
Burson Latino To Host

Burson Latino, Burson-Marsteller’s team dedicated to helping clients connect and engage with U.S. Hispanic population, has partnered with TINT, a social media marketing platform that connects brands and fans, to create, a bilingual social hub for Latino-focused news, content and online conversations in the last 100 hours of the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

The Political Consumer [REPORT]

A deep dive into the impact of politics on consumers, and the brands courting them.

5 Things You Need To Know About Millennials And Health

Youth may be wasted on the young, but when it comes to taking control of their health and well-being, Millennials are pretty much kicking older generations’ saggy-old butts. That’s because, unlike Baby Boomers and Gen Xers, Millennials have a decidedly different take on what wellness means to them and how they’re living their best lives.

PROBLEMS UNSOLVED AND A NATION DIVIDED – The State of U.S. Competitiveness 2016 [REPORT]

This report provides an overview of our findings on the evolution of the U.S. economy, the state of U.S. competitiveness in 2016, and priorities for the next President and Congress, drawing on our research and the May–June 2016 surveys of alumni and the general public.  While a slow recovery is underway, fundamentally weak U.S. economic performance continues and is leaving many Americans behind. The federal government has made no meaningful progress on the critical policy steps to restore U.S. competitiveness in the last decade or more.  By Michael E. Porter, Jan W. Rivkin, Mihir A. Desai, With Manjari Raman

Univision unveils new Media Centers

Univision Communications Inc. (UCI) unveiled five new Univision Media Centers at middle schools in Austin, Chicago, Miami, Los Angeles and Oakland.

Congress and Advertising – Will 2017 Be Different?

Whoever wins this election, major governmental changes that could significantly affect the advertising sector are almost certain to take place. A major turnover of personnel will occur in D.C. next year regardless of the election’s winner. One of the first jobs for the new President will be to nominate someone to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court. Since many of the recent decisions supporting First Amendment protection for advertising have been 5-4 decisions, the newly appointed Justice could have a very large impact on our industry.  

Univision expands Uforia Music Platform and launches U-Lab

As part of Univision Communications Inc.’s (UCI) expanding integrated music strategy, Uforia Music has partnered with Casa Limon to launch U-LAB, a Music Innovation Center.

2016 Campaign: Strong Interest, Widespread Dissatisfaction [REPORT]

As Republicans and Democrats prepare for their party conventions later this month, a new national survey paints a bleak picture of voters’ impressions of the presidential campaign and the choices they face in November.

Who Cares about that Flag, Really? America is Transitioning Toward a New Patriotism

Surprisingly, those least likely to have a long American heritage are the ones who have the strongest American pride. In fact, white millennials have the lowest levels of pride compared with other ethnic groups within the generation.

d expósito & Partners sponsors Esperanza Scholarship at Matrix Awards

New York Women in Communications, Inc. has announced the awardee of its Esperanza Scholarship, sponsored by d expósito & Partners, LLC, the New York-based Hispanic advertising and marketing agency.

HispanicAd’s Hispanic Media Planning Excelencia Awards – – d exposito & Partners takes home “El Gran Plan”

HispanicAd announced the winners of the 2016 Hispanic Media Planning ‘Excelencia” Awards at the AHAA conference held in Miami, FL

Lifelong Learning and Technology [REPORT]

A large majority of Americans seek extra knowledge for personal and work-related reasons. Digital technology plays a notable role in these knowledge pursuits, but place-based learning remains vital to many and differences in education and income are a hallmark of people’s learning activities

More than Half of Asians in U.S. Have a Bachelor’s Degree or Higher

The percentage of Asians in the U.S. with a bachelor’s degree or higher rose to 54 percent in 2015, up from 38 percent in 1995, according to a new report from the U.S. Census Bureau. In addition, Asians and non-Hispanic whites were more likely to hold a bachelor’s degree or higher when compared with blacks and Hispanics.

Specific Media Behaviors Just Weeks Prior to Key Primary Elections

“The Local Vote 2016” is a 12-week effort designed to capture Americans’ most current political viewpoints and voting preferences within 10 individual states, two weeks prior to key primary elections – delivering unprecedented insights and value to political advertisers’ radio campaigns during a crucial decision-making time for voters.

How Can Radio Get More Political Advertising? [VIDEO]

Jose Dante Para is the CEO of Prospero Latino. He’s a Democratic strategist and was a senior advisor to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. As the opening keynote speaker at the Radio Ink Hispanic Radio Conference, Tuesday, Para told attendees political candidates need to use radio and, he said, the R.O.I. candidates get from radio is huge.

Are Americans Watching the Republican or Democratic Debates—or Both?

It’s no secret that when it comes to politics, passions run high—among the candidates, as well as the potential constituents themselves! And this year’s election cycle so far has been especially heated, with ardor amped up and political intrigue at what seems like all-time highs.

Hispanic, black parents see college degree as key for children’s success

Hispanic and black parents place high value on a college degreeToday, 86% of Hispanic parents and 79% of black parents with children under 18 say it is either extremely or very important that their children earn a college degree. By comparison, about two-thirds (67%) of white parents say the sam

Is speaking Spanish necessary to be Hispanic? Most Hispanics say no

Most Hispanics say speaking Spanish not necessary to be considered HispanicRubio’s confrontation with Cruz, who recently became the first Hispanic to win the Iowa caucuses, was interpreted by some as a challenge to how much Cruz belongs to or identifies with the Hispanic community in the U.S. (It’s worth noting that this is not a new tactic. Hispanic Democrats have been confronted before by fellow Latinos in a similar way.)

Which Political Ads Influence Voting Behavior?

Television is the most effective political ad format influencing voting behavior across all generations, according to a January 2016 survey. Print ads also influence behavior.

2016 electorate will be the most diverse in U.S. history

The U.S. electorate this year will be the country’s most racially and ethnically diverse ever. Nearly one-in-three eligible voters on Election Day (31%) will be Hispanic, black, Asian or another racial or ethnic minority, up from 29% in 2012. Much of this change is due to strong growth among Hispanic eligible voters, in particular U.S.-born youth.

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