
Income gap between whites, Latinos has grown at universities.

Over the past three decades, the income disparity between Latino and non-Hispanic white students entering four-year colleges and universities has increased fourfold, with the difference in median household income growing from $7,986 in 1975 to $32,965 in 2006, according to a new UCLA report on Latino college students.

The New American Electorate: the growing political power of Immigrants and their Children.

This analysis explores the growing electoral power of “New American” voters: immigrants who are naturalized U.S. citizens and the U.S.-born children of immigrants. These voters will likely play a pivotal role in national, state, and local elections in the years to come—particularly in battleground states like Florida, Colorado, Nevada, and New Mexico.

Relationship between Latinos and Public Libraries.

Los Angeles: TRPI, in partnership with WebJunction and OCLC surveyed more than 2,860 Latinos in six U.S. states about their library use and perceptions of libraries. The results indicate that 54 percent of the Latino population visited libraries in the past year, and that Latinos hold positive perceptions of libraries.

Brand Obama or Brand McCain?

The sum total of images, words, style, body language, tone of voice, gestures, strengths, and weaknesses will be what people will buy, or not, when deciding on the Obama and McCain brand for the White House.

Significant numbers of Latino Voters still persuadable in Battleground States.

A significant percentage of Latino voters in key battleground states are either undecided or still open to persuasion in the presidential contest, according to a survey released by The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) Educational Fund.

Telemundo conducts Biometric Study during Presidential Debates.

Presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain can engage and attract Latino voters inside and outside of their respective parties by focusing on several well-defined issues and messages, according to results of breakthrough biometric testing during the first Presidential Debate on Sept. 26.

Ad Spending on Global Economic issues soars to nearly $21 Million.

In its ongoing analysis of 2008 campaign dollars spent on global economic issues, Kearsarge Global Advisors (KGA), a Washington, D.C.-based government affairs and communications firm, today released its second report in a series devoted to the topic. So far in 2008, $20,826,032 have been spent on 55,019 spots in 33 states, along with minimal national cable placements.

The Candidates: In a Word

In the latest survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press (a national survey of 2,509 voters interviewed Sept. 9-14) registered voters were asked what one word best describes their impression of the candidates for president and vice president.

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