Business announces Judges of 2013 ‘Hispanic Account Planning Excelencia’ Awards Competition. and AHAA: The Voice of Hispanic Marketing are proud to announce the Judges for the 2013 Hispanic Account Planning Awards competition. The awards will be bestowed at the Association of Hispanic Advertising Agency (AHAA) Annual Conference in Miami, FL in April 2013. announces Judges of 2013 ‘Hispanic Media Planning Excelencia’ Awards Competition. and AHAA: The Voice of Hispanic Marketing are proud to announce the Judges for the 2013 Media Planning Awards competition. The awards will be bestowed at the Association of Hispanic Advertising Agency (AHAA) Annual Conference in Miami, FL in April 2013.

FSU celebrates 1st year of Multicultural Marketing Communication Certificates.

Florida State University’s Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication is celebrating the first anniversary of its undergraduate and graduate Multicultural Marketing Communication Certificates.

Marthin Luther King Jr. Day.

Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivers his most famous address, “I have a dream” Martin Luther King at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (August 28, 1963)

High School Graduating Classes will be Smaller and more Diverse. [INSIGHT]

The 8th edition of Knocking at the College Door: Projections of High School Graduates, released by the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE), indicates that the population of U.S. high school graduates is entering a period of modest decline after nearly two decades of sustained growth. In addition, the pool of future college students is rapidly growing more racially and ethnically diverse, putting pressure on policymakers and practitioners to address educational attainment gaps among many traditionally underrepresented populations.

The Growing Electoral Clout of Blacks is driven by Turnout – not Demographics. [REPORT]

Blacks voted at a higher rate this year than other minority groups and for the first time in history may also have voted at a higher rate than whites, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of census data, election day exit poll data and vote totals from selected cities and counties.


In this historical saga, the essence of the Cuban Revolution is captured through the eyes of the Candela family as they reflect on the life that could have been and the generation that must create a new paradise in exile. by Antonio J. Guernica

Have a safe & enjoyable Thanksgiving Weekend

The team wishes you and your family a safe and enjoyable Thanskgiving weekend.

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