
Seven Reasons Why The Hispanic Segment Can Beat The Recession

As a new year starts, we return to our work routine, facing the prospect of a recession. Some believe it will be a mild one, while others are more pessimistic. Nonetheless, most experts believe the country will face an economic slowdown, and consequently, brands may reassess their marketing investments as they will act more cautiously on where to invest their resources in 2023.  By Isaac Mizrah - CEO of Alma Agency

2022 Hispanic Market Thought Leaders available for FREE DOWNLOAD

HispanicAd presents our 9th edition of the Hispanic Market Thought Leaders. Every edition we strive to cover important marketing topics in our Industry and highlight The Top Marketing executives for their contributions to our Industry.

Hollywood Diversity Report 2022 [REPORT]

The 2022 Hollywood Diversity Report: Part 1 examines relationships between diversity and the bottom line in a Hollywood context still distorted by the virus. It considers the top 200 theatrical and all major streaming, English-language film releases in 2021, ranked by global box office and total household ratings, in order to document the degree to which women and people of color are present in front of and behind the camera.

2023 Outlook Survey: Ad Spend, Opportunities, and Strategies for Growth [REPORT]

This 2023 Outlook Survey was conducted by IAB to provide the digital ad-supported ecosystem with a forward-looking view into the 2023 ad spending marketplace (including both spend levels and strategies) being projected by buy-side ad investment decision-makers, primarily at brands and agencies.

Labor Day Reading – HispanicAd publications available for FREE

HispanicAd in association with the Hispanic Marketing Council and Adam R. Jacobson plan and publish key supplemental reading through out the year to cover the most important topics for our industry besides our daily coverage.

Inclusion’s Next Wave [REPORT]

A new trend report exploring emerging trends in inclusion, revealing a powerful role for brands.

DE&I $$$$ directed towards Hispanic Owned & Operated Media reaches $100 Million [NOT]

Over the last couple of years, many clients and their media buying services have promised to re-direct dollars towards minority owned media and in our case Hispanic Owned and Operated media.

The Immigrant Archive Project collects the stories of coming to call the U.S. home [PODCAST]

The Immigrant Archive Project, a collection of oral histories from the nation's immigrants, will be housed at the Library of Congress. NPR's Debbie Elliott speaks to archive founder Tony Hernandez.

Multicultural Marketing, A Strategy Not A Tactic [PODCAST]

2020 was a year of highs and lows. For marketers who have always maintained a commitment to diversity and inclusion, the calls for social justice strengthened their resolve. For many others, however, the momentum of acknowledging the problem gave way to frantic, reactive statements that quickly fizzled out or failed. A year later, companies realized their approach to diversity and inclusion couldn’t be summed up in a social media post. Instead, it required a concerted, internal and external effort to fundamentally change who they are and how they present in the world.

Reimagining Retail: Unexpected pandemic consequences for retailers and brands that will pop in 2022  [PODCAST]

On this episode of our new Behind the Numbers show, Reimagining Retail, our analyst Suzy Davidkhanian hosts author and keynote and strategic advisor Steve Dennis to discuss overlooked consequences the pandemic has had on retailers outside of the much-discussed supply chain and consumer loyalty woes. They also identify several smaller, lesser-known brands they think will pop in 2022.

Advertising for ourselves versus the consumer?

By Enrique Turegano / Al Punto I saw an ad on Univision for an SUV…nice ad. But the VO caught me off guard. It was the poem by Antonio Machado and famous song by Juan Manuel Serrat, “Caminante No Hay Camino”. Great song, great poem…but I wonder how much it connects with US Hispanics….mostly US Mexicans. Do they even know it? Is it important to them? Does it connect emotionally like it does for Spaniards and some South Americans? Probably NOT. Here’s my guess:

1) The creative in charge is from Spain.
2) The creative in charge is a JM Serrat fan.


Purchasing power of Boomers takes the stage at AHAA Conference

I just attended a panel discussion between Lorraine Cortes-Vazquez, SVP of Multicultural Markets at AARP, and Nancy Tellet, SVP at Viacom, Scott Willoth —S VP Methods & Analytics, Scarborough Research and moderated by Leo Olper, who sits on the AHAA board member and is a partner at d exposito & Partners, LLC.  The panel discussed key findings of a study recently conducted by AHAA, which bucks much of the conventional wisdom that is commonplace in Hispanic marketing.  For that reason, I was compelled to cover key highlights in this post.

You have got to be kidding.

We received very positive feedback on our post about last week’s Hispanicize  – – Social Media EXPO event from executives we did not expect to hear from regarding this conference and we hope that the event continues to improve and calibrates its messaging on the Social Media discipline in our Industry.

Blogging a la US Hispanic Market – – Hispanicize 2013

This past week, we spent considerable time at the Hispanicize event in Miami Beach. The Hispanicize team needs to be commended for their ability to bring together Hispanic female bloggers from their owned and operated blogger network Latina Mom Bloggers.  The ladies were flown in and put up for a couple of days in fabulous Miami Beach for an all expenses paid soiree to create and demonstrate critical mass to entice advertisers.

The many, many American Dreams.

Manuel Delgado – CEO of AGUA Simply put, the American Dream is the only reason why Hispanics are here. The pilgrims came to America as religious refugees, looking for a better place to make their lives. Hispanic immigrants come here as economic refugees, looking for a better place to make a living. We’re here because we can work here. There are as many journeys to the US as there are Hispanics.

It’s time to question everything we think we know about the Hispanic market

by Jose Villa / Sensis Whenever someone first gets involved in Hispanic marketing, they inevitably come across a series of universally accepted “truths” about Hispanic consumers and how to market to them. While some of these truths have faded as the market has evolved over the last 50 years, some continue unchallenged. But as anyone who is deeply involved in marketing to Hispanics today will tell you the market has evolved as quickly as it’s grown. Today’s modern Hispanic marketer understands everything we think we know about Hispanics has to be questioned

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