Media Planning

Balancing long-term and short-term [INSIGHT]

As marketing mix modelling (MMM) grows in popularity and modelling techniques become more powerful, it can be tempting to focus on short-term results. Brand marketers and their partners often find it attractive to look just at the impact that comes in the 13 weeks (or quarter year) post-campaign, putting the results into an optimization engine and using that as a basis for future campaign planning.

New Benchmark Shows We’re Making Progress with Programmatic

ANA, in partnership with TAG TrustNet, has released early findings from our first quarterly Programmatic Transparency Benchmark Study. And real progress has been made!

Increasing Interest in Diverse-Owned and Targeted Media [PODCAST]

While total advertising spend in the U.S. last year, excluding programmatic, B2B, trade, and local cable, declined 2 percent versus 2022, overall ad investment in diverse-owned media outlets increased 9 percent, reaching $1.9 billion. That's according to a new study by the ANA Alliance for Inclusive and Multicultural Marketing, conducted in partnership with Media Framework and Guideline. The study also found that investment in diverse-owned and targeted media increased 7 percent year over year, reaching $1.1 billion.

Consumer-Centric Spending: Why Your Ads Need to Follow the People

Are you playing follow the leader with your ad budgets? Almost 75 percent of US ad spending is funneled into online channels according to eMarketer, but that doesn't necessarily reflect where people actually spend their time or where best to capture their attention.

Programmatic Transparency Benchmark [REPORT]

According to these new 2024 findings (among 11 companies), the percentage of media dollars spent on Made for Advertising websites has dropped from 15 percent to 4 percent, suggesting that advertisers are taking greater control following heavy press coverage of last year's study results. The average number of websites and apps on which campaigns run has also dropped from 44,000 to 23,000, and a high percentage of advertisers have reduced their number of SSP and exchange partners.

2024 CMO’s Guide: A Compendium of Cases from Brands Driving Business Growth and Innovation with Generative AI [REPORT]

Adding to the Growth Council's Position on Generative AI, CMOs and other thought leaders have graciously shared examples of how leading brands across many industries are successfully implementing Generative AI into their marketing strategy. By making these insights and examples available in this compendium, we hope to inspire you to explore and embrace the possibilities of Generative AI in your marketing.

Inclusive-focused media investment opportunities for ad buyers [REPORT]

Gracenote released a new report quantifying the visibility of different racial, ethnic, gender and disability groups among primary cast in new 2024 TV programming on major streaming platforms and linear channels. Tapping Gracenote Inclusion Analytics data, the report sheds light on opportunities for media buyers to invest in shows that authentically represent diverse characters and narratives to complement diverse-owned media ad buys.

Advertising Growth Forecast +10%

The US ad market will grow by +10.7% this year to $374 billion. Traditional Media Owners ad sales will grow by +4.4% to $111 billion while DPP ad revenues will expand by +13.5% to $263 billion.

The Power of La Radio! [REPORT]

Nielsen’s Tony Hereau and Cumulus Media’s Pierre Bouvard reveal never-before-seen sales stories on the power of Spanish radio.

Fostering Digital Communities: The Role of Community Management in Modern Marketing

With the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, one thing remains constant – the power of community. As a Social Media Community Manager, you hold the key to unlocking this potential, bridging the gap between brands and their audiences with every post, comment and interaction. Join us as we explore the art and science of community management and discover how agencies like ours, CCOM, harness its power to drive meaningful engagement and foster brand loyalty.  By Stephanie Zambrana

The Upfront Is Dead, Long Live the Upfront

In an era where television was not merely entertainment but a cultural event, the inception of the TV upfronts marked a strategic revolution in advertising. In the 1960s, amid a backdrop in which today's digital sprawl was mere science fiction, upfront negotiations set the stage for an annual symbiotic dance between networks and advertisers. With only three major broadcasters holding the reins to America's visual diet, the competition for ad slots (particularly those in prime time) was fierce. Highly coveted inventory was scarce; securing it early was not just advantageous but imperative.

Ana Crandell named VP Media Services at Lopez Negrete

Lopez Negrete Communications announced that industry veteran Ana Crandell has joined its leadership team as its first vice president, media services.

A Call: Principal Media Case Studies

The Association of National Advertisers (ANA) recently released a study ("The Acceleration of Principal Media") revealing that when it comes to buying media, ad agencies are increasingly acting as principals rather than agents. That means they actually acquire the media — therefore becoming the owner, or "principal," of that media — and resell the media to their clients.

Pathways to Transparent Media: The Growing Complexity of Today’s Media Buying

The role of a media buyer has shifted dramatically since the dawn of digital marketing. Gone are the days of phone negotiations for spots in local or national print. Today's buyers need to navigate a complex ecosystem, from the ad platforms such as DV360 and Meta to the burgeoning retail media networks of Amazon, Walmart, and the like.

Need to Know: The basic of TV media buying

Where do TV ads come from? Contrary to popular belief, media buying isn’t something that ad execs do over martini lunches on Madison Ave. Let’s bust that Mad Men myth and take a closer look at the modern world of media buying.

BMO Financial Group partners with PACO Collective for Multicultural Strategy & Media Buying

PACO Collective will partner with BMO to strengthen its multicultural media strategy, planning, and buying in priority markets. This partnership underscores BMO’s commitment to engaging diverse audiences and expanding its reach across multicultural audiences.

The Acceleration of Principal Media [REPORT]

A “The Acceleration of Principal Media,” reveals a substantial knowledge gap among marketers regarding the use of principal media. The purpose of ANA’s report is to increase awareness and to help educate marketers on principal media, including its background, benefits, and challenges.  Principal-based media buying occurs when agencies buy inventory from media owners at bulk rates and then resell it to clients at a markup. Agencies become the owners or vendors of the media, rather than acting as independent agents for clients.

Profit Ability 2 – The new business case for advertising

A vast new study of advertising effectiveness has proven that advertising is a profitable driver of business growth and that all forms of advertising pay back, especially when their sustained effects are measured.

Unlocking the Value of Media Automation

In the modern media enterprise, automation has become an essential tool in the pitch-to-execution process. With fracturing audiences and structural changes looming in the digital ad market, media companies are learning how to do more with less while diversifying their core advertising offerings into higher performing omnichannel campaigns.

We’re ready for a return to Reach and Frequency

Reach and Frequency is important. Perhaps more important than it’s ever been.

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