
The Political Voice Of Generation X.

In a recent survey of 2,640* young Latinos age 18 to 34, conducted by, 90.8 percent believe that the Hispanic vote is critical in this election year. On the heels of the much anticipated Democratic Convention, both presidential candidates have done their share of campaigning to this influential segment by making appearances to key Hispanic civil rights groups and spending large amounts of money on Spanish-language advertising.

Key Issues For Hispanic Voters – Education,Economy & Health Care.

Hispanic voters are more concerned this year about issues that affect all Americans — such as education, the economy, health care and the war against terrorism — than about immigration, according to a new comprehensive survey of Latino
registered voters. As has long been the case, these voters are much more concerned about education than the general public, and they are most likely to say education will be extremely important in their vote for president this year, according to the survey released today by the Pew Hispanic Center and the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Practical Tips For Latinos Moving To USA.

For many, moving to the United States is both an exciting and a frightening prospect. “Where will I live?” “How can I get a driver’s license?” “Can I open a bank account while waiting for my green card?” These are just some of the questions many face upon arrival. With the publication of “The New York Times Guide for Immigrants in New York City,” answers to many of those questions are now readily available in Spanish, English and Chinese, all in one volume.

AmericArtes Festival 2004: Espíritu De Puerto Rico

AmericArtes! is a multi-year Latin American festival weaving together the movement and the metaphor of the vibrant cultures of Latin America in a host of music, dance, theater, film, visual, and literary arts programs. Performances and events on the Kennedy Center’s main stages, Millennium Stage, and in the Terrace Gallery showcase the eclectic mix of regional cultures in Latin America, reflecting the indigenous African, Spanish, and Portuguese influences that flavor the unique arts of the Americas.

Latino Kings Of Hip Hop Tour.

Hip hop fans across the country will have the opportunity to see today’s top Latino hip hop artists perform together in the Latino Kings of Hip Hop Tour. The tour begins July 28, 2004 and will be headlined by multi-platinum artist Fat Joe along with his group, The Terror Squad, and will include artists Frankie J, Play-N-Skillz and Tony Sunshine.

Kerry-Edwards Campaign Hispanic Ad Buy.

The Kerry-Edwards campaign announced the largest Hispanic ad buy in presidential campaign history. The million dollar buy, which includes television, radio and print ads, highlights the values that connect John Kerry with the Latino community – family, faith and honor.

LULAC’s Role In The Advancement Of Civil Rights.

As the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) celebrates its 75th anniversary during its National Convention it reflects back on its rich history of service to Latinos around the country. During the Diversity Luncheon today attendees were reminded of LULAC’s great accomplishments.

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