
What’s Different About Marketing to Hispanics?

If one were to use uniform marketing efforts and ideas across the globe it would not be reasonable to expect them all to be successful or accepted among all groups of people. Differences in culture, values, behaviors, and what is “attention-grabbing” varies among people and areas of the world. These differences can create barriers between people that are sometimes hard to overcome if they are not properly understood. With that being said, using uniform marketing techniques and ideas for everyone in every place is not the best way to go about targeting different markets.

Beck receives Young Planner Recognition at 2008 HAPE Awards. presented the 2008 Young Planner recognition to Account Planning Director of Miami based C.O.D Jeff Beck during the 2008 Hispanic Account Planning Excelencia (HAPE) awards during the fall convention of the Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies on Thursday September 11, 2008 in Los Angeles.

Alex Lopez Negrete 2008 ‘Agency Executive Of The Year’.

Alex Lopez Negrete – President & CEO of Houston based Lopez Negrete Communications was honored by his peers in receiving the 2008 ‘Agency Executive of the Year’ award at the Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies bi-annual conference in Los Angeles, CA on Thursday September 11, 2008.

Pablo Buffagni 2008 ‘Creative Director Of The Year’.

Pablo Buffagni – VP Creative Director of Conill was honored by his peers for the second time since 2003 in receiving the 2008 ‘Creative Director of the Year’ award at the Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies bi-annual conference in Los Angeles, CA on Thursday September 11, 2008.

Votara Usted? The Power of Latino Communities in the 2008 Presidential Election.

Iconoculture is examining the values and motivations driving the Latino vote in the 2008 presidential election. Iconoculture’s Latino Consumer Strategist team is looking to the future and defining how emerging trends will impact the political leanings of today’s Latino communities. During Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15-October 15), there will be a great deal of emphasis on the history of the community, but the Latino market is not looking back; it is plunging ahead in an era of growth.

Marisol Calero presents ‘Mis” Joyas Prestadas’.

With a selection of seventeen songs of famous Puerto Rican, Latin American and Caribbean singers and composers, the Puerto Rican singer, Marisol Calero will present her bohemian musical “Mis” Joyas Prestadas, in Miami, at the café theatre, Kimbara Cumbara on September 12th, 13th, 19th and 20th.

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