
Direct Navigation: The Foundation for the Online Business of Brands and of Cybersquatters.

The Internet has changed greatly since its inception, and is arguably the fastest growing medium for the dissemination of information, communication, and global commerce. In addition to changes within the Internet landscape, there have been distinct changes in the behavior of Internet users. In order to use the Internet as effectively as possible, today’s brand owners must recognize the patterns in Internet behavior and browsing. The purpose of this paper is to closely examine the ways that users seek the content they are looking for and to identify the new and evolving set of problems facing brand owners who are trying to develop their online presence.

Digital Hispanic Ads: More Than a Blip?

Digital Hispanic Ads: More Than a Blip?

Advertisers spent $180 million on display ads to reach the online US Hispanic audience last year, accounting for 4.6% of total Hispanic ad spending in 2007, according to July 2008 data from TNS Media Intelligence.

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