
Hispanic cultural identity and reference groups.

Hispanics who live in the United States live in a heterogeneous cultural environment: they are surrounded both by the culture they or their relatives experienced in their country of origin and by mainstream American culture. Additionally, Hispanics who live in the United States may grow to feel a connection with people with different countries of origin within Latin America. This diverse experience exposes Hispanics in the United States to several reference groups. By Sully Moreno /Student of the Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication at the Florida State University

Telemundo announces Education Week.

Telemundo announced the launch of a week devoted entirely to the subject of education under its public service campaign “El Poder de Saber.”

Hispanic College Enrollment Spikes.

Driven by a single-year surge of 24% in Hispanic enrollment, the number of 18- to 24-year-olds attending college in the United States hit an all-time high of 12.2 million in October 2010, according to a Pew Hispanic Center analysis of newly available Census Bureau data. From 2009 to 2010, the number of Hispanic young adults enrolled in college grew by 349,000, compared with an increase of 88,000 young blacks and 43,000 young Asian Americans and a decrease of 320,000 young non-Hispanic whites. DOWNLOAD Report Here.

Online Multicultural & Hispanic Marketing Courses @ Florida State University Starting in August.

Starting August 29, Florida State University will offer for the first time an online course on Multicultural Marketing Communication. Multicultural marketing is one of the newest horizons in US marketing but there is little consensus as to its meaning, implications, and scope. The job of this course is to attempt to conceptually and pragmatically clarify the field and assess the boundaries of this growing discipline.

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