
What It Took To Get Me Back To School After 30 Years!

The class is all abuzz with excitement and energy! A ‘big executive’ from the real world of business is coming to talk to our class. It’s only the fourth week of classes and we have already had two important guests…what a treat! Every seat in the class is filled and we all look up expectantly, as our professor and Director of Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication, Dr. Felipe Korzenny, comes into the room with the guest of honor.

The 2005 ‘Ad Agency Executive & Creative Director Of The Year’.

John Gallegos of the Gallegos Group was honored by his peers in receiving the 2005 Advertising Agency Executive of the Year award and Favio Ucedo also from the Gallegos Group was honor with the Creative Director of the Year award at the Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies conference on Thursday September 29, 2005 in New York.

International Galleries Inc. Launches Ad Campaign In Spanish.

In a bold move that reflects the growth of the Hispanic market across the country, International Galleries Inc. (IGI) launches their first advertising campaign in Spanish — targeting the Hispanic consumer instead of so-called mainstream America.

Pre-Hispanic Past Highlighted @ De Young Museum.

Following the success of the Maya exhibition in 2004, the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco continues its commitment to showcase pre-Hispanic art at the new de Young museum, opening in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park in October 2005.

California Launches Prevention Campaign For Young Men To End Sexual Violence.

The California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA) unveiled a cutting-edge multi-media and outreach campaign to prevent sexual violence in California that targets young men aged 14-18 and engages them as part of a solution to prevent first-time perpetration.

Allstate & NCLR Scholarships For Hispanic Youth Leaders Making A Difference In Their Communities.

Allstate Insurance and the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) awarded ten Hispanic youth leaders each with a Líderes de Hoy $5,000 academic scholarship.

We care. ……. But do you?

We work 24/7 in advancing our careers working diligently at promoting the marketing value of our Hispanic communities.

When do we stop, think and act unselfishly to seriously help make an impact not on an advertisers’ bottom line, but on the social fabric of our communities?

Is it that we care more about the mighty ‘Peso Americano or our personal glory’ that we cannot see the issues facing the people that make our marketing plans and our bottom lines work?

No don’t stop reading if you are an AHAA member……….

Milner – 1st FSU Graduate Of Hispanic Marketing Communications.

Carolina Milner is an alumna of Florida State University with a Masters of Science in Integrated Marketing Communication and Management. After receiving her Bachelors of Arts degree in International Affairs with an emphasis in Marketing from FSU, Milner was accepted into the university’s unique Graduate Certification Program at the Center for the Study of Hispanic Marketing Communications, which trains students on marketing to the US Hispanic market. Milner was the first recipient to receive the certification.

Patriot Day – Remembering 9.11.2001

In honor of our fallen citizens and heroes of our great nation that lost their lives on 9.11.2001, wishes all Americans and all freedom loving people PEACE.

Strong Support For High School Reform Among Latinos.

A new poll by the Alliance for Excellent Education, a Washington-based policy, research, and advocacy organization that works to make every child a graduate, prepared for postsecondary education and success in life, found strong support among Latinos for greater investment in our nation’s high schools.

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