
FTC revises Online Behavioral Advertising Principles.

The Federal Trade Commission issued a report describing its ongoing examination of online behavioral advertising and setting forth revisions to proposed principles to govern self-regulatory efforts in this area. The key issue concerns how online advertisers can best protect consumers’ privacy while collecting information about their online activities.

Nearly 2/3 of U.S. Hispanics access the Internet monthly.

United States Hispanics are not only online in overwhelming numbers, but they are taking advantage of the internet’s position as a primary tool for information. Previous notions of Hispanics not having access to the internet, or being unaware of its possibilities, have been smashed. Not only are U.S. Hispanics online, but they turn to the internet for a variety of reasons.

2008 Digital Year in Review.

comScore, Inc. released a new report, The comScore 2008 Digital Year in Review, which recaps key trends in U.S. digital marketing for the year. The comprehensive report highlights the key trends in several areas of digital marketing, including e-commerce, top-growing sites and site categories, search, online video, online advertising and mobile, and how digital marketers can capitalize on these trends in 2009.

Generations Online in 2009.

Over half of the adult internet population is between 18 and 44 years old. But larger percentages of older generations are online now than in the past, and they are doing more activities online, according to surveys taken from 2006-2008.

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