On Jan. 21, 2010, the Pew Research Center hosted a conversation about the 2010 Decennial Census with Director of the U.S. Bureau of the Census Robert Groves and a panel of experts.
Census Bureau launches 2010census.gov in Spanish.
The site’s goal is to inform the more than 34 million people who speak Spanish at home about the 2010 Census and to demonstrate to the Hispanic community that participation is easy, important and safe.
2010 Census National ad campaign set to begin
With 2010 Census questionnaires set to arrive in mailboxes across the country by mid-March, the U.S. Census Bureau is preparing to launch a $133 million national advertising campaign to boost participation rates in the once-a-decade population count. For every percentage point increase in the 2010 Census mail-back response rate, the Census Bureau saves $85 million in follow-up with nonresponding households.
ANA argues that Tobacco Control Act violates First Amendment.
The ANA has joined with two other industry groups in filing a “friend of the court” brief in an important lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act.
Will Arbitron’s Personal People Meter Silence Minority Owned Radio Stations?
As many of you are aware the the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is conducting a hearing today Wednesday, December 2, 2009 to examine Arbitron’s radio audience measurement device, the Portable People Meter (PPM), and its effect on diversity in radio broadcasting. Specifically, the Committee will examine whether the PPM technology and methodology accurately measure radio audiences and whether PPM has a disproportionately negative impact on radio stations owned by minorities or targeted toward minority listeners.
The Hearing will resume at 1:30pm east coast time with the testimony of Jessica Pantanini / COO of Bromley Communications and Chair elect of the Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies. LISTEN OR VIEW LIVE HERE!
Census outlines campaign to ensure Full Count of U.S. Latinos.
U.S. Census Bureau Director Robert Groves joined prominent Latino groups, labor and faith leaders and leading national Spanish-language media partners to outline a historic campaign to ensure a full and accurate 2010 Census count of the estimated 50 million Latinos living in the United States.
US Census Partner Information Source.
Partnerships are a critical element of the 2010 Census communications program. We have provided several resources to engage partners in the 2010 Census and keep the program top-of-mind between now and Census Day. Download center available here.
El Yunque National Forest to be featured in US Quarters.
The United States Mint announced that the nation will honor El Yunque National Forest in Puerto Rico through its new quarter-dollar coin program. The El Yunque forest’s design will be the 11th to be featured on coins released under the United States Mint America the Beautiful Quarters Program, and will be issued in 2012.
Nondiscrimination in Advertising Sales Contracts
Letter to Federal Communications Commission regarding the appointment of a Compliance Officer for the advertising nondiscrimination rule.