
Fans are changing the game [REPORT]

Change is certainly nothing new, but its impact is seldom as sizable—or accelerated—as what the world has experienced over the past two years. For the sports industry, the return of fans at live events midway through 2021 was cheered by all, yet life has evolved too much during the pandemic for the sports industry to simply snap back to a mirror image of its pre-COVID self.

Global Consumer Media Content & Tech Spend Grew 6.7% to $2.14T in 2021, Fastest Growth in 5 Years, Driven by Digital Audio, Video, Games & Rebound in Movie Ticket Sales

Global consumer spending on media content and technology grew at an accelerated 6.7% in 2021 to $2.139 trillion, the second consecutive year of faster annual growth and the strongest gain in five years, according to a new report by PQ Media.

State of the Union 2022: How Americans view major national issues

Here’s a look at public opinion on some of the key issues facing the country, drawn from recent Pew Research Center surveys.

A relevancy revolution: the importance of Spanish language content

So what does this engagement look like? Latinos today are demanding engaging, fresh, culturally relevant, and nuanced content on trusted platforms that value the unique U.S. Hispanic experience. This is so much more than just serving up “Spanish-language content”. It is our collective demand for meaningful, representative content that delivers a bridge to our culture; serving up a place to feel seen, and be seen in content. Interestingly, it is incredibly difficult to find that special combination outside of the Spanish language ecosystem.  By Stacie deArmas, SVP, Diverse Insights & Initiatives

Integrated Pipeline Management: The Nexus of True Marketing-Sales Collaboration

Marketing and sales groups must be in sync for pipeline management to accelerate growth.

Accurately Portraying Diverse Women and Girls Delivers Significant Sales Lift for Brands [REPORT]

Across gender, language, race and ethnicity, ads with high gender equality metrics scores overall delivered 60% improved sales performance

Consumer behavior shifts and new experiences are broadening fan engagement

Few industries have been immune to the effects of the global pandemic, but the impact has been particularly notable for global sports. While the return of fans at live events midway through 2021 was cheered by all, behaviors have evolved too much for the sports industry to simply snap back to a mirror image of its pre-COVID self, particularly with respect to how fans engage with sports content.

Minority-Owned Media Gets A Boost With Nielsen’s New Study

The movement for racial justice over the last two years empowered diverse communities to raise their voices and call for action and advocacy from brands and businesses. The marketing and advertising industry met the call to action by committing to increase investment in diverse-owned media. As agencies and brands readied to invest, they found some bumps in the road.  Which media companies are diverse-owned beyond the major players? How do we evaluate the power of diverse-owned media in delivering audiences? What about diverse targeted and diverse operated media companies?  By Isaac Mizrahi - Co-President of ALMA Agency

BLACK History Month is coming to a close and a small peep

What happened to the VERY LOUD Black Marketers that we heard & saw last year and the craving by all advertisers to be perceived as woke or engaged? It is a legitimate questions, especially in the light that Black History Month is closing in 6 days. What has been the diversity and DE&I buzz lately? By Gene Bryan / CEO of HispanicAd

Multicultural Marketing, A Strategy Not A Tactic [PODCAST]

2020 was a year of highs and lows. For marketers who have always maintained a commitment to diversity and inclusion, the calls for social justice strengthened their resolve. For many others, however, the momentum of acknowledging the problem gave way to frantic, reactive statements that quickly fizzled out or failed. A year later, companies realized their approach to diversity and inclusion couldn’t be summed up in a social media post. Instead, it required a concerted, internal and external effort to fundamentally change who they are and how they present in the world.

Wellness Category Ranked #3 by Annual Growth Rate in 2021, Expanding Ad Spend +49% over 2020

When looking at the channels that helped drive this growth, Traditional Media Channels played an integral part, with overall traditional media buys up +66% YoY. In particular, Traditional TV and Radio had lifts of over +70% vs. 2020. Digital also expanded, with Digital Video (+60%) and Audio (+65%) showing the heftiest rise.

Inflation Media Management [REPORT]

In this latest issue of ECI Media Management’s Inflation Report, we explore media inflation in the context of a world economy that is recovering, albeit more slowly than hoped for.

The inflation Outlook 2022-2023

US inflation has reached its highest point in nearly 40 years, as the COVID-19 pandemic has caused both supply and demand-side shocks, with a disrupted supply chain, unprecedented levels of government fiscal stimulus, shifts in consumer spending, a decline in labor force participation, and persistent business uncertainty.

Build trust to build trial: Trustworthy channels can help

A lasting effect of digitization and the pandemic has been the proliferation of consumer choice. From being able to purchase cars and furniture online, to the pandemic’s effect of pushing more shopping into infinite virtual shelves, consumers are facing more options. That vast choice and supply chain strain have affected brand loyalty to some degree, but not to the degree that you might think. And for marketers seeking to grow their brand through new customer acquisition, all that choice means a lot more competition for new buyer

Reimagining Retail: Unexpected pandemic consequences for retailers and brands that will pop in 2022  [PODCAST]

On this episode of our new Behind the Numbers show, Reimagining Retail, our analyst Suzy Davidkhanian hosts author and keynote and strategic advisor Steve Dennis to discuss overlooked consequences the pandemic has had on retailers outside of the much-discussed supply chain and consumer loyalty woes. They also identify several smaller, lesser-known brands they think will pop in 2022.

How Many Times Can You Say The Same Thing?

Don’t get me wrong, strategy is important – but the amount of people who continue to think it is more important than what it makes happen, is insane.  By Rob Campbell

Here are dragons. What is your data map not telling you?

People love to claim that their marketing is data-driven. It makes them sound smart and fiscally responsible. But do we really have all the data we need for a brand building campaign? And could bigger opportunities be hiding off the data map?  By Nigel Hollis

How to Create and Measure Successful Multicultural Marketing

Corporate spend on multicultural marketing is expected to grow in 2022. Some of that budget is likely motivated by a long overdue cultural reconning with racial injustice, and some of it boils down to simple demographic realities. The 2020 Census revealed that the non-Hispanic White population shrank in real numbers for the first time in U.S. history. Minorities accounted for all the population growth over the past decade. Our consumer economy is becoming ever more reliant on multicultural spend, and those consumers expect to see themselves reflected in the media.


According to Census 2020 data, America’s demographics are shifting to a multicultural majority faster than anticipated. While 2020 marked the official year that the first full generation of 17 and under was a multicultural majority, the Hispanic Marketing Council (HMC) estimates that this milestone was reached sometime in the middle of the last decade—years ahead of previous predictions. More compellingly, this shift forward means that Americans under 35 could be a multicultural majority as early as next year.

The rise of the inclusive consumer

The American consumer is undeniably becoming more inclusive.

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