
User-Generated Content Dominating Hispanic Audiences

Marketers predicted that mobile would be the dominant platform moving forward — and Hispanics are helping to prove them prescient. According to a PWC report, Hispanics are streaming video 26 hours per month, or seven hours more than the U.S. average. The streaming is occurring mostly on mobile devices.  by Karla Fernandez Parker

Experts Optimistic About the Next 50 Years of Digital Life [REPORT]

Fifty years after the first computer network was connected, most experts say digital life will mostly change humans’ existence for the better over the next 50 years. However, they warn this will happen only if people embrace reforms allowing better cooperation, security, basic rights and economic fairness.

The Next 25 Years of Digital Advertising

In the age of anxiety, global challenges like trade, politics, inequality, and the state of the natural environment have captured much of the public’s consciousness. What’s not getting enough attention are timely examples of human innovation — the kind that will help drive a more sustainable future. There are two such milestones this year from which to draw inspiration.

Internet Advertising Revenue Report 2019 Half Year Results

Internet advertising revenues in the United States totaled $57.9 billion for the half year (“HY”) of 2019, with Q2 2019 accounting for approximately $29.9 billion and Q1 2019 accounting for approximately $28.0 billion. Revenues for HY 2019 increased 16.9% over HY 2018 over HY 2018 with revenues of $49.5 billion.

Digital Platforms Raise New Ethical Questions for Marketers

Ethical behavior has long been a concern for responsible marketers. But in a digital age, just what constitutes ethical marketing has become a moving target.

Gen Z women embrace new devices but struggle with “tech fatigue”

As the first generation born and raised in a smartphone-powered world, Gen Z (born 1998 or later) seems destined to have profound connections with and feelings about technology. New insights from GfK Consumer Life suggest that these effects are even more pronounced among Gen Z women, who love new gadgets but question their impact on quality of life.

Streaming Missing Hispanic Market


In response to a recent op-ed about the missed opportunity in the streaming service market among Hispanics, Jose Villa, president of Sensis, notes that “the Hispanic market has been targeted sparingly and with mixed results by streaming video and OTT players” and opines that “Spanish-language content preference and consumption provides the best basis for identifying a unique market opportunity for streaming video in the U.S. Hispanic market.”  By Adriana Waterston – Horowitz Research

Telemundo Deportes deploys digital lineup

Telemundo Deportes deployed a robust lineup of exclusive digital content to serve its digital fans with sports content customized for each platform and available 24/7.

AIRE Radio Networks and LaMusica Introduce “Artistas 360”

AIRE Radio Networks and LaMusica announced that the queen of reggaeton, Ivy Queen, has joined its newly created Latin-artist based marketing platform,

Personalization Is Not a Motivating Factor For People to Share Their Information

While conventional marketing thinking says that customers prefer personalized marketing experiences and are willing to share more personal data to get that, new research shows that they may not.

Demystifying Artificial Intelligence for Advertising and Marketing

When it comes to transformational technologies, the irony that unites them all is how they’re routinely hyped before proven, applied, or even understood among CMOs and marketers. By the time they change the world, people barely notice and are well onto shinier objects. Technological innovations morph and rebrand as they spread throughout society and the business sector. The information superhighway, grid computing, and personal digital assistants (PDAs) are just a few examples.

Intuit TurboTax celebrates Latinx Entrepreneurship

TurboTax announced it is be celebrating the U.S. Hispanic community and entrepreneurs with the launch of #LatinxCulturepreneurs.  The Hispanic Heritage Month digital campaign highlights Latinx entrepreneurs who have built businesses rooted in their Latinx heritage.  #LatinxCulturepreneurs strives to inspire and support future culturepreneurs by highlighting the journey and advice of a four extremely passionate and talented individuals.

Significant Difference In Ad Receptivity For Digital Audio vs. Digital Video [REPORT]

Mood, needs state and situation are key indicators of ad receptivity (willingness to see an ad before exposure to it) and ad attention (the active behavior of noticing an ad) for both digital video and digital audio consumers, according to “Ad Receptivity, Deconstructed,” a new media trial study by MAGNA and IPG Media Lab in conjunction with Pandora Media, LLC, a subsidiary of SiriusXM.

Nuestra Vision Launches Free Mobile App for US Mexicans and Overall Hispanic Market

Nuestra Vision, a Spanish language TV network who offers 100% Mexican premium programming to Mexican, Mexican-American and Hispanic audiences living in the US, continues to expand its reach through the release of its free digital mobile app for iOS and Android devices.

Streaming: Friend or Foe to Local Markets? [REPORT]

Given today’s digitally charged, on-demand media environment, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement around the growing array of video streaming options, especially amid the proliferation of internet-connected devices and smart TVs. And there’s good reason for the buzz: 56% of U.S. adults stream non-linear content to their TVs. That fact notwithstanding, our actual TV streaming habits have yet to truly live up to the buzz.

The Evolution of the Internet, Identity, Privacy and Tracking – How Cookies and Tracking Exploded, and Why We Need New Standards for Consumer Privacy

It’s time we speak frankly about a very personal matter: your privacy on the internet.  By Jordan Mitchell – Senior Vice President, Membership and Operations / IAB Tech Lab

Internet of Things Infographic, 2019 Edition

Get smart on the ways the Internet of Things is affecting the industry today, and explore ways the technology may influence marketing in the future.

Can you buy AI technology to make your life better?

Fact or fiction? breaks down common myths and misconceptions about digital transformation, while showcasing KPMG leaders’ perspectives on related topics such as artificial intelligence and blockchain, and the impact of these emerging technologies on the workforce, businesses and society.

How Digital Integration Helps Direct Mail Deliver

It takes a concerted effort to develop a successful integrated marketing campaign. Every channel plays its part in driving consumers toward making a purchase and beyond. A campaign’s performance ultimately comes down to nailing the right time and place to deliver it.

Consumers Don’t Mind Giving Away Some Personal Data, If the Price Is Right

As privacy concerns continue to rise, you’d think consumers would be dubious about sharing their data. But according to a number of surveys on the topic, that’s not necessarily the case—especially if they get some value out of it.

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