
“Univision Aprender con Rosetta Stone” Debuts

Univision Communications Inc. (UCI) announced it has entered into a new partnership with language education powerhouse Rosetta Stone Inc. The two companies have come together to debut Univision Aprender con Rosetta Stone, a new language learning program to help the Hispanic audience gain English-language proficiency.

More Than 77 Million People Enrolled in U.S. Schools

The number of people enrolled in America’s schools reached 77.2 million in 2016, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Since 1996, total school enrollment has grown 9.9 percent.

Monica Lozano to Lead College Futures Foundation

onica Lozano has been named the new President & CEO of College Futures Foundation.

Univision to air “La Fuerza de Creer”

Univision Communications Inc. (UCI), in collaboration with Too Small to Fail, an early childhood initiative of The Opportunity Institute and the Clinton Foundation, is continuing its efforts in the Hispanic community about the importance of their young children’s early brain development with the broadcast of a new miniseries, “La Fuerza de Creer” (The Power of Believing).

“Unrealized Impact” Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Education Sector [REPORT]

NewSchools Venture Fund released “Unrealized Impact,” a study on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in the education sector.

U.S. at Risk of Not Reaching 90 Percent Graduation Rate Goal by 2020

Since 2001, 2.8 million more students have graduated from high school rather than dropping out. In an economy that prizes educational attainment more than ever before, these rising rates have created enormous benefits for individuals, communities and our entire nation. But even now with the current national graduation rate at 83.2 percent, it is becoming more evident that the nation will be unable to meet its high school graduation rate goal without intensifying efforts to reach the students who have historically faced the greatest challenges.  The country remains off-pace to reaching its goal for the second year in a row.

Gen Z May Finally Close the Hispanic and African-American Educational Gap

Education is often touted as a means of “balancing the playing field” and stimulating socio-economic mobility. However, lower educational attainment levels among most racial minorities in the U.S. have been the norm since college attendance expanded into the middle class following WWII. While college attendance has increased for Hispanics and African Americans in the past couple decades, it still trails that of non-Hispanic Whites.

Youth In Poverty Six Times More Likely To Experience Detrimental Levels Of Adversity [REPORT]

Multiple adversities, the research shows, put young people at increased risk of performing poorly in school or dropping out.

NBCUniversal Telemundo Enterprises awards “Tu Educación Scholarships”

El Poder En Ti, NBCUniversal Telemundo Enterprises’ robust community initiative aimed at empowering viewers to take action for a better life, announced the El Poder En Ti “Tu Educación Scholarships,” which recognize and celebrate academic excellence, leadership skills, and the pursuit of higher education.

Children of Foreign-Born Parents More Likely to Be College-Educated Than Their Parents

Native-born children of a foreign-born parent, also known as the second generation, were more likely to be college-educated and have higher incomes than their parents’ generation, according to a first-ever report from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Raising Selfless Children in a Selfie World [REPORT]

In today’s digital world, parents overwhelmingly agree it is important to nurture good character in their children, including traits like honesty and compassion.

Univision unveils new Media Centers

Univision Communications Inc. (UCI) unveiled five new Univision Media Centers at middle schools in Austin, Chicago, Miami, Los Angeles and Oakland.

d expósito & Partners sponsors Esperanza Scholarship at Matrix Awards

New York Women in Communications, Inc. has announced the awardee of its Esperanza Scholarship, sponsored by d expósito & Partners, LLC, the New York-based Hispanic advertising and marketing agency.

Lifelong Learning and Technology [REPORT]

A large majority of Americans seek extra knowledge for personal and work-related reasons. Digital technology plays a notable role in these knowledge pursuits, but place-based learning remains vital to many and differences in education and income are a hallmark of people’s learning activities

More than Half of Asians in U.S. Have a Bachelor’s Degree or Higher

The percentage of Asians in the U.S. with a bachelor’s degree or higher rose to 54 percent in 2015, up from 38 percent in 1995, according to a new report from the U.S. Census Bureau. In addition, Asians and non-Hispanic whites were more likely to hold a bachelor’s degree or higher when compared with blacks and Hispanics.

Hispanic, black parents see college degree as key for children’s success

Hispanic and black parents place high value on a college degreeToday, 86% of Hispanic parents and 79% of black parents with children under 18 say it is either extremely or very important that their children earn a college degree. By comparison, about two-thirds (67%) of white parents say the sam

Univision unveils Univision Media Center at the New Venture Middle School in the Bronx

The first of several Univision Media Centers planned for middle schools in the U.S., this first of its kind facility will provide students with the tools and training to understand how a media newsroom operates.

Quiroz named Chair Of The Board Of Directors of Hispanic Scholarship Fund

The Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF) announced the election of Lisa Garcia Quiroz, Senior Vice President, Time Warner Inc., and President, Time Warner Foundation, as the Chair of the Board of Directors

Smithsonian announces “Latinos and Baseball” Collecting Initiative

The Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History is launching a multiyear collecting initiative, “Latinos and Baseball: In the Barrios and the Big Leagues,” to identify artifacts that reflect the social and cultural influence of the game on Latino communities.

Students, Computers and Learning – Making the Connection [REPORT]

Are there computers in the classroom? Does it matter? Students, Computers and Learning: Making the Connection examines how students’ access to and use of information and communication technology (ICT) devices has evolved in recent years, and explores how education systems and schools are integrating ICT into students’ learning experiences.

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