
A Profile of Hispanic Public School Students.

The number of Hispanic students in the nation’s public schools nearly doubled from 1990 to 2006, accounting for 60% of the total growth in public school enrollments over that period. There are now approximately 10 million Hispanic students in the nation’s public kindergartens and its elementary and high schools; they make up about one-in-five public school students in the United States. In 1990, just one-in-eight public school students were Hispanic.

Obama announced $20M commitment to engage and mobilize Hispanic Voters.

Senator Barack Obama’s Presidential campaign together with the Democratic National Committee announced a $20 million commitment to engaging and mobilizing Hispanic voters for the November election at a press conference with Senator Ken Salazar (D-CO), Congressman Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ), Congresswoman Hilda Solis (D-CA) and Congressman José Serrano (D-NY).

Latino Voting Statistics.

The Tomás Rivera Policy Institute (TRPI) offers important Latino voting statistics that will influence the 2008 US Presidential race.

2008 National Survey of Latinos: Hispanic Voter Attitudes.

Hispanic registered voters support Democrat Barack Obama for president over Republican John McCain by 66% to 23%, according to a nationwide survey of 2,015 Latinos conducted by the Pew Hispanic Center.

Dieste & FSU Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication develop Experiential Program.

The classroom of Hispanic community life is open to a team of talented graduate students pursuing an education at The Florida State University Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication who have embarked on a summer internship that takes them out of the classroom and office and into Hispanic family dynamics. The project is the first of a program being developed by Dieste in partnership with FSU’s Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication.

Mujer Dominicana en Nueva York exhibit.

Beginning August 19th through September 30th, 2008, Dominican Republic-based foodservice company MercaSID and its brand, Aceite Cristol, will unveil Proyecto “MUJER Dominicana en Nueva York” (The Dominican Women‚s Project in New York), a major photo exhibition highlighting the lives and achievements of Dominican women across the Diaspora.

READ Fútbol Mundial to encourage non-fiction reading among Latino Kids.

The Mundial Group released READ Fútbol Mundial, a new kids magazine about soccer, in May to Miami-Dade County elementary and middle school students. Approximately 20,000 copies were requested by local teachers to distribute to their students under the premise of encouraging non-fiction reading. – HAPE Awards rules and entry form.

For the third consecutive year and AHAA bring forth the Hispanic Account Planning Excelencia Awards (HAPE).

This year, we will not be looking for Transcreations / Adaptations / Translations.

Differently from previous years, we have three new categories along with three new special mentions and recognitions.

Voter turnout up 7 Million in 2006.

Some 96 million voted in the 2006 congressional elections, an increase of 7 million from 2002, according to a report released by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Latinos striving for the American Dream get help from Good Neighbors at State Farm.

This Independence Day, State Farm officially launches a lead sponsorship role in the National Association of Latino Elected Officials (NALEO) Ya Es Hora (It’s Time) campaign to empower Latinos to become full participants in American life through increased civic engagement. The goal of the program is to help educate, mobilize, and integrate the Latino Community into the civic process.

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