

The Hispanic Marketing Council (HMC) announced early bird registration is open for 2024 HMC Annual Summit on April 10 to 11 at Convene at One Liberty Plaza in New York City’s Financial District. In addition, HMC released the first round of C-suite headliners, including Pablo Di Si, President & CEO of Volkswagen Group of America; Greg Gallagher, Vice President of Brand Marketing, Beer Division Constellation Brands and Esperanza Teasdale, Vice President & General Manager of PepsiCo, who will showcase the culture-driven strategies that are yielding growth and competitive market share.

How Brands Bolster Their DEI Efforts Amid Growing Turbulence [PODCAST]

Bud Light. Kohl's. Target. These are just a few of the major brands that faced a serious backlash last year for embracing in their marketing and merchandising efforts. But the backlash sparked an additional backlash.

Inclusion, Equity and Diversity C-Suite Survey [REPORT]

Employers are being confronted with numerous legal and workplace complexities in managing inclusion, equity and diversity (IE&D) programs, from the repercussions of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decisions to roll back affirmative action college admissions policies to new anti-IE&D state laws to mounting calls to take a stance on social issues.

Nueva Network renews Los Jefes nationally syndicated sports show with Alvaro Morales

Nueva Network, a Spanish Language media company, 100% Minority Owned and Operated announced today they renewed their Affiliation and Sales agreement with ESPN’s sports commentator Alvaro Morales and his radio show “Los Jefes.”

AIMM Diversity Report: Compendium of Historical Member Case Studies [REPORT]

Throughout the years, AIMM's Diversity Report for the Advertising/Marketing Industry have included compelling case studies from ANA members' DE&I initiatives. These cases share the stories of brands making diversity, equity, and inclusion a priority, and putting actions behind their words. Each edition of the diversity report between 2018 and 2022 featured case studies. Much of the information shared in those case studies is still highly relevant today. We have assembled those case studies in a compendium.

Telemundo presents exclusive coverage of all CHIVAS home marches for Liga MX’S Clausura 2024 Tournament

Telemundo, the home of Chivas de Guadalajara in the U.S., will present coverage of all Chivas home matches across Telemundo, Universo, and Peacock throughout the Liga MX Clausura 2024 tournament with a 1-hour pregame show and 30-minute postgame show for every match.

Embracing Diversity: The Integral Role of Hispanic Heritage

The narrative of Hispanic Americans is richly bilingual, a testament to a community where language is as much about cultural identity as communication. The ability to speak Spanish is not merely a skill—it's a vital heritage connector for most of this vibrant demographic.  By Sylvia Vidal - Senior Vice President, Insights | Qualitative & Quantitative Research | U.S. Multicultural & LGBTQIA+ Research | Inclusive Research Advocate | Latin America & Caribbean Research Specialist

Top 2023 Multicultural & Inclusive Marketing Learnings to Bring into 2024 [REPORT]

As we welcome the new year, we at Santiago Solutions Group (SSG) have reflected on the accomplishments within our industry, the growing insights per consumer segment, and the technological advancements that have taken charge in our business landscape. There have been many unique learnings for all segments – through partnerships with brands and organizations, attendance at numerous industry-wide conferences, and more. Here are 6 key insights we’ve learned throughout the year 2023: Women of color, especially Latinas, drive spending and set new trends in the beauty industry where building brand trust and adapting to a more diverse audience becomes imperative.

US Multicultural Media Spend to Grow at Accelerated 8.3% to 45.8B in 2024, as Hispanic, African & Asian American Markets Benefit from Influx of Political & Sports Dollars

United States multicultural advertising and marketing spending, including Hispanic, African and Asian American markets, is expected to surge 8.4% to a record $45.83 billion in 2024, following decelerating growth of 5.7% in 2023 compared with the strong upswing in 2022, according to new research released today by PQ Media, the world's leading provider of media econometrics.

2023 Hispanic Content, Data & Social Report – Available for download FREE

HispanicAd offers its annual report on key Content usage strategies, along with the importance of using Data strategies to engage the US Hispanic Consumer. Social Marketing strategies are reviewed for their performance value.

2023 Hispanic Market Overview Report- DOWNLOAD for FREE in association with Adam R Jacobson are proud to announce the availability of the 2023 Hispanic Market Overview – titled “A Call For Full Inclusion”

Beyond Stereotypes: Embracing Specificity for Authentic Multicultural Marketing

Multicultural marketing has emerged as a critical strategy for brands seeking to reach and engage a broader audience in today's interconnected, global marketplace. However, the days of generic, one-size-fits-all campaigns are long gone. Today's discerning consumers demand authenticity and cultural relevance, and it's up to brands to rise to the challenge and meet their needs.

Overcoming the Limits of Multicultural Marketing [PODCAST]

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Javier Farfan, Culture Marketing Strategist at the National Football League (NFL), delves into various multicultural campaigns the NFL has launched to effectively reach and engage multicultural audiences and how the league overcomes multicultural marketing pitfalls.

Unwrapping the Top Five Multicultural Holiday Shopping Trends in 2023 [REPORT]

The 2023 holiday shopping season kicked off strong, with Adobe Analytics reporting a record $9.8 billion in Black Friday online sales, up 7.5% from 2022.Cyber Monday numbers were even stronger, with consumers spending $12.4 billion, a 9.6% increase over last year. So, what does this mean for December sales and the rest of the holiday shopping season? ThinkNow recently conducted a nationally representative quantitative survey of 1,500 consumers revealing insights into what Americans buy and spend for the holidays. From shopping habits to spending patterns, let's delve into the top five trends shaping the 2023 holiday shopping season.

Diverse Voices: Language and Identity Among U.S. Hispanics

In the rich tapestry of the U.S. Hispanic community, language holds a complex and evolving role. The latest Pew Research Center Report paints a vivid picture of this linguistic landscape, offering marketers valuable insights into how language, identity, and culture intersect.  By Sylvia Vidal - Senior Vice President, Insights | Qualitative & Quantitative Research

Immigrant Archive Project launches Legacy Film Division

Capturing the essence of families' unique stories has always been our passion, and now, we're taking it to the next level with our dedicated Legacy Film Division.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Marketing Luminaries Weigh In

In today's business world, the topics of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are more than just buzzwords; they represent critical components for innovation, creativity, and growth. But what do some of the industry's luminaries think about these pressing issues? Marketing Futures Podcast host Mike Berberich shares some recent responses to a question he asks every guest: "What are your thoughts on diversity, equity, and inclusion?"

Equality & Inclusivity Drive Brand Growth and Offset Potential Risk

In 2020, more than 500 companies and marketing executives signed the ANA AIMM Pledge, doubling down on eradicating systemic inequities and achieving equity in the marketing and advertising industry. In the years that followed, there were remarkable transformations, increased investment in diverse media, improved representation behind and in front of the camera, a rise in inclusive marketing and authentic cultural portrayals in ads and content, and far-reaching commitments to diversifying talent.

Creating marketing impact with the Hispanic community

Diversity, equity and inclusion have been on the top of the agendas for business leaders from the CMO to the boardroom for quite some time, but 2023 was a watershed year of polarity and backlash. So, what are consumers actually thinking about these issues and what are their concerns as it relates to marketing? And what’s most important to Americans when it comes to DEI from business leaders and marketers?

How AIMM Is Helping Foster Inclusivity in Front & Behind the Camera

At ANA's Multicultural and Diversity Conference in October, AIMM recently highlighted how its systemic interventions are driving change across the marketing ecosystem in respect to multicultural marketing and DEIB and shared the different resources its providing to support brands in their journey to be more inclusive. AIMM also created its GrowthFront initiative which provides minority-owned media companies with an opportunity to connect with brands that want to increase their investment in multicultural suppliers and audiences.

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