
CMO Council: ‘Track the Yack’ among mobile computer users.

A new cyber “eavesdropping” program to “Track the Yack” among mobile computer users has analyzed thousands of conversations, comments and opinions in online discussions groups to gain revealing insights into the sentiments and preferences of today’s diverse digital user base worldwide.

Global Internet audience surpasses 1 billion visitors.

comScore, Inc. reported that total global Internet audience (age 15 and older from home and work computers) has surpassed 1 billion visitors in December 2008, based on data from the comScore World Metrix audience measurement service.

Two Basic E-Mail Tactics.

Sending out the right e-mail message with a short subject line on Monday or Tuesday is a good start.

Nearly all online marketers use e-mail. Studies conducted in January 2009 by two companies also confirm that most behave similarly when it comes to basic tactical decisions.

2008 Digital Future Report.

The Center for the Digital Future at the USC Annenberg School is pleased to present the results of the seventh year of our project, “Surveying the Digital Future.” The seven years of longitudinal research comprise an absolutely unique data base that completely captures broadband at home, the wireless Internet, on-line media, user-generated content and, now, social networking.

What’s Competing for Internet Users’ Attention?

The answer: A lot.

Getting consumers’ undivided attention gets harder all the time. Much like drivers who listen to music, talk on the phone, apply makeup and eat at the same time, Internet users in the US conduct a wide array of activities while online.

Have Students Graduated from E-Mail?

They have no use for irrelevant messages, that’s for sure.

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