
For the First Time, 90 Percent Completed High School or More

For the first time, the percentage of the American population age 25 and older that completed high school or higher levels of education reached 90 percent in 2017.

Helping Latino Businesses Keep Pace

The Stanford Latino Entrepreneurship Initiative is amassing a huge database and network to nourish the fast-growing sector.

NBCUniversal Telemundo Enterprises announces “ElCampeón en Ti” Winners

Telemundo doubles down on its commitment to provide youth the opportunity to play soccer, empower future champions and expand educational opportunities for Latino youth by investing over $35,000 in scholarships to high-need, distinguished student athletes from across the country.

Ana G. Méndez University System wins 2018 Excellence in New Communications Award

Ana G. Méndez University System (AGMUS) has been awarded the 2018 Excellence in New Communications Award in the Communications, Communities and Collaboration – Academic Division by the Society for New Communications Research of The Conference Board (SNCR) for the Tu Tienes Valor (You Have Courage) campaign.

Postsecondary Enrollment Before, During, and Since the Great Recession [REPORT]

Education is highly valued in the United States as a means to acquire skills and experience that allow individuals to realize greater earnings over the course of their working lives.

First-generation students make up half of UCI’s class of 2018

Overall, UCI will grant nearly 9,800 undergraduate and graduate degrees this academic year. And in a testament to the school’s commitment to access and affordability, 50 percent of bachelor’s degrees (4,305) will be awarded to first-generation college students – the second year in a row that half are first-gen.

Wasted: is college worth the time & money? Part 4

If we Hispanics can stay away from the siren song of whiny activism, pointless social justice warring, victimization and “snowflakism”, AND if we manage to overcome our perennial allergy to careers in the fields of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) the future of our kids looks brighter than ever.  By Gonzalo López Martí – Creative director, etc./

Wasted: is college worth the time & money? Part 3

By Gonzalo López Martí  – Creative director, etc. /

In the first two installments of this meandering essay* I compared higher education to organized religion: the latter is bleeding credibility and relevance following a quite similar path to the former.

Wasted: is a college education worth the time & money? Part 2

By Gonzalo López Martí – Creative director, etc. /

  • Protestantism began because the Catholic Church was selling indulgences: documents that exculpated the dead and the alive from spending time in hell or purgatory.
  • Yup, the Holy Church literally was, and possibly still is, a “salvation retailer”.
  • In the 1500s some mid-level religious staff mostly in Northern Europe “protested” this questionable practice.
  • Politics kicked in.

ANA Launches The Talent Forward Alliance

The ANA (Association of National Advertisers) today announced the launch of the Talent Forward Alliance, a new cross-industry initiative committed to inspiring and accelerating the development of exceptional talent to fuel marketing industry growth.

NBCUniversal Telemundo Enterprises & Pitbull to empower Next Generation Media leaders

NBCUniversal Telemundo Enterprises announced the launch of Telemundo Academy, a first-ever multimedia educational institution to empower and train the next generation of media leaders. The academy’s first partners will include internationally renowned singer, actor and record producer Armando Christian Perez’s (Pitbull) SLAM Miami (Sports Leadership and Management) and the Doral Academy, two highly regarded local charter schools. 

Women Draw The Short Straw

According to an analysis published by Jillian Berman, Georgetown University’s Center on Education, and the Workforce, though women are more likely to go to college and earn degrees than men, they don’t reap as large of a benefit from their education. Instead, says the report, women typically need one more degree to earn as much as men on average.

Café Bustelo “El Café del Futuro” Scholarship Now Open for 2018 Applications

Café Bustelo® is partnering with the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) to launch the fifth-annual Café Bustelo El Café del Futuro Scholarship.

Florida State University Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication adds to their Board

The Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication at Florida State University named Rafael Jaramillo from Emerson, Beth F. Tracy from IBM, and Isaac Muñoz from Southwest Airlines to the organization’s Advisory Board.

High School Completion Rate Is Highest in U.S. History

For the first time in U.S. history, 90 percent of the population age 25 and older have completed high school. This is according to new Educational Attainment data released today from the U.S. Census Bureau.

USC Annenberg Launches Annenberg Inclusion Initiative

The leading global research and advocacy think tank directed by Professor Stacy L. Smith at USC Annenberg announced the launch of the Annenberg Inclusion Initiative. Building on the success of the groundbreaking Media, Diversity & Social Change Initiative, a driving force in the effort for more diversity both on screen and behind the camera, the Annenberg Inclusion Initiative will represent a broader mission that will include music.

Divided We Stand: Part Three – Hispanic Americans

When Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump descended the elevator, swarmed by media, to announce his candidacy in June 2015, his first shot across the bow – and his campaign was nothing if not pugilistic – was aimed at Mexicans. That day, and nearly every day after, he made immigration the centerpiece of his campaign. But the term Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR) did not escape from his lips that June day. Nor did he reach out to U.S. Latinos, as the Republican Party he was running in, claimed to believe in.  By David Morse – New America Dimensions

The Exotic Accent (Mark): Avoid Puzzling Your Audience

The spectrum of unintended prejudice against the infamous accent mark in Spanish is as wide and diverse as the various Spanish modalities spoken across 22 countries.

Divided We Stand: Part Two: African Americans

On the evening of November 4, 2008, President-elect Barack Hussein Obama, flanked by his wife Michelle, and his daughters Malia and Sasha, took the stage at Chicago’s Grant Park in front of tens of thousands of people, many who shouted “Yes we can!” It was his first address to the nation after winning a decisive victory to become the nation’s first African-American to ascend to the highest elected office in the nation.  By David Morse / New American Dimensions

Selena Artifacts Highlight Hispanic Advertising History at the Smithsonian

A new display opening Sept. 12 within the museum’s “American Enterprise” exhibition will explore advertising history through the lens of Tejano singer Selena Quintanilla-Perez (1971 – 1995). In the 1960s and 1970s, Latinos in advertising and Spanish-language broadcasting began advocating for the buying power of Latino consumers. This exhibition case looks at the transition the advertising industry made from mass market to targeting specific demographic groups.

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