
State of the Blogosphere 2008.

Technorati’s State of the Blogosphere 2008 report has unearthed and analyzed the trends and themes of blogging.

IBM Study shows Consumers will accept new forms of Advertising.

IBM’s second global online survey of consumer digital media and entertainment habits revealed that consumers are adopting digital content services — such as social networking and videos — on mobile phones and personal computers at an accelerated pace, and it is impacting traditional consumption habits.

Brand Personality: Communicating Character and Authenticity in a Digital World.

Digital media technologies have opened many new channels of communication and information, giving companies the opportunity to develop much closer relationships between their brands and their consumers. As a result, both companies and their brands have had to establish the type of strong personality and confident attitude that can engage consumers, inspire trust, obtain advocacy, and sustain active interest and involvement.

Kids & Teens are always On.

Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk.

The Blogosphere in Latin America: An Analysis of the Region’s Webfluentials.

A study released by The Jeffrey Group reveals that the blogosphere in Latin America is established and growing in size and impact as rapidly as the Internet penetration in the region. The study, titled The Blogosphere in Latin America: An Analysis of the Region’s Webfluentials, examines the patterns and impact of blogging in Latin America as a growing medium of communication with a huge potential for business and organizational impact.

Digital Tactics for Reaching Young Adults.

Responding young adults in the US said e-mail and direct mail were bigger influencers on their purchasing decisions than social networks, according to recently released data from an ExactTarget-sponsored survey conducted by the Ball State University Center for Media Design.

US Internet user update.

The Internet has long been a mass medium in the US, but it just got a little more massive.

Family, Friends & Community – Networked Families.

The internet and cell phones have become central components of modern family life. Among all household types, the traditional nuclear family has the highest rate of technology usage and ownership.

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