35-54 [REPORT]

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) eleased “Multiscreen Video Best Practices,” a research report created in partnership with Millward Brown Digital and Tremor Video, showing that 10-second mobile video ads have greater brand appeal and persuasion potential for Millennial audiences. In comparison, 30-second spots outrank their shorter brethren in those same categories among consumers age 35 – 54.

Is Your Funny Ad Worth the Risk?

Humor is one of the riskiest bets in advertising.

Richards/Lerma launches new campaign for Encanto Pops

The insight behind the campaign is very similar to the brand’s promise, “Authentic Mexican Flavors. The daring campaign makes reference to the brand’s Mexican origns with a risky tone that breaks through the clutter.

We Save Lives “Reflections from Inside”

The campaign, created by Y&R Miami and produced by Paraná Films, Vaporpost and Mokoh Music, features a long-form online film showing the reactions from patrons at a bar bathroom who are faced with the reflections of Kris Caudilla, a convicted drunk driver currently serving 15 years for vehicular manslaughter in a Florida prison.

“Ponle Acento” to 2016 MLB

The 2016 season fror Major League Baseball’s Spanish-language campaign “AQUÍ” (literally, “HERE”) showcases how Latino players have put their mark on the game both on and off the field.

Si lo dice Walter… then it must be true.

The king of horoscopes, Walter Mercado, thinks you should try your luck by playing the new Money Monopoly Game at McDonald’s.

Opportunities And Challenges Of Talent & Rights As TV Ads Move Online

Extreme Reach has created an infographic that shines a light on the talent behind TV ads and the challenges that arise when those commercials are used online.

Get unreal. How will virtual & augmented reality affect marketing & advertising?

By Gonzalo López Martí    – Creative director, etc  /  LMMIAMI.COM

Disclaimer: from here on I’ll delve into some arcane theoretical issues of our business.
Read on at your own risk.
My bet is virtual & augmented reality will push advertising to go surreal.
All the way.
Salvador Dalí surreal.

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