
Government Preps 2020 Census Communications Contract Review

The U.S. Census Bureau is gearing up for a pitch for its communications program contract for the 2020 Census.

ACA Bumpy Rollout Learnings for Customer/Patient Experience [INSIGHT]

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) opened enrollment just two months ago and, while much has been said about the government’s implementation, little has been said about the consumer’s journey or the role the health insurance companies play-or not play-along the way. A recent assessment of a few State-based Market places1, State-Federal Partnerships2, and Federally Facilitated Marketplaces3, shows that many Hispanics, the greatest source of growth of eligible uninsured in key markets, have great challenges to engage through ACA.

TxDOT reaches out to Hispanic Drivers About Dangers Of Drinking And Driving

TxDOT’s awareness campaign, Toma> Maneja> Carcel, aims to reach the state’s growing Hispanic population, which annually accounts for 38 percent of all alcohol-related crashes.

Enjoy a safe President’s Day holiday.

The original version of the holiday was in commemoration of George Washington’s birthday in 1796 (the last full year of his presidency). Washington, according to the calendar that has been used since at least the mid-18th century, was born on February 22, 1732. According to the old style calendar in use back then, however, he was born on February 11. At least in 1796, many Americans celebrated his birthday on the 22nd while others marked the occasion on the 11th instead.

FTC issues Final Commission Report on Protecting Consumer Privacy.

The Federal Trade Commission, the nation’s chief privacy policy and enforcement agency, issued a final report setting forth best practices for businesses to protect the privacy of American consumers and give them greater control over the collection and use of their personal data.

Future of the Internet: Role of the Web and New Media in the Public Sector

Pew Internet Director Lee Rainie was honored to give the Joe Pagano Memorial Web Analytics Lecture for the federal government’s Web Manager University. He discussed the latest Pew Internet data about the triple revolution in technology – in broadband, in mobile, and in social networking – and how these changes affect e-government and e-health activities by citizens. VIRE Presentation Here.

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